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Everything posted by Sandra8675

  1. i wish to have one also. do you know the link of the classic akeyo ao ur referring to? I would like to get that one for me. And... can u tell me if u can use normal standing, dance, swim, etc ao on the one ur referring to? ty
  2. ty for the comment... we will try at the house. The only message that was coming up said something like, 'it seems something went wrong when you tried adding ur ao.' My friend did write to the creator on the official website also. We will see if they get back with a response.
  3. I got the 'akeyo nitro hud' as a gift for a friend. and now its not working. When the 'akeyo nitro hud' is dragged to the ground none of the ao or dance from inventory are able to be dragged into the 'akeyo nitro hud.' This process was attempted on the 'london sandbox'... if anyone has any suggestion on why this may not be working please let me know. Do you feel its not working because we were using the 'london sandbox'? Would it work better on the land my house is located on? I could not find a picture of it. but this is the site online. http://www.akeyo.de/nitro/help/index.php
  4. I"m very open to suggestion here... I need some christmas lights for the outside of my home... String lights or icicles. Any suggestions for inworld stores or for specific christmas light you like that work for u? ty
  5. Sandra8675


    Thank u for the suggestions. Brows are a new one for me.
  6. ok... Its hard for me to say without having access to the avi to troubleshoot. But... I have looked at the picture. First.... I would look at ur avi and double check u did not switch ur body to bom by accident... Then... I would for sure jump on the lara body official inworld chat and show the picture. Make sure ur speaking to a customer service rep on the chat which usually shows in bold in chat. Their opinion on whats going on is always helpful. Something I noticed is u stated u were not using bom yet. but... u also didn't state what exact skin ur using. I think in this day and age its important to consider how 'old' ur skin is and if u may need a more updated one. The other thing is... Have u considered switching to bom? This may be a good time to consider doing the switch. It may be helpful to go inworld in hit the 'avi attachment refresh' button. And speaking of refreshing... Have you hit the refresh button on ur lara body hud in the alpha section? I would also make sure ur lara body has been updated to the most recent version available. You can also verify that in the lara body inworld official chat group. If nothing more... Sometimes waiting 24 hours, etc can make a huge difference in sl. But... I do feel in this case leaning on the lara body official inworld chat would help u to the most to start your trouble shooting.
  7. I'm ready and its the right time of year to search for a log cabin. I've never gotten one before. What are some log cabins you love and where do u find them inworld? Please do not be shy about giving me the lm. I'm actually wishing for a log cabin that is: - at least 3 bedrooms - has good/ great textures - is a 'larger' home verses a 'smaller' home. - unfurnished
  8. Sandra8675


    I am in the market for natural colored or tintable brows. I tend to like brows that show/ have little hairs to make them look more real. I don't care about price. But, I do wish to be able to shape them and would like a choice a store that has different shapes even though i know i can shape them with the slider.
  9. Hi... my bf and i just got the 'vista hand holding ao'... we did not buy the entire $1500L ao pack. we only got the hand holding ao from the huge vista pack. but its not offering up a window for me to accept the hand hold. and its not offering up any blue or pink ball for me to sit and or accept the hand hold. anyone have first hand experience with this? we are trying to figure out what is wrong or what to do.
  10. event blogging... I'm so very out of the loop with any of this stuff... I would like to find out how i can contact events to see if they are interested in me making a video on the event. I really have no idea how. I have heard others talk about 'blogger rooms' where u can have access to certain items from the event that can help you make a video on it. This is something I'd be very interested in because I've become so interested in blogging events. Can anyone give me specific first hand advise on how to go about contacting the correct people or other resources I should be looking into? ty
  11. Where can i get free mesh zombie or black eyes besides MP?
  12. Please feel free to give me the company name and or lm. ty
  13. black dragon from what i heard from several people who do use it is that the graphics are beautifully detailed. many people use it for pictures. but... i have been told by many that its difficult to move around inworld. And because black dragon needs more of your 'graphic card' or depends on your graphic card more than other platforms. the end result is that your computer can 'crash' more than say other viewers out there who depend 'less' on the graphic card. but many have told me the customer service/ support is fantastic.
  14. It is supposed to have more features for inventory specifically geared towards those who like shopping a lot. Otherwise it is extremely similar to firestorm function wise from the research I've done. People who use cts wardrobe seem to very much like catznip. And it made by the same people who made the rlv relay system. But, the look and fell is extremely close to firestorm. More than that I do not know.... because it still gets a little confusing for me. Like i tend to 'prefer' rlv collars by 'peanut 9". what exact rlv system the catznip people came up with i do not know.
  15. hi everyone... i hope someone can help me. is this the official link for catznip please? https://get.catznip.com/downloads and if anyone knows any other nice viewers that are not firestorm. please let me know. ty
  16. catwa unrigged on lelutka? there is still so much i don't know. i have a few catwa heads with many eyes. i will check out the unrigged situation in my inventory. ty
  17. i think its a tech question... im looking for a little advise/ insight on these specific type of eyes . i have a new lelutka head. i'm using bom. and i'm very unsure if these eyes will work. there is no demo. the eyes are from ENGINE ROOM EVENT. if u know anything about these EYES please let me know...
  18. what??? i hope i did not miss the fair. i will have to go check them out. cuz i didn't find what i wanted at birth.
  19. ok... i understand... is there a way to cancel the order so i can purchase the 'instant buy'? I'm just trying to figure out what to do. i'm willing to wait a few more weeks. but... then i want to see what else can be done so i can get my lindens or whatever.
  20. I bought some lindens on september 11th. I still do not have them. I checked and it seems the order did go through. I have the order number and everything. I will check with my bank today to confirm and see if they have extra information. When I placed the order I did choose the option that takes 'longer.' But, this is taking super long. I feel there may be an issue? Can anyone tell me if there is a department or email you can write to at linden labs for issues like this? ty
  21. All i wish to know is if its color changing and what colors it has? Some ads say its color changing and some say its not. so its confusing. If anyone could help me out with that information i'd appreciate it. I do not like pink. please note... i have contacted the sellers already. i was just wondering if anyone on here bought this piece and knows the answer.
  22. ty so much! i will go look... I really have been wanting fantasy eyes for one eyeball. thats kinda my thing. but... i've been having a seriously hard time finding what i call 'fantasy' eyes. they have those 'fantasy' eyes from BIRTH.... You buy the 'normal' glamour eyes i think - then - u buy the surface movement for the top layer. it makes them have the option of different types of movement on the top layer like a heart beat, etc. its a cool concept. just thought it was too many working parts for me. i have a hard enough time getting dressed. wink
  23. Jackson... I will write u a private message. or we can talk inworld?
  24. I am new to making youtube videos... I'm just trying to do my thing... And lately I have noticed an issue with the video quality of filming specifically items are MARKETPLACE and CTS WARDROBE. These 2 platforms are similar in that they are still static images on a platform with some text. When i film this the video ends up looking very blurred, very unclear. The images and text on MARKETPLACE and or CTS WARDROBE come out very unreadable and just not clear. I'm wondering why or what i can do to fix this issue? Does it have to do with the recorder not filming 'fast enough' or something? I know there is something that has to do with how many 'flips' per second or something when it has to do with game recording. Does anyone have a specific example of how 'fast' a recorder should be for gaming specifically? I'm using firestorm by the way.
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