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Everything posted by CSVirtual

  1. I am explaining, on a different way, how the new firestorm tool can help me to improve my build, but this tool is just a tool, I will not "submit" to this tool as if this tool was a measure of quality. It is a help, not a quality measure, and on my sim, the quality measure is my eyes only And I dislike the condescending or offensive way to speak just because some peoples think they are right as if they are some "gods" of build, they are not, obviously not
  2. I find strange nobody mentions the fact, majority of peoples who rent a sim or a land use real money for this, and so it is perfectly normal to have yet the liberty to create as we wish, under TOS rules, on the server we rent. And I don't think there is a quality rule about li/lod ratio and so one on TOS which prevents me to reduce li or increase lod on my sim And plenty of peoples create only for their own use and not for resale.
  3. "It's not a "depends how you work" or "design choices" type of matter, it's a matter of following what a tech director would" Yes, and on SL, the person who rents the sim is the "tech director". I pay for my sim, and on my sim. I have the right to create what I want . I pay for this and in this case Linden lab is a server and service provider no less no more and if I want a high poly house, I can, I pay for this, or maybe Linden lab will advice me and all other peoples in the same case to rent elsewhere ?
  4. This post is trolling And to pursuit in the same way, finally scultpy was maybe good enough
  5. It is true, and it is a choice. And I guess it is because Li formulae, specifically on Second life.
  6. Read again. My first question about the tool is it works on all mesh even linked with primitive or with sculpty, and if the tool works only on modify objects ?
  7. It is better to speak about easy to understand example, neutral examples. And to test if the tool is reliable, then to discuss how that helps users. As I read the mesh Li formulae was maybe not so good, so no matter how you like it or not, it is too late. Visibly the formulae will be different for animesh, we can't conclude the actual is bad, but we have a clue. I tried the tool, for now, that doesn't works on a lot of mesh objects.
  8. What is the title : Firestorm 5.0.11 New Mesh Building Tools What is the purpose to use an example from a designer, when you could create it yourself to illustrate the goal of the new tool ? Who is the troll, the one who dares to ask, or the people who unfairly took the tree example ? What I say is, it was not necessary to take an example from a designer, no matter the good skill or not of this designer.
  9. I find this offensive. And certainly not a way to bring peoples on your side. And " horrendously poorly made " is an offensive way to speak. Mainly coming from a designer who has not showing the skill to write fairly criticism to the tree mentioned on example. If you are customer of this tree you can contact the designer, but on this forum I find this way very offensive.
  10. Your tree uses sculpty. It is exactly what I said. You use the forum to promote yourself by writing criticism on others. Where is the laziness, on nice design trying to handle how Li is managed by Second life, or make billboard trees using just free textures ?
  11. I don't think 3D games ask you to pay land and prims on it. Do they ? I don't remember I purchased a land for Skyrim and I don't remember they count prims. I don't remember size has any influence on Li on Skyrim, too. Of course, there is no Li concept on 3Dgame, only polygons and textures resolution. Always matter of context. Second life can't be compared directly to a classical 3Dgame. On Sansar, there is Li ? Lod ? , not for now. Linden Lab has in mind to add Lod on Sansar. Actually, there is not. And that works finely as I already tested. Lod will improve maybe the FPS, but the time Sansar is growing up I am not sure it will be necessary to add Lod system. The computer will progress to handle VR better and better and the technology for automatic fade level of detail will be more generalized.
  12. I do not proclaim myself a 3D object maker for my auto satisfaction or advertisement. But, I know how create dae files, generate LOD efficiently and with many software. I know what is possible or not on Second life. On Second life we need make choices, and for now, some builders took the choice to optimize Li and they are making awesome designs. That doesn't means they don't know how handle Lod, that means they made a choice to offer best design at reasonable Li. They put all their efforts on high lod only, not because they don't know, but to please how Li are calculated and customers. I need to add, the fact to align cubes, with mesh or not, under Blender or on Second life directly doesn't make someone a mesh makers.
  13. It is ridiculous to put Lod, mainly on Second life, knowing the constraints, as main quality for an object. There are a lot of criteria.
  14. That doesn't works on a multi part objects, and that increases the Li
  15. And that can't work, because all lod level objects must have the same textures number, for example. And complex objects often use many parts. So, the impostor will go where ? and how ?
  16. Hi, I don't think it is polite and welcome to put criticism on an object, the tree, when all other examples, are basic builds. We will be able to write criticism fairly when the mesh importer will work finely on Second life, it is not perfect for now. Additionally, there is how Li is calculated. Is it a good way, how Li is calculated? Maybe yes, maybe no. But, for sure, LOD and low Li are not working in the same direction. Some objects are very specific, rock, trees, complex house, industrial stuffs, etc ... What users want : low Li, low price and now even good LOD. That not works. And I prefer a tree visible at 40m, than fake trees like 8 panels billboard, isn't it Chinrey ?
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