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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. A little bit of an experimental pic. I don't know if I like it or not.
  2. Lol. Looks great, but I like you as Marrianne!!!
  3. "So pretty" was the first thing that came in my mind.
  4. I agree I honestly can't remember the last time I was bored though. Neither RL nor SL.
  5. LOL, you really should come and visit the Island.
  6. Would you prefer him to take them off so he can cool down a bit?
  7. A quick raw, but cropped pic of a new place I created on the island
  8. This reminds me so much of Lucille Ball!!!
  9. Why laugh? If someone doesn't have Lindens, it's wonderful starter mesh body. My opinion anyways. I made money Escorting with it.
  10. If someone wants a decent free body, enter the draw for the Lucybody. It fits Maitreya clothing.
  11. LOL, you would fit in perfectly at our Castle with that look. Gives you a bit of an "extreme" appearance in my mind. Looks great!!!
  12. I was just working on signage for the Castle. Group Joiner, individual instructions, etc. I have it all combined in one photoshop file, so easy to retrieve (just named a setup individually). I accidentally ended up with this composite, which I liked.
  13. OK, I just realized how this could have sounded bad. My wife likes me to call her "Cat". And she DID send me an offline IM today.
  14. Hanging out a little bit with my old Friend Athena on the lowest Penthouse level
  15. Arrest me!!! Please!! I promise I won't resist!!!
  16. A pic in some casual clothes, while working on setting up our Castle to get it ready for visitors. And we are slowly getting some.
  17. You and I don't always agree on things. But On this issue, we do. Hands down.
  18. Another pic with an ambiguous meaning. Ether drop dead sexy, or smouldering hot. I can't decide which one you were trying to express...
  19. If they don't ask, don't tell. As long as it's not a relationship forming. And with an AV like that, who WOULDN'T want to dance with you?
  20. LOL, tell me about it. I'm mostly male nowadays, but my wife wanted me to be female this last week.
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