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Posts posted by PrudenceAnton

  1. 2 hours ago, bbgirl1288 said:

    Just a note, Patch Linden stated in one of the Bellisseria chat groups on Friday that they do not announce which region they plan on releasing, after the failure last Monday when they made that mistake and residents swarmed to the region and it had a difficult time rezzing in on release, so he said in the future they will not announce which region is to be released. It could be Raccoon Run but they also might just be working on it as well, for an upcoming release in the next few days. ;) 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, s2Pandora said:

    I have run in to the issue of it being on the drop-down as well, which is why I no longer use it at times between homes. I take my chances on the keyboard smash. I know prior they always came up when it was filled in, then some time around when the houseboats larger area was released it went to having to go in to the pull down. I've heard mixed as of recent, but people always suggesting to fill in a name prior.. considering the names of some parcels newly claimed in the new areas(long names), it does likely work for some and not for others.

    Once you get your parcel, you can change the parcel name again to something more suitable. Heard some just mashed the keys like this kdski and hit next 😄

    • Like 2
  3. Going to post this here from a notecard that was sent out last night in one of the Bellisseria groups. Perhaps it'll help some.

    How to get a Linden Home using Auto Refresh Plus

    Instructions for how to use Auto Refresh Plus to get a new Linden Home.

    To start, you will need to use the Google Chrome web browser.
    If you do not have it, you can find it here: https://www.google.com/chrome/

    Once you have Google Chrome installed, install the Auto Refresh Plugin found here:

    Once installed, go to your Linden Home sign-up page located here: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php

    Name your parcel: You can enter your name at the bottom of the page and select Next. You can then hit the back button on your browser and the name will be saved. This will save you time later when you go to claim a house.

    There will be a small blue box icon on the top right of the browser. Click that icon.

    Click the gear icon on the menu that pops up. That will take you to the options page.

    Check the box to Enable Random Interval.

    Under the section that says Page Monitor, Check the box that says Enable This Feature.

    In the box for Default Target Text, enter Bellisseria

    Under Play Sound, you can choose to have it play a sound, and there is a volume slider.
    Below that is an option for sound length.

    Click the Save button.

    Go to your Linden Home sign-up page located here: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php

    There will be a small blue box icon on the top right of the browser. Click that icon.

    Check the Random Interval button, and enter a Min of 2 Seconds and a Max of 5 seconds.

    Click the Use Default button under the Page Monitor section.

    Hit the Start button.

    The page will refresh until the word Bellisseria is found. 

    Click Next, then click the check box to agree on the next page. Press the Accept button. If you have been lucky, you will then have a new home.

    If the home is not available, do not worry. There are many people trying this all the time, and you may miss a few houses before grabbing one. Everyone will get a chance at a home.

    I hope this helps, and welcome you to the community. Feel free to ask in the Bellisseria Community group for advice if you have trouble.

    Note: This is not a guarantee, just some helpful tips that have worked for many others.

    • Like 6
  4. On 6/30/2019 at 9:20 AM, Jaide Beck said:

    I agree, idk where the button is and idk where to click on. I'm so lost. I got premium for the more exp price because i wanted a house so much, but i'm starting to wonder if I made a good decision. :( 

    Don't lose hope and give up Jaide. I also signed up for premium in May and finally got my home last night, after many failures and misses. For a long time I never, ever saw anything pop up, never even got a hit to see the 'sorry, sold' message. It wasn't until I switched to using Chrome Auto Refreshing Plus that I started to get chimed notices of a home available, but I think I missed my chance to grab one over 50 times in this last week, including 15 times yesterday alone. Last evening, with my eyes locked on the page I finally got that lucky hit and went nuts clicking the buttons and sat in shock when it said I had a home.  Talk about one loud "weeeeeeeh" scream in my house. I hope luck smiles on you soon and gives you that lucky break as well. 😉

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, Dick Spad said:

    Just wondering are they going to release a region today or are they going to wait and have a large release like @PrudenceAnton mentioned in her post last Friday?

    They try to release a new region Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Times can vary and so can days, depending on their schedule.  The large region release is unknown at this time. It was only my hunch that they might do it after the 16th birthday celerbation, but I was informed the other day that Patch Linden said that release was still a few months off, so it might be closer towards the end of summer or could be sometime in July. We just don't know.  😕  PS: They have not yet done today's release, if they plan on doing one today. 


    Keep trying Dick, and I hope you hit that accept button and soon get your own desired home. *thumbs up*

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

    Guess I'll weigh in on this topic though I have been avoiding it as I really believe religion and politics are extremely divisive. That being said I do have my own beliefs and am rather opinionated on both topics, consequently, I do try to avoid either topic inside of SL when it comes to group related events. I certainly believe that it would be a huge mistake, and not one I think the Lab would make, to do anything LL sponsored in relation to religious or political beliefs unless said religion or government was involved in egregious acts against humanity in which case I would hope they would take a stand against said religion and/or government. Otherwise, they should remain completely neutral on both topics.

    I am in agreement here, for those that wish to have an SL community of church, there are plenty run privately by RL church members that SL residents can do a search for and find.  Officially run support groups are most likely going to offer the best out reach to those people seeking these groups.  I do rather like the idea of a community center, though I've been seeing in one of the Bellisseria groups that there is already one. I'll need to teleport there to see what is has to offer.  I suppose my own direction and take on one of these centers was more for gatherings like the riding club, sailing club, etc for people to be able to gather for a meeting, if they so chose to, or even a book club.   Many of these can also be run out of residents homes here on the continent as well.

    • Like 2
  7. Something interesting I did notice. When my page chimed for 2 homes about 20 seconds apart, they were the traditional homes. The first one had an icon of a single little blue and white house. I didn't get there fast enough. Then the second one that came up was an icon of a split image of 4 little traditional homes.  Anyone else experience this and what is the difference, any ideas?

    PS: I used to keep my mouse hovered over the NEXT button, now I'm keeping it hovered over the Select a Theme drop down button.  😙

  8. The irony in all this. Is when they released the new region(s) and I was there. I heard the chimes but nothing ever came up on my page, the page kept refreshing. I think due in part to so many people hitting that page at one time, kind of like some are left out in the cold of a DoS and don't get the opportunity to see the group of homes released.  All the ones that I have seen come up on my page and I've had a shot at attempting to be quick enough to click and grab, have been abandoned homes.  🥴

  9. 7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    If you have to click the drop-down in order to see Bellisseria, would the auto-refresh see it?  It depends on if all the currently available options of the drop-down are visible at every refresh, or only the top displayed option. Likely that depends on whether that drop-down list is populated when the page itself is refresh or when you click the drop-down arrow - both of those are possible ways of coding that web page.  Given that the drop-down list should always be small, it would be logical to have all the options all ready there when the page is refreshed.

    So, for the people that say they hear the chime, but don't see a Bellisseria option, is that because it is actually in the drop-down as a selection, but just not at the top for some reason?

    Okay 2 homes JUST came up and NOW you have to go to the drop down menu to select Bellisseria before clicking the NEXT button. Ugh.

    And yes, my auto refresh with text alert chimed me. The page stopped refreshing but I didn't see the name at the top of the list so I had to hit the drop down menu to find it on the list, it was the second name down, select it and hit the next button.

    Its like being hit with a cattle prod, it jolts a shock in you and you freeze for a split second, wait for your brain to wake up and frantically try to do the right thing. omg I'm bad at this! 😂

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Odaks said:

    I managed to get a houseboat on the second large release, but at first, the Bellisseria options weren't showing. It was only after a couple of fruitless attempts that I thought to just try the drop-down arrow and there they were! (That was using Chrome browser). At that time, everyone was saying that, if available, the Bellisseria homes will show at the top. But, oh no, they didn't! Other people reported the same issue, so it clearly applied to quite a few of us, but not all.

    I wonder if LL changed up the listing order when they first made the new Linden homes available and now have them listed at the top of the list?

  11. I set the trigger word to Bellisseria. The page is now searching for that text word to come up.  When it finds it. The chime sounds and if your refreshing time hits it just right, it'll stop on that page so you can click on the appropriate buttons. As I mentioned earlier, 7 times on Friday this came up for me, but I wasn't quick enough to nab a house, yet😉



  12. 5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    If I was home during the day when they are doing the region releases, I might play with the auto-refresh to see how it handles things under different scenarios, but since my work day is the same as LL's I'm pretty much always there when a region gets released.

    Maybe I'll get around to setting it up and playing with it to see if it captures the random abandoned.  If Bellisseria is not ALWAYS automatically popping to the top and you sometimes have to pick it from a drop down, would the auto-refresh even see it to chime?  I don't know enough about how web pages work to answer than one.

    There are several Chrome auto refresh apps available. I used the simple one first and had to have it set at 5 seconds so I had time to click the next button.  Then I advanced to the one that has the trigger text and chime sound to alert you when a Bellisseria home comes available.  What I noticed is I hear the chime (I now have my refreshing set between 1-2 seconds) if my page hits the timing just right, it'll stop refreshing and stay on that page. I have always seen the listing at the top of the page, didn't have to use a drop down menu. And the icon image of a house or houseboat showed on the page.  Then you proceed with the normal quick button checking and hope you were fast enough to lock down that house.

    I'm using Chrome Auto Refresh Plus.

  13. 8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I have never used the auto-refresh.  That was something that came up after that last large batch of houseboats - all while refreshing manually.

    Interesting.  When I started using the auto refresh with the text word trigger chime, I'd hear the chime go off but nothing ever came up on my page and it continued to auto refresh the page. Then on Friday, when Patch released 2 regions, suddenly my chime went off, but all were gone before I could find anything didn't even see them come up on my page.  Within the 1st 30 minutes after all the homes were gone, my chime went off 3 more times and the page stopped on Bellisseria listing, showing a home available. I did the usual, (had my parcel pre-named) clicked the next button, hit the tick box and clicked accept but it gave me the news it was already sold.  I had this happen 7 times through out Friday for several houses and 1 houseboat. The page stopped refreshing once it found the target word, Bellisseria was at the top of the listing and an image showed if it was a house or house boat.  Time waits for now one. If you spend a split second in shock that you got a nibble (this is like fishing) its gone before your fingers can click fast enough to reel it on in.

    I have pondered switching bait to hook me a house and keep it.  🎣

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I have actually had this happen and mentioned it a few times here in the forums.  Here is what I said in another thread earlier this morning:


    The caveat here is that myself and quite a few others ran into the issue that once the name was filled in for Meadowbrook and I advanced to the next page and then went back, every time I refreshed the page Meadowbrook was always shown even when Bellisseria was available.  I had to actually click the drop down and select Bellissaria to get it to be the default again.

    I know that many people did not encounter that, but lots did.  Maybe it depends on the exact browser being used or ... who knows what.  It is something to remember though as a few of us thought that there were no Bellissaria lots available because it did not show them first, but they were in the drop down for selection.  

    That is why I've been hesitant to tell new folks to pre-name the parcel with Meadowbrook and go to the next page to get it saved.  It might not work for everyone the way we expect it to.


    When this happens to you, does the page stop refreshing though and hold on that page when your chime goes off, telling you that a house on Bellisseria is available?

  15. I'm wondering if others have had this issue. A bit ago, someone said in a Bellisseria group chat that a house boat was available. I went to my refresher page and 3 times it chimed but nothing came up, the page just kept refreshing and the chime went off 3 times in a row, nada. That's the typical, sometimes we don't see it. But some in the group chat said you have to click on the drop down menu to be able to find the new listing and click on the NEXT button. I've never had to do this. When the chime goes off and if my refresher hits the page just right, it'll stop and hold on that page, then you quickly click the NEXT button, go to the next page, tick the box and hit ACCEPTAnd it tells you sorry, sold out.

    I, myself, have never had to select the drop down menu to find the Bellisseria listing (mainly because currently there are only 2 styles of listings).  Has anyone had this experience, is it a new bug, or something that recently changed?

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