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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I love your nostalgic period shots. They are so sexy!!!
  2. Not surprisingly, It's Caitlin. The object on the left is my foot.
  3. When I get inworld tomorrow I will. You can also search for Sandy Island Resorts. The club is gone now, but there is a floating Island Castle you can fly to. An elevator takes you to a fully equipped dungeon!!! Then the art gallery.. First floor is mostly art pics of Caitlin.
  4. Well, this is what my avatar looked like today today. Caitlin delivered. Mama Allpa certified doctor. Caitlin wanted me to find one quickly for this weekend, so I did. She was still half alseep when we went to the clinic. It was quite the experience. We named our daughter Lilith. It was coincidental that the doctor's middle name was that as well, but very appropriate. In case anyone finds my images offensive, I kindly ask that you not be offended. This is how we all came into this world. Through birth. Our mothers naked. Us helpless newborns. It is an expression of love between a man and a woman. Bringing in new life.
  5. Well, this is what my avatar looked like today today. Caitlin delivered. Mama Allpa certified doctor. Caitlin wanted me to find one quickly for this weekend, so I did. She was still half alseep when we went to the clinic. It was quite the experience. We named our daughter Lilith. It was coincidental that the doctor's middle name was that as well, but very appropriate. In case anyone finds my images offensive, I kindly ask that you not be offended. This is how we all came into this world. Through birth. Our mothers naked. Us helpless newborns. It is an expression of love between a man and a woman. Bringing in new life.
  6. Don't fool yourself. Some of us notice. I love the stars on your eyelashes. I think you have a great look!!!
  7. Rowan, I love the expression on your new profile pic too. That made me laugh so much!!! It's great!!!
  8. A new friend, Sheri, who I met through Caitlin. She hired me ( as Swallow ) as dancer in the club where she's one of the managers. I told her I was a man in RL, and she got to meet me as Sandor too.
  9. A new friend, Sheri, who I met through Caitlin. She hired me ( as Swallow ) as dancer in the club where she's one of the managers. I told her I was a man in RL, and she got to meet me as Sandor too.
  10. I was thinking, and a little upset at the time. Well, more than a little.
  11. I like this version better. What happened can't change but the pic can!!! What does everyone else think?
  12. With a new friend, Sheri, that Caitlin introduced me to. We're at a cloning tank. She wanted to clone Cait, but I didn't know if it was RP or not, so I checked it first. It was just RP. Cait can get herself into real trouble, so I check things.
  13. This pic just looks great!!! Nuff said, as Stan Lee would say....
  14. And party? Yes Caitlin and I are planning one. You are welcome to come to it. You just may not be prepared for it lol!! I doubt I will be able to post pics of it here though!!!
  15. OMG I'm laughing. Apparently you don't know anything about our past history. And he IS my friend. It's no trap!!!
  16. Don't you F***ng dare!!!! You've run before. You don't do that again!!! I'm your friend, and you know that. I will help you when I can. Stand strong!!!
  17. It all looks ominous. But it was simply my friend Marie showing me a new house she's living in.
  18. LOL, evidently any one who enjoys your company does. I really don't remember her name. Nothing happened between that woman and myself though.
  19. Oh yes Lol, you can be my nightmare. I just happen to like nightmares.
  20. Um, Scyll... Lol... I clearly stated their names. Caitlin, my wife, and Swallow, who is my alt. And to be clear, Caitlin is well aware that I am both Swallow and Sandor. And thank you!!! All of my shots are opportunity shots, unless I say that I posed them. They are a history of my SL experiences.
  21. Here are some pics from my wedding with Caitlin. They are not good by any means. It's hard to focus on pics when we have a ceremony in front of others. I didn't take all of them. I credit my old friend Mistress Brandy for half. The better ones. I thank everyone who came to witness what we chose to do publicly. Nal, who woke up late, because she didn't wake up to her alarm clock RL. The fact that she would set it it meant a lot me. Permaruthed, simply because she would remember without a reminder and cared enough to come. Kaleg because he wanted to come. The others because they are my friends, and chose to come. I don't list them because they aren't on the forums. The one I do list though, is my wife Caitlin. I thank her for being with me. For the insanity we go through. For making me understand the concept of subspace and what it entails. P.S.: Ayeleeon was best man but he wasn't able to attend.
  22. The short hair works great for your pic. I still like the longer hair better on you though.
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