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Posts posted by animats

  1. What I'd really like to see is way too ambitious for current LL management. But here's my list:

    For users:

    • Automatic frame rate maintenance. Never let the frame rate drop below 10-20 FPS, even if the graphics quality has to be reduced temporarily.
    • Show overly complex avatars in impostor mode, insanely complex as jellydolls.
    • Enough multithreading that you can always type, even if the viewer is overloaded.
    • Multithreaded rendering. Yes, it's really hard. But everybody else has it now.
    • Modern camera control. If there's something between camera and avatar, the camera has to move down or in. None of this sitting down and the camera is behind a wall.
    • Beyond draw range, show the SL map for areas above water. Extra credit, project the map on a very low rez terrain mesh, like 1000 triangles per sim. Further out, groups of 4 sims are one mesh, then groups of 16 sims, like the way the map works as you zoom out. Like Google Earth. See all the way to the horizon! Then improve this by taking pictures for the SL map from low altitude, below the layer of ads.
    • On region crossings, do motion prediction with a low-pass filter on linear velocity, and zero out rotation rate and acceleration when predicting across a region crossing. No more big bogus motion, but a little rubber-banding to keep the sailors happy.
    • On region crossings, defer processing object updates for child prims until the parent has crossed. This would eliminate some visual artifacts at region crossings.
    • Smarten up the order of texture loading. If you're stationary, prioritize what's in the view field, close stuff first. If you're moving, prioritize what's going to be in the view field soon. None of this standing in front of a sign for two minutes waiting for a readable image.
    • Support mobile devices (that's coming) and game consoles. (Check out the specs on the upcoming Sony PS5 and XBox X. Those are very powerful devices.)

    For creators:

    • A much better uploader. Accept one COLLADA file with all LODs, prims, and textures in one file, and get it into SL with no problems. Check for duplicated textures and don't re-upload and don't charge. Don't require that all LODs have the same textures, only that the total number of textures doesn't exceed some limit. This would allow displaying the low LODs without loading the textures for the higher ones.  Couple this with official tools for Blender and Maya to help generate really good LOD images, with the lower LODs using baked normals from the higher LODs to represent surface detail efficiently.
    • Catch LODs with holes that make them see-through at upload time. Make that an upload error.
    • Automatic criticism of meshes and textures, based on screen area per triangle for meshes and texels per pixel for textures. The creator can ignore this and still upload  But the same info will be computed by Marketplace and will be displayed to potential customers.
  2. "Hold your convention in SL" is worth considering. The Game Developers Conference has been more or less cancelled. (The promoters say it's still on. Facebook, Microsoft, Epic, Unity, Sony, etc. have pulled out, so  it's going to be mostly empty.) SL could host conventions. SL does events with lots of little stores all the time. There's some kind of gamer convention in SL right now, set up to look like a convention floor.

    Most computers can run SL; you don't need full VR gear. So it's a real option.

    SL used to market to business, but they gave up. Does LL even have a marketing organization left?

    • Like 1
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  3. I'm seeing more people on the roads. By the way, on mainland, please drive on the right. I had a head-on collision with a heavy truck which was on the wrong side of the road.

    (There are drive on the left sims, such as Mopire, which is 3 sims of a Tokyo-like tangle of elevated freeways, rail lines, and ground-level streets, with Japanese road markings and signage.)



    • Haha 3
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  4. 1 hour ago, Nergal Ninetails said:

    You are saying the texture itself which has the alpha influences the zsorting of the alpha blending mode, or draw order of the mesh;

    It's a property of a face's texture settings. You can see those by editing the object, selecting an individual face, and looking at the "texture" tab. There's a dropdown menu with "None", "Alpha Blending", and "Alpha Masking" options. If you select "Alpha Blending", you get face sorting. If you select "Alpha masking", you get Z-buffered clipping on a per-pixel basis, which means alpha is on or off, not a fraction, but draw order doesn't matter.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Ohrmm said:

    Looking for a place to rent an Office space in a modern village/mall type sim. Don't know where to begin my search for something like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    SYZM Tower in NTBI has office rentals. I have no connection with them, other than that I made their escalators.

  6. Find any of the videos of people building in Sony "Dreams". Take a good look at the user interface. Now that's what state of the art creation tools look like.

    On a Playstation 4, no less.

    SL has some serious catching up to do. It's a common complaint from new users that SL mesh is too hard. This is a demonstration that it doesn't have to be.


    • Like 1
  7. OK, what do we know that we didn't know before? Not much, really. The main takeaway is that Sansar as a LL project is officially dead: "Linden Lab going forward will focus entirely on Second Life and Tilia". "Process of disconnecting ourselves from Sansar". They're trying to sell Sansar off.

    Oh, and email-based 2-factor authentication may be coming. Some minor price changes. Priority for 2020 is moving the servers to AWS. Anything else important we didn't know already?



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  8. simcrossingbridge02.thumb.jpg.51dfa572dfc3ec6ddb47a72f55894595.jpg

    Watching my NPC do all the work.

    The bridge crosses a sim boundary. This NPC goes back and forth across the bridge about once a minute. My NPCs can cross sims, but about every 8 to 12 hours, something goes wrong. There's an oversized move that takes them off-world, and the NPC is returned to Lost & Found. It's as if the move was applied relative to the wrong sim, because the sim crossing and the move overlapped in time. Normally, the NPCs send me an IM with debug info when something goes badly wrong, but when they go off-world and return to inventory, I don't get a report. So I have debug logging turned on, lots of owner-only messages in local chat, and sit nearby waiting for something to break.

    • Like 5
  9. I only started listening at 11:15. What did I miss?


    • Premium Plus is $20 extra? Is that per month or per year? (May be wrong.)
    • Email-based 2-factor authentication is coming. Nothing like a Yubikey.
    • Too much time spent on name changes.
    • 5000 "new users logging into SL every day". (Does that mean the web site, which bots can use, or made it into the world?)
    • IoS app coming, Android later.
  10. There are anti-pushing HUDs that lock you to the ground. I found about them when someone complained my escalators didn't work for them. If you lock yourself to the ground, transportation systems that use physics won't work for you. Some elevators, escalators, moving walkways, trams, and amusement park rides work that way.

  11. I wanted an orthogonal camera a year ago, because I was making images for billboard impostors. Those need to be orthogonal, or at least taken as if very far away and zoomed in.

    When I was doing those "Above Second Life" images, using the regular SL map tiles, I could see a better way. Take orthogonal images of entire sims, looking straight down, but from a low altitude, to eliminate skybox and ad junk. Texture map them onto a sculpt made from elevation data. The result would look like Google Earth. That's what SL should show you beyond draw distance, rather than empty water.

    Orthogonal cameras are thus useful as a building tool. You use them to make images for textures to be mapped onto other things.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 58 minutes ago, Kerrianne Wheatcliffe said:

    my experience shouldn't be wrecked by chasing down someone and ejecting them.

    I have NPCs which find anyone on a parcel and say hello. I'm considering making a grouchy old guy who finds intruders and yells "get off my lawn" at them while shaking a stick.

    If intruders don't leave, they can be ejected, but it shouldn't get to that point very often.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 3
  13. 11 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Exactly.  I'm just saying that if there is in fact no record, the OP is screwed. it's basically his word against LL's that the L$ ever existed.  There is also the matter of the TOS (Sect 3.1), which says that "You acknowledge that Linden Dollars are not currency or any type of currency substitute or financial instrument, and are not redeemable for any sum of money from Linden Lab at any time."  So, unless the OP has actually sold L$ to other residents and put USD into his account, all he lost was "game tokens", which have no monetary value.

    LL can say that, but it may not hold water in court or in arbitration or with a financial regulator. Some cryptocurrency issuers and exchanges have made similar claims in the past. It didn't help them.

    IRS guidance:

    Virtual currency is a digital representation of value, other than a representation of the U.S. dollar or a foreign currency (“real currency”), that functions as a unit of account, a store of value, and a medium of exchange.  Some virtual currencies are convertible, which means that they have an equivalent value in real currency or act as a substitute for real currency.  The IRS uses the term “virtual currency” in these FAQs to describe the various types of convertible virtual currency that are used as a medium of exchange, such as digital currency and cryptocurrency.  Regardless of the label applied, if a particular asset has the characteristics of virtual currency, it will be treated as virtual currency for Federal income tax purposes. 

    There's been some recent controversy over whether Fortnite's game currency is a virtual currency under that definition. The IRS recently issued guidance that it is not, because you can't cash it out into dollars. Since Linden Lab buys back Linden Dollars for US dollars, and quotes a price for doing so, they can't claim Linden Dollars are "valueless". A decade ago, you might have been able to make that claim, but not today. There are many new money-like things right now, from gift cards to cryptocurrencies to game tokens, and these issues have come up before. It's pretty much settled that if you can convert it into dollars, it has value for tax purposes. That makes it very tough to claim it's valueless for theft purposes.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    True, but if there is no record that the money ever existed, I think the burden will be on the OP to produce something more than "It was about 200000 till the last time I checked from the web page..." .  Otherwise, the claim will come off looking like an attempt to scam LL.

    There must be a transaction journal somewhere within LL/Tilia which shows the money going in and out of the account. There are retention record requirements on such things. Welcome to the world of accounting law for financial institutions.

  15. In SL, you can do most of the things games do, but more slowly. So role-playing works better than first-person shooters. You can do a first-person shooter in SL, but it will be far too sluggish for the pew-pew crowd.

    Quests work fine. There are many of those in SL. LL even has some, such as PaleoQuest. (Here's a walkthrough. It's a spoiler. There's also a speed run on Youtube.)

    NPCs - working on that. See some of mine at GTFO HQ in Bruissac. Go there and they'll find you and say hello.

  16. From the LL Tilia terms of service:

    If you have complaints with respect to any aspect of the money transmission activities provided by Tilia, you may contact the California Department of Business Oversight at its toll-free telephone number, 1-866-275-2677, by e-mail at consumer.services@dbo.ca.gov, or by mail at Department of Business Oversight, Consumer Services, 1515K Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814.

    That's a good place to start. LL/Tilia has to respond to the California Department of Business Oversight with something much better than "we don't know what happened to the money".

    LL chose to enter the financial services business, and that makes them subject to oversight. Whether the LL unit or the Tilia  unit is to blame is something the regulators can help sort out.

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  17. 32 minutes ago, Nova Convair said:

    This is so old - but here and there there is still someone that panics.

    It was supposedly fixed in Firefox 63, but no. The problem is that the "Authentication required" message in Firefox is a modal dialog - you can't do anything else in that window until it's dismissed.  If you dismiss it, it pops up again. This prevents clicking on the "Stop it" button. The attack page uses as much memory as possible to force the system to swap to disk and run very slowly.

    Sent Firefox a bug report. Firefox is supposed to be able to deal with that.

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