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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Cogito, Ergo Sum. That's all we can ever be sure about.
  2. I may be an attention seeking narcissistic ***** to some, but I certainly understand from RL experience what prejudice is like!!! And I will never deliberately do that to anyone!!!
  3. I am part of an "invisible" minority, and have experienced prejudice when I was younger. I had a person laugh at me while I was on the phone with my mother in gradeschool in the office because I was ill and needed to be picked up. Because I was speaking Hungarian!!! I can cite many, many more. This is just the first thing that came to my head. So this time, I'm upset!!! Before anyone accuses anyone of being insenstive to others issues, perhaps they should ask what they have experienced in life!!!
  4. Think of me, and that will explain it all.
  5. I seem to start a controversy almost everywhere , so I thought I would start a thread about nothing. I likely won't get any replies, but that's OK lol!!!
  6. I was trying to be supportive of everyone, and it backfired on me because I chose the wrong words, I truly apologize to any I have offended!!!
  7. Maybe I missed the repeatedly part of the disabled/human thing. Maybe my wording isn't as precise as it should be. Maybe I am an attention seeking immature narcissist. So? In SL I love fashion and photography as well. I have asked a lot of questions here in the forums about those.
  8. None of my clients have ever admitted to having any sort of disability. I'm going on discussions I have had inworld, and what I have read on the internet.
  9. It is simply my wording, and in no way was it meant to imply anyone is less human. I'm trying to express that SL allows those with disabilities to do things they can't in RL, and it can make them feel good. I want to help with that.
  10. I totally agree. A huge ego is not a good thing, whether RL or SL. But really that come only come from the person behind the AV. I think a reasonable amount of vanity is good in RL, but a large amount in SL helps us hone our RL aesthetic skills, and is wonderful for the SL economy.
  11. This is the part that has me confused. How? I have used Poser and 3DsMax, and with those it's straightforward. I even started a thread on realistic photography in SL to ask questions.
  12. Thank you!!! This is a very complicated question, and it's very difficult for me to explain properly. An example would be myself. I help people live out their sexual fantasies here, (and make them feel human if they are RL disabled). In RL what I am would be considered immoral. In SL I feel that I'm morally doing the right thing!!! Evil is always evil though, and I want nothing to do with that!!!
  13. I was actually going deeper than that. Going to the roots of what is evil and what isn't. I feel evil is anything that would destroy us. That is slightly different in SL I find.
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