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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. OMG Leora!!! Now you have me laughing too. Yes. The hair on her HEAD!!!
  2. She's really only online to help Caitlin with her head HUD, and to test a legacy body. She's only ever interacted with Cat and @Cinnamon Mistwood. I don't usually work on her AV. But hey, I might as well make her look better when I have the inkling. She has no real inventory.
  3. I was thinking about that when I was working on it. I'll have to try a bit wider on her shoulders tomorrow.
  4. Detachment only applies if a person has something to detach from. But Sam is right. This is a photo thread. Let's look at the body shape I was working on for my alt while I was typing here.
  5. LOL, my focus is on my close friendships and relationships. We have slowly extended into each other's real lives. Beyond these few, I really don't care about who is who, or who is what. That applies to both inworld, and here the forums. Interesting? Fun? For sure. But do I actually care? Nope. Not in the slightest.
  6. I'll take mine with fake movie theater butter. And a Pepsi...(with the rum I smuggled in).
  7. There IS no lock. What? I meant, that are you Bill and Talligurl, and Ayeleon?
  8. I don't know whether to laugh, or say "thank you"!!! So I'll do both!!! Hey, we deal with all sorts of "animals", so why not cows? "Sacred" would have been more suitable though LOL: "Thrill Thrill Thrill...Kill Kill Kill... Make a scene...Knock off the Dean"... (The "Kingsmen" was a total knockoff)
  9. That house is still there. I keep renting the land from Jenn. It's old and primitive. I want to change it to something else, but Cat wants me to finish the Island first. Or at least finish it enough to have an open house. Don't tell me what I'm thinking is true LOL...
  10. Cat and I at @Cinnamon Mistwood's house last night. Cinny had to logoff before I could get any pics with her in them. We tend to get deep into our chats, so taking pics isn't always first on the list.
  11. I know that. I was insinuating that some people should put ME on THEIR ignore list. I rarely talk about anyone behind their backs, and the odd time I do, it's in PM or inworld extremely briefly, so they would never know anyways.
  12. Sorry FulLPerm. I was editing when you gave me a like. You may may not still like what I wrote.
  13. Isn't that just so true LOL!!! That's why someone i know said I have my own "fanboi hater's" club.
  14. I was taking a sip of my coffee, and almost spewed it all over my keyboard laughing when I read your post. Love your sense of humour!!!
  15. I totally agree. The "ignore" button should be used much more often.
  16. Or sometimes beautiful wife who ends up to be abusive.
  17. I've seen that in RL more times than I prefer to recall.
  18. It's OK...keep telling yourself that....It'll be fine...
  19. I agree. It's deceit that is the issue. I was just bringing up something I experienced with Cinnamon and others from a somewhat perceptual perspective. Friends treat me differently in a female alt or AV, even though they know it's me. They said it was because they can't see me as a man in their heads when I'm in a female AV. Female friends will treat me like a female friend, and not want the same activities with me as when I'm in my regular AV. Not all cases, but most, from my experience. I'll react differently to one of my female friends in a male AV as well.
  20. This is an interesting point. You and I know each other's alts. We react differently to seeing each other according to what we see on the screen. If I block the view of your alt, then I feel like I'm talking to YOU. If I don't, I feel like I'm talking to someone else. Our visuals affects us to a great extent. Our brains associate a person with their bodies, not just their minds. We may NOT have an actual choice in treating someone in alt differently. Depending, of course on how similar the alt looks to the main account.
  21. Tables... Lamps... Are we getting into forniphilia now? I AM being serious.
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