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Strawberry Linden

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Blog Entries posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. Strawberry Linden
    "*TUESDAY, March 15th:
       ~ at NOON: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in The Glen 
       ~ at 7pm: Salman Rushdie's HAROUN AND THE SEA OF STORES continues with Caledonia Skytower.
    *WEDNESDAY, March 16th, at 7pm: Maurice Walsh's THE QUIET MAN  presented by Caledonia Skytower in The Glen
    *THURSDAY, March 17th, at 7pm: CELTIC MYTH & MAGICK - An Introduction to Fairy Lore and Enchantments presented by Shandon Loring.
    COMING Sunday, March 27th: *VOLUME XIV* - Seanchai Library Celebrates 14 Years of Stories in Virtual Worlds"
    Read more on the blog.
  2. Strawberry Linden
    "It's been a while since I recorded a video in Second Life. I usually Livestream. But Iso and I have a NEW Concept going where we will have Tutorials every Friday. I hope you like these videos, and if you have any questions or suggestions that you want to see and learn, you can reach us in second life. I'm Darkana Mysterious in Second Life and my Friend  Iso Redgrave In World." Watch the video on YouTube.
  3. Strawberry Linden
    "I’m the featured author this week on Draxtor’s weekly interview show, The Second Life Book Club. The show will be live on Wednesday 9 March at 12pm SLT, and can be watched inworld as an audience member, or online on Drax’s YouTube channel or his twitter feed. Or you can watch after – I’ll be sure to embed the video below after the event." Read more on the blog.
  4. Strawberry Linden
    "*MONDAY, March 7th: Larry Nivens's A WORLD OUT OF TIME continues with Gyro Muggins.
    *TUESDAY, March 8th, at 7pm: Salman Rushdie's HAROUN AND THE SEA OF STORES continues with Caledonia Skytower.
    *THURSDAY, March 10th, at 7pm: IRISH LEGENDS:  The Battle of Clontarf presented by Shandon Loring."
    Read more on the blog.
  5. Strawberry Linden
    "Tuesday, March 8, 2022 is International Women’s Day (IWD). The theme for this year’s event is “Break the Bias – Celebrating women’s achievements, raising awareness against bias, and taking action for equality.” I can think of no better way to raise awareness and celebrate women’s achievements than through song. Therefore, I decided to host a music festival at my venue in the virtual world of Second Life. The festival will feature 13 female singer/songwriters performing as avatars. Yes, that’s right. They will be broadcasting LIVE from their homes around to the world, but will appear on my Second Life stage as avatars." Read more on the blog.
  6. Strawberry Linden
    "Welcome to the second in our new Podcast Series, SeraCast. This week we discuss more about new and upcoming events, our favourite finds of the weeks and an interesting new development from Linden Labs. We also have another fantastic giveaway of 3 x L2000 giftcards for Dahlia from new food based event Farmers Market. Don’t forget to watch til the end for our Blooper Reel too!"
    Read more on the blog.
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