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Everything posted by taisiyakarpenko

  1. This is how it goes when I get up too early on Saturday mornings - I start up driving out with my Landy for a breakfast in the open and end up with spamming the forums...
  2. I don't think the Morgan is too far away from this Alfa and that Maserati, Belinda
  3. Gigging with @Saravendiat the Rum Boogie Cafe's Blues Hall in Drune Whitechapel...
  4. Would that be head #14 then? Looking forward to what you will make out of it! I have to confess that one of my definite favorite looking avatar was in a photo of you a couple of hundred of pages back,, so I'm excited to see what you will make out of Lake! BTW, have I told you how much I love MY Lake?
  5. ...but I DO have a very cute AND sexy non-space outfit
  6. Just so you know why her hair always looks that great...
  7. I wish all skinmakers could come up with something like what DeeTaleZ have - a neck match tattoo Wear whatever body skin you want (preferrably somewhat close to your face tone) and apply the Universal Neckmatch in the same tone as your face - hey, presto - neck line gone! This is no mesh neck fix thingy floating around your neck, just a cleverly made tattoo. You can get as a universal version for "all" bodies or for specific body versions like Legacy. Snaps taken in what someone considers the worst possible WL for neck seams - Standard MIDDAY - and is equally good in any other WL I have tried... I loose the small moles on my The Skinnery skin just above the collar bone, but I think that is a small price to pay to get rid of the neck seam... I could always add the moles on a tattoo over the neck thing... Works perfect with a LeLUTKA Evo/Maitreya combo - I feel like the result is still very good with a Genus/MT, LeLutka/Legacy and Genus/Legacy combo - but just not AS good as with the LeLutka/MT combo... DISCLAIMER: I'm in no way, shape or form affiliated with any of the brands mentioned, everything bought with my hard earned L$
  8. Oh, that is/was me - My(Angelina String) screen name have been Taya (short for Taisiya) for a loong time and all my IW friends knows me as Taya, so I made this alt with the "correct" name a while back, and then decided to use this account for my "return" to the forums!
  9. Cannot decide Old me, new DeeTaleZ me or Glam Affairs me...
  10. Thank you ☺️! The hair is Mecca from L’Etre/Doux, and there is plenty of shades of brown to choose from!
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