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DanielS Bluebird

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Everything posted by DanielS Bluebird

  1. "The Squishy Pickle" and surrounding area before release (May 13, 2019): Dance party @ Bellisseria Bay as we watched the moles work on what is now the regions of Gallaudet, Fofita, Penitent Beach, and Cape Lively (June 12th, 2019): After waiting what seemed like forever, the land bridge to the Victorian homes was opened and we got to hang out with Patch and the Moles while we cammed around the area (December 16th, 2019):
  2. Yeah, I'm a parcel south of there and that area has experienced randomness for at least 4 days. The region Downing Falls doesn't render until you get close enough. 😂
  3. I spent most of the 18th and 19th refreshing the page and snagged a nice traditional home. The houseboats are nice and I do like to sit and watch boats/aircraft come by. That being said, I think I'll hang on to the traditional. At least until the continent is close to complete. By that point most people will have settled in and all the theme options available.
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