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Everything posted by krash1256

  1. Well, that didn't work. What I'm trying to do is. I have a hud at the bottom of my screen with four buttons for different things. Then at the very bottom I have a button that hides unhides the hud. I found a script that hides unhides it but the buttons can still be touched. So I found this script and it flips it sideways. What I want is the hud to turn upside down when I click on the button, have it rotate down without hiding the bottom button and then click on the button again to bring it upright again. Do you understand what I mean. I want to turn the whole thing upside down but still facing in the same direction. It will just be down and out of sight.
  2. I've been trying to find a script exactly like this but I want the Hud flip down and back up, not sideways. I don't script and I don't know how to change it so it will swing down and back up.
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