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Posts posted by karenx0

  1. 7 hours ago, SarahKale said:

    I have worked for other clinics when I joined sl so I have experience. That shouldnt matter.

    If you want to keep it as an experience, probably make a different pick and note down all your past clinic names that you worked at. And remove the ones that you are not associated with or are not a member of that anymore.

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  2. On 2/5/2021 at 8:15 AM, TwinMomma18 said:

               DJs:                                                                                              HOSTS:

    MUST be able to DJ without Host                                                     WILL do fill ins                                                                                                                           

    MUST take requests (Unless live mixing)                                       CAN work 1 shift a week

    MUST keep up in local chat. Voice is optional!                              CAN access online calendar

    MUST speak fluent English                                                                Mesh body is preferred

    No stress and no drama! Just be you! This is an adult sim, possibilities are endless!

    Come join our amazing family and have fun!




    Re-check your link and then post it. It says we don't have access to apply to it.

  3. 8 hours ago, Quistessa said:

    I don't really feel like arguing with you about what is and is not spam, but for the record, I would like to reiterate the sentiment from this oldish post I read recently:


    Posting Just the word 'bump' is spam no matter how often you do it. but "Yes we are still looking!" or something like that, once per week or so is within what I would call reasonably acceptable. Posting 'bump' multiple times per day, is not.

    Well. I keep seeing most people do it. Now that I know the right way, that I can work with. Ty :)

  4. 3 hours ago, Quistessa said:

    Bumping every 6 hours is spam. if you're that desperate for a Mesher, I could probably do /just the track/, if you have specific technical drawings of the racetrack, but it's not my specialty. for really niche work like this you might want to look at non-SL Blender users. and it's going to cost you a good deal of cash for a custom piece.

    Another thing to consider is that SL physics is a bit different from real world physics, and a 100% accurate reproduction of a real world track, would probably not be as fun to drive as a track made for SL.

    Additionally, Avatars in SL often have proportionally longer legs than real world people, (My avatar and many of my friends have somewhat more realistic proportions;  it's a growing trend, but not the norm) which means if you have seating with real world proportions, it may look 'bad' with many SL avatars.

    Edit: one more thing to consider, with a track like that, the physics might be a bit hard to calculate for the server, which will drive up the Land impact (~equivalent of prims) of your track.

    The post was 20 hours ago, my first bump was 13 hours ago, so it's technically not a spam. And yes, we are really desperate for a Mesher, we have a Daytona Race Track, that we want to revamp to mesh. It's a simple oval track with with banking style. I have attached an image for the banking. it will be paid indeed as it's a custom piece of work. I can arrange a meeting for you in-world with my friend, who's the owner, so he can tell you in a more explained way what exactly is in his mind. I can contact you in-world at the mo.

  5. Me and my friend are looking for a track builder who can create an oval mesh track in blender with banking style. We are looking for someone who can help us out. The first track we want to revamp is the Daytona Race Track. We want every little details for the track; such as lighting, seating, grass, every little small detail. A picture shown below for your help.

    If you are race track builder please send me a DM here on facebook or you can contact me in-world @ Karenx0 Resident

    It's a paid position.


  6. Hello, me and my friend, the Owner of Racers Island, are in DIRE need of a mesh track builder. Please read the following specifications for it.

    - He/She must know or can make a mesh track using blender.

    - He/She must know or can make an oval race track with banking style.

    Willing to pay for it, you can contact me at Inworld @ Karenx0 Resident for picture or a view of the racing track.

    Thank you.

  7. 14 hours ago, EliBenett said:

    Currently looking for someone who is able to create quality apparel for one of our operations. 

    Has to be fitted for Maitreya and gianni body. 

    to discuss further send inworld message. 


    Babe post it on Facebook as well.

    • Sad 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Lethra said:

    Yes, I'm trying to keep it Victorian. The color scheme I have for the walls is mostly the deeper, richer color options, rather than the lighter pastel colors. Anything else you'd like to know, please don't hesitate to ask in a NC or IM

    Hi, I am an interior decorator in SL, and I have been one from 1 year now. Let me IM you inworld with my website. ^^

  9. Hey, my friend owns a racing sim named RACERS ISLAND. We are in dire need of a track builder.

    The Owner is willing to PAY for it. If anyone knows on how to build a track, please IM me inworld at Karenx0 Resident.

    I will set up a meeting between you two.

    Thank you.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Annabell Wandsworth said:

    Karen, you are not helping yourself with this kind of post.

    Hello readers of this post. I am a decorator/landscaper/sim designer. Please contact me.

    Annabell Wandsworth

    This is not your post, I suggest you make your own and do it yourself instead of raiding onto others. Also my name is Raye, not Karen. Please stop with the BS

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