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Posts posted by Rhiannon108

  1. 58 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

    I'm not a photo goddess (or even a goddess, damn it) so I guess I shouldn't be answering Kira's question, but hey-ho. ;)

    I have an  SL Photography for Beginners tutorial on my blog if you fancy a read of it, Kira. In section 1 I explain how to get those high-resolution screenshots. The tutorial was written partly with fashion photography in mind, but I do at least cover some of the basics of what can be done.

    And, Gods...you deserve that status for all your patient and expert help you give us! I see what you put up with in the chat! Oh my!

    • Like 4
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  2. 3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

     (Also, maybe, why I can't role play.)


    I'm happy you wrote this as it resonates with me. I'm not in sl to rp (though my presentation understandably causes many to assume that's true). Just exploring creating my sl self.

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  3. 1 hour ago, kiramanell said:

    Well, since I decided to go with blonde again, here's a blonde question, LOL. No, seriously, how come all your screenshots look so perfect? I mean, mine look all edgy (like with no post-processing, like AA, it seems). I just use PrintScreen. Is there a better way?

    I defer to all the Goddesses (who are also photo Goddesses) on here to address this question well. But, I think using the viewer photo function with settings on your viewer and your photo turned all the way up is better quality than a simple screenshot. (I'm quite envious of the photo quality of most people in this forum though will admit that I do no post as I'm incompetent and lazy. I am staring to play with face lights and other lights.)

    • Like 4
  4. 2 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


    Aww, thank your for your kindness. 🤗

    I already got the Catwa head (Lee) and Maitreya body. Maybe I will get a Catya head too.

    I started tweaking the head first, with the HUD, which was kinda funny, cuz you're standing there, as a head only, and these Catwa heads continually stick their tongue out and such.  😛 Well, you had to be there, I suppose, but that was hilarious. :) I still need to go shop for a new shape; but the Maitreya body came with like 5 already, so I may well keep one of those.

    You'd be amazed, btw, how far one can fall behind not keeping up for the last 2 years. It's like everything has changed, LOL. And most of my wardrobe, looks like I can toss that now, as I will need Maitreya compatible stuffz.

    Avi is not done yet; but since I'm actually blonde myself, decided to get some lovely blonde Doux hair too. Bought some gorgeous eyelashes as well (Manhattan Nights, iirc), but the alpha of my hair, and that of the eyelashes keep canceling each other out (ugh). So, yeah, need to either find non-alpha hair, or get a hairdo with hair not partly covering my eyelashes. But I assembled several nice outfits already, so I may yet be able to show some pics soon. :) 

    Anyway, thx again!



    If I had to pick one place for hair it would be Doux.

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Caerolle Llewellyn said:

    I am still confused/confounded by one thing. Perhaps I just shouldn't worry about it, but I cannot detach my old eyes (my new eyes don't replace them somehow) or get rid of my old skin. It seems like since I have a shape under the mesh body and head, it requires a skin. There are a couple of other vestiges of the old system avi like that. Drives me a bit crazy, lol.


    You have to wear an alpha that covers the eyes for the new ones to show up. Your head prob came with an alpha that also covers the old eyes and one that doesn't. Play with that and it will prob fix that issue.

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  6. Just now, Orwar said:

       Ever tried speaking through a snorkel? Or screaming? I did the latter, when 9 year old me came face to face (like, inches) with a moray eel.


       I also almost got poked by by a snail I found on the beach and brought to my dad - it was one of the only two creatures on the chart on the beach with 3 skulls next to it.

    I got stung by a jellyfish last time I was swimming in the ocean. Felt like getting stung by a dozen wasps at the same time. Don't recommend it.

    • Like 4
  7. 8 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


    Thx. @PrudenceAnton was already extremely kind, earlier, compiling a list for me of stuff I need. :) Just now bought a Lara Maitreya body and a Catwa head already, on what looks like will turn out to be a massive spending spree. 🤤 When I'm done, nobody will recognize me any more....and I will have moved to the poor house. 🥰

    It can get out of control. I have the Lara and Catwa combo and am happy with them as there are soooo many good sources of quality skins that work with them. Get Omega System appliers for both. Check out L'etre, Pumec, Pink Fuel, and Deetalez. Demo, demo, demo! (Sometimes skins look great in the ad and meh on.) Good luck!

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Any chance the missing anim is the one named "Gothic Seductress Slow 6 - Abranimations" ? It seems to be the longest, and longer than 24 characters, and that's the limit on the length of text names in a dialog. But normally it would either shout a nasty debug message the owner would see, or the script would handle it correctly, so maybe that's not the problem.

    (If that *is* the problem, maybe try renaming the anim to something shorter?)

    That was it!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!

    • Like 3
  9. I reread the instructions with the object and it does say to just drop anims in and that it can handle any number as long as you don't run out of memory. Also, I sent a notecard to the designer but not hopeful he will answer since his inworld store is gone and it's an older product.

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