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Everything posted by Error403Forbidden

  1. Hello! The best I could do is draw it my self sadly. The only thing I have even close to this for the AOR Class is the Know your ship books they give us, but that's only be good for making the inside of the ship ha ha! Which could be a huge project of mine if I could get someone to make the outer shell. I cold draw something like this up my self if that'd help. Do you make models?
  2. Hello! I am wanting to make a portrait that changes from one texture to another when a very CERTAIN avatar is near by. Is this possible? If so, how !? Thank you!
  3. Good Morning every one! Vladimir Wand here with a request for a builders hand. I am in the Canadian Navy, and we have retired out last AOR Ship, HMCS Preserver, she was my first ship to ever been on and has a special place in my heart. But down to tax! I am looking for someone who could build a Offsim Preferably, or one that will be on SIM 3D model of her. She does not requite the insides to be built, although HMCS Preserver on Google I would like the Hanger and bay inside that is in the middle an area to walk and I can dress it up correctly. IF she is to be built for on SIM and not Offsim use. I don't require her to move in any way or have any sounds. I just need someone to make her. I have Discord and my Personal Phone Number to keep in contact with you if you would like. THANK YOU!
  4. OH No </3 Thank you for telling me! I saw that when I looked into the system a little more I guess I'm going to have to do some heavy foliage blending to make the grass seem like is changing types. Thank you <3
  5. Hello! I'm trying to blend my fake terrain with the default grass that is on the home land I am living on. What is the default grass texture for SL ?
  6. Hello! My name is Vladimir! You can find me on SL as TyrranaxH I need someone to make me custom Furniture. I'll be willing to pay of course. I am looking to have furniture made with a lot of custom lays and sits for at least 4 people all on one object. I have a big family and finding beds, ect for four people to lay on without sex happening is HARD! Please IM me. I am able to draw what I'd like and give you the avis types that will be on the bed, thank you!
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