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Everything posted by Sandra8675

  1. Would i be 'locking' the house in 'edit' mode using the 'object' tab? If im referring to the wrong tab can you correct me please?
  2. Everyone... Thank you for your information... I am taking notes on what was said here so I can refer back to it. ty
  3. Is there a way to save a house even if that option is not included in the folder when you purchase the house? This has been a topic lately with my friends and I because we are starting to do heavy decor for the holidays coming up in our houses... I have a house I'm using now by 'scarlet creative'. However, this same issue keeps coming up. The house does not come with anything in the folder that makes it so you can 'save' the house after making changes to it. Therefore, I have deleted the house multiple times.... I am aware its possible to save houses sometimes if that option is available from the creator and the option is included in the folder. But... Thats not what I'm trying to focus on... What I would like to know is if there is a way one can save a house regardless if there is an option to do so in the folder or not? My bf did do something to the floor of the house which will prevent me from accidently deleting the home if I rez something on the floor. But.... The what he did to the floor only protects the floor... I can still accidently delete the house while working on the walls, stairs, etc. If anyone knows of a way to save a house please do tell me. ty
  4. I would like some fall garland to be full of leaves or whatever fall thing, be in fall colors and be in general good/ great detail. I'm not really seeing 'great' stuff on marketplace for this. And I know some stores do not put everything on MP. Any suggestions for in world stores? thanks
  5. yes.... figured as much... may have to go to black dragon for still images. Don't know if i wish to mess with trying to film though on black dragon. I've just heard major horror stories how difficult it is to move the avi around. But... When I look at peoples stills and videos who use black dragon it beyond a doubt looks visually so much better. Again... My computer can handle it. I guess i just need to stop being hesitant and jump in.
  6. I'm asking because i want to make sure i'm getting the best settings for filming/ photo before i decide which viewer i wish to use in future. I know black dragon is king when it comes to images/ filming detail. My computer can in fact handle black dragon. I'm just hesitant to change. So I was wondering in peoples first hand experiences... Is it even possible to change the settings of firestorm to be anywhere at all kinda sorta near to black dragon settings? If so what settings are u using? I looking very much forward to hear what others think.
  7. I am going to start filming my halloween videos very soon. Are there any really well done sims that have a scary/ halloween look? I'm just looking for suggestions so i have choices of where to film. ty
  8. Is there a way to get a sims environment settings so i can use those settings myself? thank you
  9. I really do think the idea of using BOM under clothing will save u. Investing in a few BOM tank tops in neutral colors can take u a long way. If u search on market place I'd look for 'business attire'. That will i think bring up the style clothing ur seeking. Something to consider would also be to hire for pay an avi 'makeover' consultant. They will go shopping with you to get that look your wanting. For heads I would lean toward Catwa because they have very nice support through the 'catwa friends group'... Even though I would not recommend the catwa hd pro line. And I love Lelutka heads. But, Lelutka has no inworld support group. So, it can be difficult to get help u need.
  10. Spoiled???? lol... That is so not modest. She wants modest.
  11. I did add the evo x elf ears onto my evo head... Can anyone with first hand knowledge tell me how to get the hud up to control the elf evo x ear movement? I had that hud up before and I did set the movement which is working fine. But, I want to look at the evo x elf ao hud again... And now i can't find it. I don't know if i deleted it or what. Can you explain to me in a very simple way how to get this hud up so I can see it? ty
  12. I have seen this deformer a few times. But i can't find who makes it... This is what I'm looking for... MT - Inithium Waist Narrower 1 {Creator} [L pectoral] Please no referrals to just search on MP.
  13. If i buy truth hair in 'white'... does truth hair allow people to edit/ modify the color of white? cuz the demo won't let me.
  14. It turned out it was not the head. It was the body. The full bright was turned on by accident. Problem fixed.
  15. Your bringing up something that did cross my mind but that I thought i may be able to ignore... I have not done the EVO X update. I am still using EVO. I thought this would be ok. Maybe its not and maybe this is whats affecting the lighting on the head? I would be interested in know what you think. And I am also going to be contacting the Lelutka discord group.... I was just too tired last night to deal with it.
  16. I'm having a very frustrating problem. I've used Lelutka a very long time without issue. But today when i logged onto my account there was an extreme color different between the head and body... Really extreme... Please read what i found when i did trouble shooting... 1 - Under appearance i am not wearing another additional skin. 2. - Under 'current outfit' I am not wearing another additional skin. 3. When I change skins the head skin always remains darker/ wrong color. 4. I have removed entire head and body and reapplied... It did not do anything. 5. When I change lighting nothing changes. 6 And I always us same exact lighting that are pre set. 7. When I tp to a different location it does not help change the color of head to match body.
  17. I'm looking for a kurpa skirt extra extra short... I would like part or half of the butt not covered/ hanging out. I would prefer denim if at all possible. Has anyone seen a denim skirt like this for kupra? ty. side note... I'm looking for references to actual stores based on first hand experience. Please no referrals to mp. I'm looking for something similar to the pic.
  18. Mariah... I have the empire omega nails... what kind of nail color or design were u wanting?
  19. Can anyone recommend a scary/ horror looking location/ sim? i would like a few options.
  20. i wanted to keep the male avi price down as low as possible. but i'm having trouble with this one. please... i have already looked on mp... looking for other recommendations to places outside mp
  21. I would like to recommend 'static' and 'ali the beautiful and ugly'... both stores make fantasy items for the avi. And both stores are detail oriented to the point of being crazy. its worth a look. beyond that the 'static' owner is VERY good at getting back to people who may have questions.
  22. I didn't know about the article the OP is referring to until I came across it here today... But... I have done 2 complete female avi under $20L... I actually made one female avi using Ebody curvy and 1 female avi using for $20L at that time and a female avi using the Legacy classic body $0L... And... Last week I decided for the first time ever to film the making of a male avi under $200L... I was also thinking about making another updated female avi since things change so often. Either way I enjoy doing it.
  23. i agree... as i stated earlier the 'improvement' for the hd catwa heads is not something i can notice with my naked eye. i will see how i feel about evo x. but i do like the elf ears.
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