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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Cat and I the other day, trying to find "garbage prims" in the water at our waterfall. It's hard enough to stick to 5000 without having ones lying around that are leftovers, or lost prims.
  2. After all of that, she still had enough energy to come to a discussion group tonight, to discuss a piece of art. Here with my good friend Christina as well.
  3. Doing my best to help Cinnamon relax after her long day.
  4. What's actually fascinating, is the amount of women , and men to add, who enjoy degradation and humiliation as a kink. But wouldn't tolerate it for a moment outside of fantasy RP (whether RL or SL). And then there is the aftercare that BOTH parties require, to ensure that it was play, and not something real. Caring and trust are VITAL for our kind of play.
  5. I guess I was just editing to make it sound good. I didn't realize I had posted it, and then edited. I can't remember what I wrote. Either way, there was no misogynistic intent. You wouldn't like her character though.
  6. Well, Caitlin needs a "Mom", in some of our RP scenarios, so who better than Swallow? Looking a little older to make it more feasible...and looking like she has a bit of... "experience". It wasn't all that easy to find things that add a bit of maturity, without overdoing it. Caitlin's "Mom", is supposed to be about 20 years older, which looks about right to me in this pic.
  7. Nal TP'd me over to the Fantasy Faire, and she was wearing this dress. I thought it looked great on her, so I asked her where she got it, and I went and got it for Cat!!! Nal said she wants to see Cat in it. So until Nal can see Cat wearing it inworld, here she is in it!!!
  8. And for a bit of relaxation while I was working on modelling our bridge...I went to visit the Devil. He prefered to be referred to as Darkness, though. Cat and I are, of course, whitelisted in the depths of hell.
  9. Cat and I at the Fantasy Faire. There was so much stuff, we didn't even know what to look at. Of course i was looking at her AV too, wearing the new outfit I just got her!!! I don't have much time nowadays to fix up my images, so they're just quick crops with a basic filter.
  10. Where is this?. Cat and I just HAVE to come and visit!!!
  11. Cat and I saying some quick goodbyes, before she has to be away from SL for a couple of days. In our own personal "Garden of Eden" we've been building for ourselves. We didn't have anything with us we could kiss and hug with, but we had our words, and our love. Those are more important than any animation. Pic taken just now.
  12. It really DOES look cool. My pics aren't deceiving. It's too small when you unpack it though, so you have to go through the crazy modding I did, and link it all first. That's also the only way of positioning it. It's not hard once you know what to make phantom and what not to. I'll tell you if you want to do that, so you don't waste several hours. Or you can visit our Island and check through it. It's made by ~*Sweet Revolutions*~ and it's the ~*SR*~ Silvan Secret Dungeon Box. Now as to where it is in our SIM, that's a secret. People have to find it. It's easily accessible though. No TP pad. But there's a trick to getting in (unless you just want to cam in, of course). We aren't trying to be historically accurate with it. It's accurate to what it is: a BDSM dungeon with horror added. I'm reminded of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Rats in the Walls". So yes, it's pure fantasy. We aren't finished with everything, so if anyone DOES come, please don't mind the mess.
  13. LOL, we were certainly proud to be featured. We had to give a full explanation of how crazy it was to put that dungeon in. The rezboz would move it just fine, but the minute I rotated it, the parts would be all scrambled at different rotations. Getting a redelivery didn't help. And of course, it was a bit cramped, so I had ro resize it. With everything linked. This caused issues with parts that have to be phantom, so we could actually get into it. We were blocked by invisible forces, and stood in midair!!! After changing each of the parts individually, I discovered the last bit was caused by the rock base itself. Hours of frustration!!! Cat said today, that by the time we're finish remodelling our Island, it'll be time to remodel again!!! Gasp, isn't that just the truth!!!
  14. Of course, what would our Island be without a dungeon somewhere?
  15. Cat and I couldn't find a proper bridge between two of our floating islands, so I had to start making one outside of SL. It's still rough, and 188 prims!!! And it still needs a lot more to it to be right. Such as some kinds of sides to keep people from falling off. Then of course, I discovered that the mesh I uploaded is like a box. I have to make it phantom, and add prims for a base, or I just walk on air between the two end points!!! Here is my early experiment.
  16. Cat checking things out a couple of days ago. So far she's happy with what we've done. So am I. Until we find something we, I mean I, have to fix!!! I have my "honey do" list!!!
  17. Working on Our second floating Island. I hate the planes the plants have. The prim count would be insane as full mesh though
  18. Cat and I have been busting our asses working over the last several weeks building our slice of paradise. Here's one of our floating Islands. She's not in the pics, because she had to log before I had a chance to take pics together. She and I seem to feed off each other's excitement, and that's coming through in the amount of time we've spent building as well. Archangel got us motivated with his gorgeous SIM.
  19. I haven't had a chance to post too much recently. I've been really busy with Cat working on our island. This I just had to. The girl in the pic reminded me a lot of Caitlin. In fact she said Cat could be her (SL) mother!!!
  20. @Jordan Whitt's Exhibit. I particularly liked one she made that's not in this pic. Another with a blindfold.
  21. I better tell Cat you have the same dress she does...
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