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Posts posted by grezz360

  1. Using the single vertex method, I have managed to reduce physics from 2.5 to 0.5 on mid floor. But the sides are going way out the roof. 17K to 53K of LI! 🥺

    Mid Floor Physics with Triangle to cover Z axis in BB


    Mid Floor Physics with Single Vertex Method (with a big plane on ceiling surface)



    Side Floors Physics with Single Vertex Method (with a big plane on ceiling surface)

    Top View


    Bottom View



    Uploading only one side (the side @Aquila Kytori have redone the physics)

    Physics made in my original file, following the vertex method steps


    The same mesh & LODs but physics changed to the physics model made by Aquila



    Cross-checking My Physics (left) & Aquila's Physics (right)

    All the dots seems to be in same position. Single vertex is the number 0 on both. I did even redo the physics and tried. Still don't work on mine!



    15 hours ago, Aquila Kytori said:

    I didn't find any noticeable difference between the two roofs in Download or Physics costs in the Uploader or when rezzed.

    Correct, its physics was low. The problem was in Download which had a difference until I reduced few tries from Low LOD on both side before I posted 2nd time. I tried to keep the shape without loosing too much details as it is a building.

    15 hours ago, Aquila Kytori said:

    For the roof models the  Download costs are higher than the Physics costs so its these that you need to work on to lower the final Li cost.

    In your example, it seems to me that it works pretty much like box physics method where number of tries don't really matter! I did want to have a plane on all sides, so no one can get in and out of the roof 😄. In my mind the less tries on physics, it cost less on physics cost. That is why I lowered it 2 tries.

    I got few others that needs to correct Download without loosing its shapes (see below). 3LI for a small door and 13LI for front wall on ground floor (the 1st floor front wall also have a hole but it is 4LI. both these have 3 materials). Physics is now below 0.5 on all the parts, except the 2 floors. Is there any way I could lower Download Cost other than reducing tries from the LODs? and does physics effect download?



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  2. Thank you @Beq Janus & @Aquila Kytori for that awesome & quick reply.

    12 hours ago, Beq Janus said:

    skew a few of the triangles into a "longer thinner" category


    11 hours ago, Aquila Kytori said:

    As the difference in LI looks like it is being caused by the Physics costs try rebuilding your Physics model.

    As you both mentioned about a possible auto-generated thin triangle on uploading process, I looked into the one I have uploaded already (below is a pic of auto-generated physics of the Floors in in-world).

    Then tried manually converting physics quads to tries in Blender, making both have same size tries. But still, somehow Land Impact vary.



    11 hours ago, Aquila Kytori said:

    A couple of things that don't look quite right in your screen shots :

    First, in the preview window, your collision surface is in the middle of the visual model instead of being aligned to the top surface of the floor.

    Secondly, your, high LoD visual model seems to be using more triangles than is necessary, 76 instead of around 35 or so.

    It is because, I got some more mesh for side woods :3 (see the links to files below)

    So, the walk-able surface is just about the center of Mesh. I have removed that 2 thin tries on sides (next to stair way) as there will be a wall that goes over it which has its own physics. Made it 1 triangle instead to cover height (its visible on above pic). I could eliminate this triangle as well with above method right? by adding 2 vertices (for top and bottom)

    Links to Blender Files

    High LOD & Physics  |  Med LOD  |  Low LOD  |  Lowest LOD

    Somehow roofs match now after I reduced few tries on low LOD.

    Floors: when i export & upload from the newly saved file I have attached, it gives (L) 4 - 2 (R) LI. When exported from original file it gives (L) 6 - 3 (R) LI

  3. I made the following 3 stores. For each of these stores, I got a separate roof, floors and walls on each side. I first made the centre store, then made the right side and mirrored it to left. Applied the transformations, baked all textures & made all LODs. Those 2 sides have same number of materials, same number of vertices & tries (as per Blender). But somehow, I get two different Land Impacts on left & right roofs & 1st floors. Everything else matches.


    Below are the LI when those are set to Prim (Physics Shape Type). Both have hole for stairway. Dimensions are same (both physics & mesh)

      Left (LI) Right (LI) Remark
    Roof 3 4
    • Convex Hull LI (left - right): 3 - 4
    • Both have same physics, download & server weight.
    • But more display weight is different (L)1826 - (R)1831 - Both side carries 3 textures.
    • Only difference i found was 4 extra vertices on left (this side happens to give low LI than the other)
    • All LODs have same vertices & tries (as on upload window)
    • Both roofs have physics of 2 tries
    1st Floor 3 2
    • Convex Hull LI (left - right): 2 - 2
    • Both have same download, server & display weight
    • Somehow Mesh is high on left. Thus high physics - Both dimensions are same & I have double checked if it goes beyond boundary. all good.
    • Only difference I found here was 1 extra vertices on right (this side happens to give low LI than the other)
    • All LODs have same vertices & tries (as on upload window)
    • This is after I managed to remove 2 physics tries from each. Before it gave 6 - 3 (left - right) LI (in Prim mode)
    • Both floors have physics of 8 tries


    Floor Upload Window



    So I'm quite puzzled about this & curious to know whats the cause and how could it be fixed or at least a way to lower the LI.

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