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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Inworld, we spend time with our own community and friends. Here there are many different personalities and we all interact. Inworld is the ocean. This is a lake. Inworld we don't interact with each other if we are offended by them, and block them. Here it seems to be the opposite.
  2. And if you'll accept it, I'll happily be your friend!!!
  3. I don't. But like I replied before to Scylla, a few words of advice from a good friends mean more than 1000 pages from anyone else. I didn't reread my exact words, but the meaning remains. This is a very different environment than inworld, and it's taking me time to understand and adjust to it.
  4. Um, excuse me??? I would miss you if you weren't here!!!
  5. You are no pariah!!! You are valued member of this community!!! I would miss you if you left!!!
  6. Yes it does. I have absolutely no desire to create discomfort. I truly am lost on how I could have. I prefer to reply to people's posts that I find positive. I've had to defend myself though because I don't back down. easily. I've felt cornered. I'm learning so much from you, and I very much appreciate it. A few words of advice from a good friend are worth more than 1000 pages from anyone else.
  7. You are of course correct. I've had a couple come. I think Kitty was here for a minute. None of them stayed. Have you met Kitty? I can't remember now. I will be honest though, if someone started attacking one of my close friends...I would find that very offensive.
  8. I take FULL responsibility for my actions and words. I am NOT here in the forums to please or displease anyone. And in case you haven't noticed, I do participate in other topics. My favorite board is our AV pics. I love to see the talent there, and am inspired by some of the incredible talent!!!
  9. None of can say anything about how other people perceive each other. If some of my inworld friends read what you and others post about me, or rather against me, they would find you and the others very offensive.
  10. My posts are not meant for those of you who dislike me. And where have you seen me get involved about what other people's topics are?. I simply wouldn't because I feel they have the right to ask their questions in peace.
  11. I find it somewhat amusing that being as "annoying" as I am, I have over 200 people on my friends list inworld, and can go on a mobile and chat inworld with them for hours with them without actually having inworld interaction. And I don't mean sexual chat with clients lol!!!
  12. You meant that it was a mistaken perception.
  13. What I would have expected is for people to ignore me if they don't like me or my topics. I personally wouldn't waste my energy participating in threads reading people's posts if I disliked them...I simply wouldn't care.
  14. Yes, that IS her perception of me. It is also based upon her spending time with me inworld and PM's. You can't say the same. And what you write about me is YOUR perception of me lol!!!
  15. Lol, that's exactly what happens in RL!!! It's just not said verbally by whomever the person may be!!!
  16. So true though, my friends become obvious, even if they are my worst critics.It can take a bit sometimes to discover them though lol!!!
  17. I can't approach the forum in any other way. I'm me lol!!! I'll just have to live with it.I do ask technical questions as well though.
  18. So? Why is that an issue? I'm the one who has been assigned motives.....
  19. I never assigned any motives or projections to anyone. I'm confused why you would say that.
  20. I'm me. I deal with consequences, and no one will change me. Period Ever. End of story lol!!!
  21. I have developed some very strong SL relationships from the forum. And that continues to grow as more people from here enter my SL life Not clients, but very dear friends.. it IS difficult sometimes, but it HAS been worth it!!!
  22. Of course I do. I'm human. I maintain my composure though. And I'm a sponge in the sense that I'm learning. Inworld would be a very different story....
  23. I've only been in SL since February.
  24. Actually, no. I am who I am. There is the ignore.....
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