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Posts posted by Mollymews

  1. another way to help with this is when we know the time length of the animation

    when so then we can script our timer to the length of the animation, play the animation, then on change to next animation we read the length of the next animation and set our timer accordingly

    i mostly do this with dance animations which can be of various lengths (most of the major dance animation makers put the length in the description field)

    and because I don't care to mess about with notecards then I rename the animation to include the length. Example script showing the basics of playing variable length animations

    integer number_of_animations;
    string this_animation;
       attach(key id)
          if (id) // is attached so get permissions
             llGetPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
          else // has been detached, so stop this_animation and timer if playing
             if ((llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) && (this_animation != ""))
       run_time_permissions(integer perms)
             number_of_animations = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION);
             if (number_of_animations) // more than none
                // pick a random animation to play
                integer random = (integer)llFrand(number_of_animations);
                this_animation = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, random);
                // animation name is something like
                // dance1 #23.7
                // dance2 #27.5
                // dance3 #18.0
                // etc. where the length of the animation follows the # character
                // we parse the length out from the 2nd element of a list
                float length = llList2Float(llParseString2List(this_animation, ["#", ""]), 1);
                if (length <= 0.0)
                   length = 30.0;  // set to 30 seconds when no length found in name
                // start the animation, and start the timer
          // here we get the next random animation
          integer random = (integer)llFrand(number_of_animations);
          string next_animation = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, random);
          // when next_animation is not the same as this_animation then change, else we going to play the same animation again
          if(next_animation != this_animation)
             float length = llList2Float(llParseString2List(next_animation, ["#", ""]), 1);
             if (length <= 0.0)
                length = 30.0;  // set to 30 seconds when no length found in name
             llStartAnimation(next_animation);  // start the next/new animation
             llStopAnimation(this_animation); //stop the previous/old animation 
             this_animation = next_animation;  // make this_animation be next_animation
             llSetTimerEvent(length); // play timer for the length of the now this_animation


  2. 1 minute ago, xSAndrex said:

    This camera only captures the camera view from the back of the avatar. it does not speed up movement or jump. But just in case, I took it off today.
    I would like to know what did I do wrong? In the letter from LL there is no indication of the alleged violation, only the general phrase is cheating.

    i haven't played Linden Realms in ages.  When I used to play then Linden frowned on 'speeding' and 'blocking'. Blocking is where a person stands in such a position on the arena to prevent higher value crystals from rezzing, waiting for all other players to leave the area then moving, which unblocks the crystals and they will rez

    am not saying you are doing any of these deliberately. But sometimes we kinda don't know that we don't know, or we just forget. Like for example my Oracul AO has a built-in jump enhancer. I can jump about twice as high and long as a standard avatar. And sometimes when I used to play I would forget to turn off the jump enhancer, which would get me into trouble . 

    • Like 3
  3. we can sell game tokens for L$. What we can't do is cash the tokens back into L$, with the exception that we can refund the token for L$ back to the person who bought the token. We can't 'refund' a token to another player

    the refund mechanism is the same as refunding a customer who bought say a dress

    • Like 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

     if I think "not now, please" I just scroll forward and skip some posts.


    i don't block anyone, just scroll on by when I am not in the mood to read it. Sometimes I can go back and read it another time, but that also depends on what kind of mood I am in

    is the same with whole threads.  I usually read OPs tho. If I think I don't have anything to contribute or can learn something new from then I just go on to the next OP

    • Like 4
  5. sometimes on some rare occasion it can be some kinda cache corruption.  It hasn't happened to me for quite awhile but sometimes my textures get all mixed up on my screen. The funniest looking is when my avatar skin texture gets painted on the sky 😺

    i found that clearing my cache fixed it for me

    • Like 5
  6. On 4/16/2022 at 12:54 PM, entity0x said:

    Empathy can't be enforced or required at the end of a gun of the State, or the banhammer of a platform governance

    just note that the banhammer is not about empathy, is about enforcing morality

    morality meaning that which is defined as acceptable behaviour in the Linden Community Standards section of the ToS



    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    In the end, people listen to music that they like

    this is true

    a musician who had had some success in their life in the RL, came to SL and played music that I liked. Mostly sets from the late 90s and 00s - grunge and numetal influenced rock, with the odd cover of 80s classics, while also playing their own music from their band career, many songs of which I knew.  I pretty much went to every concert that they performed in SL. Was great !

    often when there was no following musician booked in the next slot then they would just keep playing. Sometimes would play for 4 or 5 hours when they and us the audience were really getting into it late into the wee hours (the musician is in the same time zone as me) They would usually be last on the roster in the 9-11pm slot and would sometimes still be playing at 2am. Totally into it, same all of us present

    then as the weeks grew into months the musician changed their set in response to the requests from the SL audience. Much more covers from the 80s. I was understanding of why this was. The SL population tends to skew older

    a thing about older people when we see them at a concert or in front of the stage in a pub/club, totally into it and the band is playing the songs of their youth then they are often euphorically transported/transcended in the experience. In their minds to some degree they are 17 or 18 again, at least during those fleeting euphoric moments in their otherwise sober grownup lives. And when the band stops playing and the lights come on then they come out of the experience happy and still a little bit euphoric

    musicians who play for live audiences understand euphoria. And in that state we (the audience) don't particularly care about the quality of the sound or equipment, or the competency of the person on the sound desk or the technical capability of the musician. We are into the music that transcends us

    music of our youth. One of the most euphoric music experiences for me is the band Rage Against The Machine. I first heard this band when I was 15. Now today I am still transcended when I hear them

    here is RATMs first concert ever. A band nobody had ever heard of at the time 1991.  At a festival, where everybody starts, on a back stage.  Terrible sound, terrible setup and not all that great technically musicianship wise.  At the beginning of their set an audience of two. Many people just walking past not interested. Every musician who has ever played a backstage knows what this is like.  As the set progresses tho people start to stop and listen and start getting into it.  Despite all the terrible, there is something euphoric in what is being played, in what is happening


    eight years later, total euphoria for 1000s and 1000s of people


    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    The question is why more Americans aren't complaining


    my observation of USA people is that individually they have a sense of fairness that manifests itself in ways that doesn't always manifest itself in the same way that it does in other peoples

    individually USA people rate in many surveys as amongst the most charitable and helpful people in the world. For example, the World Giving Index over the last decade gives USA people 72% for helping a stranger, 61% for giving a charitable donation, and 42% for volunteering their time to an organisation. Which puts the USA ahead of all other peoples of the world on aggregate

    this sense of fairness manifests itself in other ways also. Like in some USA children's sports there is a winning margin rule. In junior american football for example, when a team gets to 30 points ahead of the opposition team then the game is stopped. The ethos is that it is not fair to the weaker team to keep on playing as it serves no useful purpose. The better team (winner) has already been established, and if the game continues then it can breed arrogance in the better team players and demoralise the weaker team players which can lead them to drop out of the sport. There is a hint of noblesse oblige in this ethos. With great power comes great responsibility toward those less fortunate

    which makes a certain sense when we are a great power, which the USA collectively is. This collective understanding of power and privilege being a result of how individuals apply this to themselves in their everyday lives. This is not to say that the USA is perfect, no nation is. Is just to say that is my observation USA people have an awareness of their own power and privilege both collectively and individually and are mindful of the effect of this on themselves and others   

    maybe more basically. People within powerful collectives and who individually are helpful, charitable and generous are less inclined to grumble/complain about their personal circumstances within the center of power that their collective (nation) provides

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    • Haha 1
  9. On 4/14/2022 at 5:10 AM, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    🚨Random idea incoming - wouldn't it be fun if we had a type of Pokémon game in SL? Run around the grid collecting cute little fluffy things

    LDPW have made a similar-ish game called Tyrah and the Curse of the Magical Glytches

    is a grid-wide game, the glyches can be captured on quite a lot of Linden public-access parcels across the world

    link here:  https://secondlife.com/destination/tyrah-glytches

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Although the "syntactic sugar" of that language would be welcome, the ability to use existing C# libraries would be extremely limited by script memory

    pretty much yes

    at best, I think that any C# libraries that Linden did surface would all be done thru a Linden API (to keep the sandbox safe). We wouldn't be able to access any non-sandbox libraries of our own design/choice (external to the Linden API)

    syntax-wise I would quite like to use dot notation to access prim properties, but yes is just sugar really

    a thing I could see as being really useful is if we could write classes. I can see how with classes we could much more easily map linked prims to a hierachy for puppeteering purposes


    • Like 1
  11. i think the response to the US taxes has been muted for the reason that Linden has been passing on the VAT cost to europeans for quite some time, and more recently GST to australians. So the feeling from some (if not many) US people is oh! well, was good while it lasted


    given the tax doesn't apply to L$ purchase, only to tier and premium, i think it might have some effect on US people switching from mainland tier ownership to renting

    as some european posters (subject to VAT) have mentioned , they switched from paying tier to renting mainland

    i dunno tho how many US people do rent mainland now, or might switch to renting for it to make any substantial difference to any one landlord when viewing landlords individually

    • Like 5
  12. 9 hours ago, Luluna86 said:

    is possible to disable the hold click mouse button?


    do it on 'down' (mouse_down)

    if ((down & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) && (action == "throw")) 

    a fyi. As wrote 

    'down' = mouse_down

    'pressed' = mouse_press

    'released' = mouse_up

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