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Everything posted by MeshPromo

  1. I was searching a tree house and I got either a tree or house only for all the first 12 results.
  2. I agree with the OP too. Those spamming is really annoying. As a creator all my cloths are fatpacks. Recently LL made option to filter DEMOs. The same way they can put option to filter MP contents based on the - published year - Mesh, Non Mesh, Partial Mesh - show content only from "favorite stores". (user need to add favorite stores) Also LL can use a better search algorithm to lower the repetitive items in search list. I think LL can add those filtering options very easily. They are not doing it yet as they need invest more money to upgrade the servers, which they might think ROI is low. If the SL residents keep asking those, they'll definitely do, that's why I commented here.
  3. I'm a creator and just looking some opportunities to make cloths and accessories for new mesh bodies that made recently which isn't having enough of those. I would appreciate any useful information.
  4. Update: LL just restarted the sim and now I can rez and create. I hope they already fixed it permanently.
  5. I own this parcel from mainland "Duggan" sim for my this account. It has hundreds of free prims. But since yesterday I can't create new objects or rez in my parcel, and getting the message as "Unable to create new object. The region is full". This sim act abnormal since long. Sometimes I can't see my friends online while in this sim. Sometimes the messages I sent to friends weren't delivered. I already sent a ticket yesterday and waiting for the response. Posted here to see if this already happened to others and how they fixed it. Thanks for any comments.
  6. The mainland sim I'm living, was restarted yesterday and it seems the friendlist is back online at inworld. One of friends unfriended me for turning them invisible and now I can see why that happened.
  7. I have this issue since today morning. I can see the usual friends online in dashboard. https://secondlife.com/my/?lang=en-US Once I go to SL, can't see any of them online. But when I send any of them an IM, they suddenly show as online. It is possible some people set themselves invisible by uncheck "see when I am online". But in my case, its not possible all of my friends did it at once. Besides one of my best friend who regularly voice chat with me in discord confirmed she didn't do it at all. I wonder is this just me or if any others have the same issue. If so we can send a ticket.
  8. Thank you for the answer. I entered 2048 in "your contribution" filed in the land group and then it allowed me to buy. Also it didn't change my tier and still in 7USD/month. Yay! I just wonder why I needed to manually enter it?
  9. Hello, I have two 1024 sqm lands (total 2048 sqm) from mainland and deeded to a same group. Due to 10% group bonus I could buy another 192 sqm while staying in the 7USD per month tier. So I sent a ticket asking from linden lab to allocate me 192 sqm from a nearby land which I was abandoned before. (I abandoned it before buying my second 1024 sqm.) And they were so kind to subdivide 192 sqm and set exclusively for me to buy. When I try to "buy for group" the transaction wouldn't work. After trying multiple times, I ended up with this "Cannot buy now" message. I can get back to the first screen after re-log, but things ended up as the same. So my guess for this problem is the "Available Square Meters" shown as 178 sqm, which is less than 192 that I'm going to buy. But I can buy 192 sqm due to 10% bonus while in the 7 USD tier, which isn't showing by the system. If that is the case, I have to increase the tier to USD 13 per month before buying this. So that will end up I pay more than supposed to be. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I would appreciate for any useful answers.
  10. So is that means can I get upto 192 sqm as deed to the same group, and stay without increasing the 7 US$ tier?
  11. I have 2048 sqm lands from mainland and all are deeded to a group. Right now my land manager details as follows. Question 1: It says "square meters donated is 1870. But I donated all the 2048. What is the difference? Question 2: It says 178 sqm is available. But when we deed to a group, we get 10% extra lands bonus, so total should be 2252.8 sqm. As I already have 2048, I should able to get 204.8 sqm more, right? I appreciate for any advice.
  12. It is very challenging work to perfectly rig things for curvy bodies (or anything that has too much over 90' curves.). That might be the reason there are lesser for those three as all of those three seems very curvy. I already got Kalhene Erika dev kit but made only one so far due to the reason.
  13. @Lucia NightfireThank you for the survey, it is very useful. I have a question about this LucyBody. I just searched marketplace for "LucyBody" and only found 552 apparels after filtering demos. As LucyBody stands in #9, it seems very lesser amount of cloths. For example "Belleza - Freya" gets 357848 apparels result. What do you think about the LucyBody?
  14. I'm a creator and just looking some opportunities to make cloths and accessories for new trending mesh bodies that got popular recently which isn't having enough of those. I would appreciate any useful information.
  15. @Blush Bravin and others thank you for the help. It worked pretty well. Seems I didn't add the lelutka brow shape before.
  16. Lelutka EvoX Logan Head, Eye Lashes goes under the Eyebrow area. I bought from marketplace and tried but still the issue is same. Then I reset the skeleton and animations, restated the firefox and still no change. Appreciate if someone could give me a tip to fix.
  17. Its all about Marketing in Business Life cycle. At the introduction stage: Focus on more search visibility. Put keywords customers mostly use to search for that product as long as not become spamming. At the growth stage: Put the cloth name first and brand name at the end. At the maturity stage: Put your brand name first then the exact meaningful name of the cloth.
  18. I saw some inworld merchants noticed in there stores that they don't offer gift cards and warned to beware from the scammers who offer them. I think there are some scammers who able to cheat customers using gift card systems. Therefore I'd suggest you might research more on this.
  19. Now I can log in. I think its because the support team messaged me for the ticket, that they re-copied my account in beta grid. If someone is in rush to log in to beta grid, sending a support ticket will receive some quick fix.
  20. Yesterday the support team messaged me to log in to the beta grid using official viewer after a day. So today I tried that way but still can't login to beta grid.
  21. Getting the following message every time trying to log in to the Test grid, since today. Also tried by entering those sim names and that didn't work either. Can't see any issue in the Grid Status website "yet". Just wondering is this just me or others too? If so we could send a ticket.
  22. When rigging same top for a flat chest avatar and another larger breasts avatar, what is the best way? So far what i do is first make the flat chest top then adjust it for the larger breast avatar just before rigging, this will end up larger texture scale over the breasts area then need to re-map then HUD also need different texture upload.
  23. I saw this issue at the product review of another merchant. So that merchant offers DEMO for a clothing and its same as the original product including the same HUD except the demo is nocopy+nomodify and it has hovering demo sign. (I know it as I bought both demo and then product too and I'm happy with it). Same day when I went to review it, saw an "one star" review for the product by saying "not good - I don't like it". I think the following two arguments are possible. Argument 1. Though the demo and the product similar, that customer might get different experience later. So the customers are entitled to put whatever their opinion and give stars accordingly. Besides LL don't have capacity and its not wroth it for LL to test individual products (when complained) to find out if the demo and product same, so LL can't do anything about it. Argument 2. But in other hand that review damages to the product's good-will and search visibility even though another customer gives good rating. Also based on LL-MP terms, the merchant can't re-list it. As the merchant offer same demo, its customers responsibility to test it enough time before buy. Therefore LL should remove that review. What do you think about it?
  24. I'm looking the regular SL avatar as dae or obj form which uv mapped accurately. It is to bake the clothing shadows for BOM layer. Thanks for any useful info.
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