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Strawberry Linden

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Blog Entries posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. Strawberry Linden
    "The Home & Garden Expo runs from February 26th to March 20th and raises money for Relay for Life. I will be covering one of the nine sims, Hope 6, and giving you a taste of the merchants that can be found there and what their new releases and donation items are." Read more on the blog.
  2. Strawberry Linden
    "I recently discovered a very handy Firestorm feature that changed the way I interact with my inventory. If you open your Inventory and click on the gear icon Firestorm will show additional options for your inventory. The options Add objects on double click and Add clothes on double click are unchecked by default. With these options unchecked Firestorm replaces any items already attached to the position targeted by the item that you double click. With these options checked, however, Firestorm adds the item that you double click, on top of any other items already attached to the targeted position." Read more on the blog.
  3. Strawberry Linden
    "The question of identity / pseudonymity has been linked to Second Life pretty much since the platform from the start; we have complete agency of how we represent ourselves and how much of ourselves we chose to reveal to the world. It is often said that this pseudonymity allows us to more fully express who we’d like to be.
    But who are we, really? The person we are at home and among family is not the same as the person we are at work;, and that person is not the same as the person we are when with friends, and so on. Even within our family group, who we are with loved ones – husband / wife, children, parents – can change from moment to moment."
    Read more on the blog.
  4. Strawberry Linden
    "Over the last couple of months my SL has taken a new direction, and I have to say, I’m quite enjoying it and happy in the way it’s going. I have wanted to move into blogger management for a while, and I was lucky enough to have been taken on as a trainee manager, it’s going really well too. I have also taken on a role with Seraphim as a marketing assistant, and I’m very much enjoying that role also. Of course it means that time for actual blogging is reduced, and sadly I have had to give up a few of my commitments there, but it’s all good, everyone has been very supportive and understanding." Read more on the blog.
  5. Strawberry Linden
    "It's that time again! Another round of Twisted Hunt! This time, it's alll about Nonsense! This hunt runs March 1 - March 31. And as always in the Twisted fashion, there are no hints, but a lot of fun for the serious hunter/huntress! Be on the lookout for Twisted Easels along the way, when you see one it's a sign that  the merchant has extra fun for you of some kind!" Read more on the blog.
  6. Strawberry Linden
    "One of my absolute favorite venues is the Sapphire Beach Club. It not only impresses with its creative owners, who, with a lot of love and commitment, constantly redesign their numerous stages, varied and according to the different themes, it also stands out with its grandiose top-class musicians, who regularly attract many guests and fans to the Sapphire." Read more on the blog.
  7. Strawberry Linden
    "I’ve often found myself forcing situations or looking back in shoulda- coulda- woulda mode. These past few years have taught me that life is way too short for regrets, and it’s so much easier to allow things to flow naturally." Read more on the blog.
  8. Strawberry Linden
    "*MONDAY, Feburary 28th: Larry Nivens's A WORLD OUT OF TIME Resumes with Gyro Muggins.
    *TUESDAY, March 1st: 
       ~ at Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in The Glen http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nowhereville/196/131/21
       ~ at 7pm: Salman Rushdie's HAROUN AND THE SEA OF STORES begins with Caledonia Skytower.
    *THURSDAY, March 3rd, at 7pm: SCIENCE FICTION THURSDAY presented by Finn Zeddmore."
    Read more on the blog.
  9. Strawberry Linden
    Pictured: International Spaceflight Museum
    Do you know how many virtual museums there are in Second Life? Find out this weekend! Grab a friend and explore the Museum category on the Destination Guide to learn about art, science, and global cultures! Don't forget to also check our Recently Added category to see all the latest additions to the Second Life Destination Guide!
    International Spaceflight Museum
    The International Spaceflight Museum hosts a series of exhibits and events about real-world space travel. Ride a rocket into space and explore the planets! Rockets and spacecraft from the past, present and future. More info at: ismuseum.org
    Visit in Second Life  
    MEROE Museum - Home of Black culture
    MEROE Museum, is the Home of Black and Aboriginal cultures in Second Life. The Museum's purpose is to provide a safe space for the repository of black culture from across the diaspora, and a place for dialog in an effort to resolve many of the conflicts that plague our communities. During Black History Month they will have many activities including a bookstore and an art gallery.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Eatonville Living History Museum
    Welcome to Eatonville, a living, interactive museum paying homage to the strength and beauty of the African-American diaspora through an examination of popular Black Literature. Walk around the town and turn your sounds on to feel lived experiences of African-Americans through the times, through an exploration of culturally-affirming Black literature.
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Peale
    The Peale in Baltimore, which is housed in the first purpose-built museum building in the United States, has extended its reach into the virtual world known as Second Life. While the current pandemic may prevent many people from visiting the Peale in person, this ambitious new project allows virtual visitors to explore the 1814 museum building online and attend curated exhibits and interactive events safely from the comfort of their homes. For more information, visit: thepealecenter.org
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Vordun Museum and Gallery
    The Vordun Museum and Gallery is an art and history experience like no other in Second Life! Browse the many galleries and exhibits, then enjoy a coffee in the Common Grounds cafe.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Holocaust Memorial Museum
    "Witnessing History: Kristallnacht, the 1938 Pogroms" is an unforgettable virtual exhibit created by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Jules Verne Museum
    Visitors can take an extraordinary underwater voyage here. With a full-size submarine to explore, this museum offers insight into the life and work of French science fiction writer Jules Verne.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Abyss Observatory
    A museum of ocean science and technology which celebrates the sense of wonder people often have about the mysteries of the deep sea. Visitors can even travel 2,000 meters down into the dark depths of the ocean floor.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Museum Island
    Museum Island is a historical region and gives many opportunities in art, education, socializing. Wonderful replicas of monuments, theater, digital art, and schools.
    Visit in Second Life  
    See even more Museums on the Second Life Destination Guide!
    Got a spot that you’d like listed in the Destination Guide? Make sure to drop us a note at editor@lindenlab.com or submit your spot via web form. Don’t forget to read more about the Destination Guide guidelines for Editors’ Picks or the Destinations Floater in the viewer, to increase your chances of being featured in those coveted spots!
    Connect with Second Life on Social Media:
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  10. Strawberry Linden
    Pictured: The Endless Graveyard
    Take a moment to reflect at these thought-provoking destinations in Second Life this weekend. Don't forget to check our Recently Added category to see all the latest additions to the Second Life Destination Guide!
    The Endless Graveyard
    The Endless Graveyard is a forest in Sweden that exists at the edge of the land of the living. Can you find the hidden doorway to the realm of the dead? Add your images to their Flickr group: flickr.com/groups/legioamorte
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Desire Realm
    The Desire Realm brings the beauty of a tropical landscape surrounded by temples and monuments. Offering some interesting gifts, free for visitors and newbies. It's a great place to hang out, meditate, and take some water reflection photography. Everyone is welcome!
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Nakano Forest currently has Payment Info and Age Restrictions set on their region.
    Nakano Forest
    Traverse through the deep lush forests of the Nakano Region, inspired by real and fantasy genre areas. This land is voice-enabled.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Angels Rest
    Angels Rest is a memorial garden in SL offering space for you to create a focal point for remembrance. Their aim is to offer a chance for quiet contemplation and reflection away from daily distractions.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Eatonville Living History Museum
    Welcome to Eatonville, a living, interactive museum paying homage to the strength and beauty of the African-American diaspora through an examination of popular Black Literature. Walk around the town and turn your sounds on to feel lived experiences of African-Americans through the times, through an exploration of culturally-affirming Black literature.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Center for Mindfulness
    Mindfulness can literally transform your entire world from the inside out and for the millions of mindfulness practitioners around the world, it’s doing just that! Come and discover the most incredible and wonderful surprise: everything you’ve been searching for ‘out there’ feelings of fulfillment, peace, and wholeness, have been within you all along. The Center for Mindfulness is a beautiful and calming place to come meditate and learn a few mindful tricks. Learn more at mindfulnessinsl.blogspot.com
    Visit in Second Life  
    MHbM Memorial Garden
    MHbM Memorial Garden is a quiet little area that sits beside a waterfall. Candles are set out that you can light with a message for your loved ones that have passed on. This is another way to keep their memory alive. ♥
    Visit in Second Life  
    Got a spot that you’d like listed in the Destination Guide? Make sure to drop us a note at editor@lindenlab.com or submit your spot via web form. Don’t forget to read more about the Destination Guide guidelines for Editors’ Picks or the Destinations Floater in the viewer, to increase your chances of being featured in those coveted spots!
    Connect with Second Life on Social Media:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | TikTok | LinkedIn
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