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Posts posted by Mollymews

  1. 29 minutes ago, So Whimsy said:

    Pedophilia is a sexuality like homosexuality, bisexuality, heterosexuality and so on. It's NOT something you can therapy out of a person.

    it doesn't matter whether the pedophile is homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual, they are still a pedophile

    the USA  (same in many other countries) medically diagnose pedophilia as a paraphilic disorder





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  2. 7 minutes ago, Bloodflowers174 said:

    This is a great idea if this forum post and another ticket might not work. I think I'm going to have to ultimately give that a try. If not theres always the idea of starting fresh, making a new account and subbing for premium


    if you create a new account, without having gone thru the arbitration process first and Linden have allowed you back onto their Service thru this process, then you will have committed a second breach



    3.4 Other Eligibility Requirements for Use of the Service.

    You may not use the Service (i) if you have been terminated from the Service by Linden Lab (including, for avoidance of doubt, if any Account of yours has been terminated); or (ii) at any time if you are a person barred from receiving the Service under applicable law.



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  3. 16 minutes ago, Bloodflowers174 said:

    Any time I put in a ban appeal it was closed, there was a stint where I was more aggressive about it because years had gone by. I just was never given my chance to be appealed, it was always overseen by one or two people who closed the tickets immediately.

    see Section 10. Dispute Resolution and Arbitration of the Linden Lab ToS

    it provides a real world procedure to escalate an appeal


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  4. 1 hour ago, So Whimsy said:

    Age players will be age players, it's in their nature, it's who they are, there is nothing that can change them.

    with treatment, people who are sociopaths can change

    I like Robert Hare's definitions of the two. A psychopath is a person lacking a sense of empathy or morality. A sociopath is a person who only differs from the ordinary person in the sense of right or wrong

    with sociopaths, medical intervention is possible and can be successful in many cases

    with psychopaths then intervention is a lot harder. That it is harder doesn't mean that intervention is impossible in all cases, it just means that in some cases the person is medically irredeemable - meaning that there is no path to redemption for this person. In the irredeemable psychopathic case the person is typically detained in a mental institution and in no position to log into SL


    • Confused 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    If holding out hope of regaining one's old identity and inventory encourages turning over a new leaf, then finite bans have value.

    this I think raises the question: Is redemption possible ?

    i like to think that there is a path to redemption for everyone no matter what they did

    the path to redemption is a pretty hard road. Is not like the path to forgiveness which doesn't require anything of the offender

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  6. sounds like somebody rezzed a multi-prim rezzer which on_rez automatically rezzes physical cubes as fast as it can until the parcel runs out of LI

    this can happen by mistake sometimes.  Like find a box of of random stuff in a freebie store, and we start rezzing the stuff to see what is

    check the owner of the rezzed prims and see if they are the same as the parcel/home owner. If you curious

    in any case this being a Linden Home parcel then can Abuse Report it as being out of theme


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  7. it depends on what is meant by come back. If it means coming back as a pseudo-anonymous account then I probably say no

    i think that such a person wanting to make a case that they are remorseful of what they did, and more importantly are able to show that as a real world person they are no longer the griefer they once were, that they have matured over the intervening years, are a responsible person today,  and that there are real world character witnesses of repute willing to support them

    there is already a process for disputing a Linden ruling.  Section 10 of the Linden Lab ToS.  The grounds for dispute could be that a real world lifetime ban is maybe overly harsh

    we have to go thru dispute resolution as a real world person tho. Which I think Linden would insist on. It may be that Linden may decide that based on the real world character change evidence they would let the Section 10 Arbitrator make the decision. Linden would also I think most likely expect the person to pay for the arbitration, regardless of decision

    edit: Section 10 here


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  8. 4 minutes ago, Orwar said:


       You kind of have a feature a bit like that already. It doesn't not render people, though, rather it makes people beyond X render in low-fi. 

       Neph from Mina's viewer. And yes, unlike the jelly dolls that often somehow feels heavier to render, this actually bumped my framerate up by around 25 FPS! 

       You can find the slider for how many avatars to be fully rendered in your graphics tab:


       And it's based on the distance from your camera, rather than your avatar (except your own avatar is always fully rendered), so if you're camming around somewhere you can still perv people if you so wish. 


    I struggle tho with how imposters look. I get why it is that imposters look like what they do. Same with jelly dolls

    i would much prefer not seeing them at all myself. As an option. When option is off then don't render anything. If I do want to know who is nearby-ish then I have the green dots on the Nearby minimap 

  9. 3 hours ago, Aiyumei said:

    You just described how web technologies work :P

    Dang ! I just invented another thing invented by somebody else already

    if all them inventors hadn't been born before me then I would have invented all the things first and I be all like super amazing and brilliant even ! Not that I would ever say this about myself of course, me being all modest and nice person



  10. On 4/8/2022 at 8:29 PM, Anna Nova said:

     Sometimes it works fine, other times it doesn't do the dialog at all.

    the script is not removing the listeners created

    listen_handle == llListen( ... );

    results in listen_handle being 0

    should be

    listen_handle = llListen( ... );

    which results in a unique handle not equal to 0


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  11. 9 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Would be nice if one could only render those within a certain range like say 10 meters, so there isn't such a load and could see them to walk around rather then through them

    i really like this idea

    two settable draw distances.  One for objects and the other for avatars

    i would definitely use this myself, pretty much all the time. Would be great!

    at the moment I keep my draw distance to 128m (sometime less when is avatar heavy).  With this I be able to go to 256m for objects pretty much all the time, and about 20m (chat distance) for avatars

    • Like 2
  12. 7 hours ago, VirtualKitten said:

    Thanks Molly noted and changed. Thankyou {{Hugs}}


    1) Well there has been no answer why the script finds the seat, which I point out  did not write and clearly prints out all available seats when they are disabled.  You seemed again to have missed this point and are now digressing to experiences which I don't know of anyone that uses it because its for the rich only  and only comes with paid membership perhaps that's why no one currently  codes with it.

    2) Next the PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY does strange things. If used in conjunction with  PRIM_SIT_TARGET  in the script I gave you it reverses the use of PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY something you have not noticed. Hence why all mine are set to FALSE to get correct sitting link seats.

    How do you think this script 'which has been ignored multiple times' gets all the seats when they are clearly disabled with PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY  If I set the later ones I want as seats in the loop it informs me there is no longer a seat available when I try to sit on one that should by your own words written multiple occasions  I am to getting tied of this comment. Why would I keep repeating my results if it was not actually happening ! 

    3) Finally by your own admission I should not be able to sit on it at all which is not the case . Evidenced https://i.gyazo.com/23732dab7be08d2676caee4952479992.mp4

    If it is truly my code on this error message trapping the seat . Why if I set it to TRUE Does it do the same thing as when it is set to FALSE as because what You have said it has disabled it with.

    llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(check_for_prim("Rope Tree Loop"),[ PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY,TRUE]);

    Finally then how to redirect a sit from link 1 in second life to a different seat which I choose? I have googled this and it found no answers. If I am to assume from what  Fenix Eldritch said then it is been given a seat from the pool of seats.  How do I determine which seat its been given as my click target is different and does not seem to give one of the seats. By this own thought I should be able to disable code above and let the sit system work which it doesn't  it tries to move the rope not the avatar. then how do i also stop it getting a seat at the top when its at the bottom and vice versa.

    As I said I want to get it working {{Hugs}} D


    in the RL I have a friend who now and again contacts me and says: Hi! I am bit stuck on this code. Can you tell me what is wrong, why is it not doing what I think it is supposed to do. So I have a look and say: The code goes like this and like this

    my friend goes: I don't think that's right. And I go: Try what I said and see for yourself. And they go: I don't want to waste my time on trying something that I don't think is right. And I go: Get off my phone

    And they go: Don't be like that. I just want it to go the way I think it works. And I go: It doesn't work the way you think it does. And they go: I don't see why not. And I go: Now you can really get off my phone. And they go: Aww you so mean!. And I go: Bye, talk to you later


    Fenix posted a code that clearly shows how PRIM_SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY,  PRIM_SIT_TARGET and PRIM_LINK_TARGET work together.  The suggestion is that you do actually try this code example. Experiment with the parameters and see what actually happens.  Then apply what you will learn from doing this, to your own code

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  13. 4 hours ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

    I was thinking that an actual archive would not be loaed unless the user actually needed to access the contents, and that that would save some resources, perhaps helping performance.

    that could work

    is a number of ways it could be done technically. Am not sure which would be the best way. Some kind of dynamic loading I suppose. Like can only drop folders with content into the Archive. Then when open the Archive, only initially download the top level folders, then only download  folder contents (sub-folders and assets) when open the folder


  14. On 4/6/2022 at 4:04 PM, VirtualKitten said:


                   list p_new_seat=[]; //should give array of keys 
                   integer ig=llGetNumberOfPrims();
                   integer to=ig;
                   for(;ig--;) p_new_seat=  p_new_seat + llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(llList2Integer(new_seats,(to-ig-1)));
                   integer n = llListFindList(llList2List(p_new_seat,0,5),[agent]);
                   integer m = llListFindList(new_seats,[n]);
                   if ( m <6 && m!=-1) { // detect if in bottom five seats.
                      seat ="bottom";
                      SEATS_data = llJsonSetValue(SEATS_data,["seat"+(string) i,"loc"],seat);
                      if(find_anyone_up_or_down( agent,"top") == NULL_KEY) {
                         llSay(0, "There are other forest folk comming down the rope please wait for them before climbing the rope , then please try again.");

    {HUGS} D:)



    llGetNumberOfPrims() is not what is wanted here. What we want is: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetObjectPrimCount

    change this and you will find that pretty much all of the seemingly random indexing issues that you are experiencing will go away

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  15. in the first instance Linden ask us to use the viewer tools provided to block any person harassing us. All the tools are explained here

    https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/how-to-deal-with-abuse-and-harassment-r610/:~:text=Abuse occurs when someone or something intentionally harasses,You control your avatar and what it experiences.

    when a person harassiing us keeps finding further ways to harass us even after we have used the tools provided then we file an Abuse Report. How to do this is here:



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  16. 4 minutes ago, MoiraKathleen said:

    However, the Guidebook does have quite a bit of good information and different ways to find other places and events to go to, how to tell where you are, how to set LM's and how to set a Home position.  Much better in my opinion than just the portals with no other info back when I was new.

    yes, for those into 2D text/pictures learning methods then the Guidebook is pretty good

    is the others who learn better thru interaction that things like portals (or viewer HUD-like methods that Coffee is mentioning) can be better for.  I think tho that creating interactive tutorials requires a lot more time and effort to create

    i try not to think it has to be an either or, it can be both. Yet I do understand why Linden has gone with the viewer help system they have done. And I don't think the vids Linden do make are a bad thing either

  17. 1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

    a thing about the Welcome Island Guidebook is that at the end of the story told in the guide, is a teleport link to Welcome Back Island.  I have been standing on this island for about an hour now. And is this time I have seen 3 new signup avatars arrive. I am presuming that at least these 3 did go thru the entire guide to arrive here

    an inconsistency is that the Welcome Back Island setting is not the same as the starter Welcome Island setting, I would have thought the link in the Guidebook would take them back to their Home Welcome Island

    there is a avatar standing here right now just off the landing point. Account creation date: April 07, 2022.  They probably wondering what do they do now, this being the end of the story, and they are not back to where they started

    i quote myself as I have a follow up

    am still standing on Welcome Back Island.  Has been quite a few new sign ups now who have made it to here, a number more than I initially expected. WHich is quite good I think

    so far I have IM'd two people who have been wandering round here for quite a while, looking a bit lost, with the IM message: "Press the Home button on the toolbar (top your screen) to go back to the Start

    both times their little head bobbled as they looked thru the viewer UI, then woosh! off they went in a swirl of particles

    edit add: They probably think the IM was from a ingame AI

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  18. 10 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Say for example you log in the first time and there is no UI at all. Just the window and your Avatar.

    A graphic appears on the screen pictorally showing WASD / Cursor keys to move, and after you have been pressing movement keys for a couple of seconds, it fades away and a single tool bar button appears ...

    this could work, as a visually better way to present a tutorial to a new sign up

    the length of a tutorial is quite important. As is how we move on from one step to another and if/we can pause the tutorial, and go back to an earlier topic. And is there a way to exit the tutorial, come back to it at a later time, or skip it completely

    am not sure how much could be taught in 5 minutes, other than the basic basics, like movement and camera control


    a thing about new people from my observations

    back in the day I used to stand at the end of the orientation pathways. Other helpy people would stand at the start, acting in the role of greeter

    i preferred to stand at the end. Was interesting watching new people coming down the path.  How some never made it past the start. How some walked the path ignoring the tut signs. Others winking out along the path never to return. And some doing all, or most of, the tuts and then arriving at the end, by me

    i liked those last people the most. And I would chat to them and say: Well done, you did it ! You made it to the end. You can now consider yourself to have leveled up to Avatar Rank 2. And they would usually laugh and say: thanks! lol that jump across the ditch was hard, I fell in lol.  And I would go: yeah I saw. You did great figuring how to get out and back to here. And they would go: lol thanks.  And then after a bit more chat about what they had experience so far they would ask: So anyways what do I do now ?

    those that did the tuts I would steer to the Help Island LM giver, where there were more tuts and a sandbox

    those that never did the tuts I would steer toward the Explore the World  LM giver



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  19. 34 minutes ago, Pat48 Barbosa said:

    A friend owns the land I now live on and have lived on for over a year. The owner made me a manager so I could ban intruders. I was offered the land to buy but declined. I have 48 hours to remove my things, which I have.

    ah! ok that makes sense.  Group-owned land which your friend has stopped contributing tier to pay for

    is good tho that you did get approached by Linden asking if you wanted to take the land into your ownership. Way better than logging in one day to find you been booted off the parcel and all your stuff returned as coalesced objects

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