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Silent Mistwalker

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Posts posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. 6 hours ago, ChanteyBabe said:
    QUESTION to my SL friends!
    I have a SL stalker who took pics of me and my partner and fabricated them with AI replacing my ex with other guy lol. Eventually she copied my avi using well known "magic" program. I saw her on radar walking closer (at some point was 8m away) on our sim but thought she got ejected at some point. I was afk for couple of hours, then saw on local chat she was there.
    I already sent harassment reports but I wonder is there something else I can do? this person is using multiple accounts all with AI pics and was using them to get money from my ex partner (posing as a model as he was providing paid model opportunities). She sent him pics from another account (male one) but forgot that creator of those pics was... her lol One thing that wonders me that she post those pics on her feed and I don't think you can upload pics from your inv (unless I'm wrong?) so I would tend to think she copied my avatar which is also illegal.
    I assume it's a revange on my ex partner as he posted in his picks a picture and link to flickr of one guy who were *****ing his ex wife (she was "posing" for him) so as a revange ""AI queen" chosen me as a target now. Guy was similar to the one on pic with "me".
    Summarize, what else can I do? We assume this person has many more accounts, more than 2 that contacted with my ex lately. He was paying for model opportunity so we assume those "aggresive" girls with AI pics who were his models are same person

    If you believe someone used a copybot viewer to copy your avatar the only thing you can do is report it to LL via the Abuse Report link in your viewer.

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  2. 13 hours ago, Hitomi Copperfield said:

    Regarding the use of the Red Cross mark

    Red cross mark;

    Many people think that this is a hospital mark, an ambulance mark, a nurse's mark, etc.

    Unfortunately, I see this red cross mark being used in various places in Second Life.

    This red cross on a white background is a mark that can only be used for activities related to the Red Cross, the world's largest humanitarian aid NGO.

    This is strictly stipulated by the Geneva Convention and the laws of each country.

    Therefore, if this mark is displayed on nurses' uniforms or on signs of non-Red Cross hospitals or clinics, it is a violation of the Geneva Convention.

    In Islamic countries, it is called the Red Crescent, and the mark is a red crescent moon on a white background, and this mark is treated in exactly the same way as the Red Cross.

    The Red Cross symbol is internationally protected.

    It is necessary to prohibit unauthorized use of the Red Cross mark by third parties other than the International Red Cross or the American Red Cross.

    SL is not involved in any armed conflicts. Let me know if LL/SL ever does engage in armed conflict because that is something I would have to see to believe.

    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    Thirding this. The same spelling mistake? The same way of spelling like "colour" etc? A distinct use of sentence case or ellipsis ... all easier to spot signs of an alt whose main is trying to hide the fact than engineering an IP solution. Being open about your alts (expect my male alt to thumb this post and speak to my great qualities shortly) is a far easier way of doing things unless you just need a way to relax and get away from the stress of 1,000 friends in world and need a night by yourself.

    Of course, most people associate alts = nefarious reasons for good reason.

    So in order to easily fool you I just have to spell it colour instead of color.

    Sorry no, not even that works well enough to be even remotely reliable. 

    If I had a dollar for every time someone has accused me of being someone I am not based on such things, I'd be rich and not even bother with SL. There are 2 people in this house that use SL. One is male, one is female. He is not me or an alt.

    • Like 2
  4. 23 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    My thought after watching the newscasters in New York and New Jersey was, "Now East Coast people know why we don't freak out in California when a quake here is under 4.5". That just feels like a big truck going by. 4.8 and higher rattles people a bit more, but most of our buildings are built to withstand quakes, so it's just stuff falling off shelves for the most part. It needs to be over 5.0 before a quake starts to be serious.

    It's those quick one hard jerk that wakes you out of a sound sleep that freak me out. You think someone just bumped into the bed kind of hard on the way to the bathroom only to find he is sitting at the computer. That's when you find yourself waiting for the next one that never comes. 

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I felt the same way after I was out of work for a year with my hip injury.. After all that time off it was hard going back.. But it's so nice once I was..

    I was going insane really just being home that much.. 

    I was in the forums way too much and really getting caught in a bubble in here.. Once I got back to work, I started becoming myself again..

    I've been working since I was 12 and  just out of my element when I'm not working..

    People talk about retiring, but I just never can think about it.. I don't think I ever will..

    Hopefully once you get back to work you start enjoying yourself.. I also hope that the people you work with are something you look forward to.. Because that is important in a job as well..

    Best wishes..

    I stopped working Feb 2019. It's been 5 years.

    He worked from home 3 of those 5 years. Drove me nuts.

    If I were to retire now my SSi would be less than $600 a month. Even when I hit 67 it will still be less than $1000. Can't live on that so I'll never get to fully retire.

    It's Walmart. Who the hell enjoys working at Walmart?

    If you count housework, I've been working since I was 6. First real job that I had real responsibilities and real pay was at 14.

    Same to you but more of it! 🤭


    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Isskald said:

    Just filled up my profile an hour ago - it had been empty for weeks. Hopped over to Beast Forest, only to find an avatar with literally the same words in their profile as mine. TP-ed away as fast as I could.

    What's going on? How did it happen?

    Any help, advice, explanation, please?

    If you believe a copybot of some nature was involved, report it. Otherwise, there isn't anything else you can do.

    • Like 2
  7. 31 minutes ago, Modulated said:

    Keeps telling me it can't be something something or other like :The link could not be embedded because an error occurred on www.youtube.com.:


    31 minutes ago, Modulated said:

    Keeps telling me it can't be something something or other like :The link could not be embedded because an error occurred on www.youtube.com.:

    Try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51424578/embed-youtube-code-is-not-working-in-html


    Oh wait... that's for HTML. Gimme a few.


    Aha! From Invision's own support forum: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/464821-the-link-could-not-be-embedded/

    Oh hell. No solution there. 

    I do know that some YT creators do not allow their vids to be embedded so that may be why. 


    Last edit: https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/357692-how-to-embed-youtube-videos-in-the-forum-posts/

    This is what happens when I haven't had my morning java yet. 😆

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