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Posts posted by LyricalBookworm

  1. Very much so! I'm very shy and don't make friends easily. I also don't have many, but the ones I have are the ones that count. My husband and three sisters aren't just friends, but my family. Things began in SL with my hubby, but evolved to rl over time. I'll be settling over in the UK in less than a year now with him. My three sisters are long time friends. All four have shown unconditional love and acceptance. I'm so blessed to have these beautiful people in my life and love them unconditionally.

    • Like 8
  2. I have a compromised immune system so I've been at home mostly since this started. Last week, I scared my doctor by showing symptoms of Corona virus, but he later felt was a different virus. I'm on quarantine anyway since he and I both know I'm safer at home. He even brought me my meds and an inhaler which made me cry. ❤️

    I've always tried to do different things for self care to balance out emotional, physical and mental well being. I'm at home mostly anyway. I'm spending lots of time with my furbaby! I have been getting a lot of rest. I binge watch my favorite shows and movies. I listen, sing and sign to my favorite music. Even play my guitar. I'm spending time  with loved ones in SL. I'm lucky my spiritual communities are active in SL as well. I'm spring cleaning. I'm doing some sewing projects I had been planning. I'm also planning on doing the mask challenge going around once I'm better and can disinfect my home since I know how to sew. It will help with the shortages of masks at hospitals. 

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  3. Since I'm officially quarantined at home from my doctor, Edith and I are having a mummy and daughter day at home in Belli! We want to tell everyone to stay safe, take care of each other and be well. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    Wow! I think I have too much time on my hands since I seem to have taken over this thread. I'm sorry for that! Please take care everyone!


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  4. I've had the most wonderful time at the Belli Shore Festival-RFL these past few days. Opening day found Edith, @Christhiana, and I taking a ride on the carousel and after chatting  while enjoying the music. This afternoon I went back with my hubby and we enjoyed some dancing while listening to some great music. It was so much fun and really well worth checking out and showing support.




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  5. 3 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    I consider all cats in Bellisseria to be "real Bellisseria cats". :) 

    This shows how messed up my brain is, but now I keep picturing a new reality series called, "The Real Cats of Bellisseria."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 7
  6. 19 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    Am I the only person who doesn't get any energy from coffee? It makes me feel jittery but not any more alert or functional. Normal tea is a better pick-me-up. I usually drink herbal stuff, so I definitely don't have a caffeine tolerance.

    I can't drink coffee at all. My doctor would lecture me if I were stupid enough to try it again, and I would not hold it against him at all. It makes me jittery, but we also found I'm severely allergic to it the one time after thirty years being on the Earth, I decided to try it. 🙄

    I ended up in the ER and hospital for a week (they had to keep close watch after me losing so much weight from the reaction my body had to coffee) after trying to drink half a cup at a friend's dinner party because I wanted to feel like one of the cool people. Will never forget that experience. Ah Memories...

    I cannot even tolerate the smell of coffee now. I have a very sensitive system. I am allergic to a lot of things. Really, I have always preferred tea so I don't feel I'm missing anything.

    So you're not the only one who cannot tolerate coffee. 😊

    • Sad 1
  7. Edith and I just wanted to say hello to everyone on this beautiful Saturday. We got new dresses for our Friend's meeting later so I had to take a photo. I will admit I tend to plan our outfits to look as much alike as possible. Edith is my mini me after all...well kind of. We wish you all to please have a beautiful Saturday and weekend really.



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  8. I'll admit I've no idea what all the kinks are spoken of here, but I could never ever imagine spending that much linden on anything. I hope you can find another way to enjoy your SL in the way you wish to with someone who won't be charging that horribly obnoxious amount. That sounds ridiculous on the part of the person charging that much. Perhaps keep searching for another? I was going to ask a bunch of questions, but I better not so I don't get myself in an embarrassing situation. I'll just be quiet now. I wish you luck though!

  9. There are always going to be things that cause annoyance. That is a given. Sometimes venting can be a healthy therapeutic exercise. There is a pet peeve thread that is already quite popular you can use for venting. I think I even used it once.

    Your post here seems to go beyond that though. The only behavior a person has control over is their own. No amount of complaining about each and every little thing you find rude or inconsiderate will change that. I would think there are much more interesting ways to spend your time. Just my simple opinion.


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  10. 5 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    I lost my father February 14, 2014. grouphug.gif.df51084ceb432da8f508d59a23c3bfc6.gif

    I'm sorry to hear that. I know I've never quite been the same since mine passed in 2010. We go on, but it's never quite the same because a huge part of us is missing. Memories are precious. They help keep the person we lost close and alive in our hearts. I'll light a candle for your dad too on the 14th. 💕

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    • Thanks 1
  11. I'm a huge romantic at heart. I'm mushy, affectionate and super cheesy. My hubby could vouch for all this with nodding and lots of eye rolls. Also, my relationship is very happy and loving. I'm very blessed.

    All that being said, I don't ever need a date to remind me that I love the person I'm with and I certainly never need a gift from my hubby to know he loves me without question. 

    It is a rather painful day for me although it holds so many sweet memories. My dad always got me the sweetest cards on Valentine's Day when I was a little girl. I would make one for him too! It was only him and me so it was a Dad/Daughter thing. Never a romantic thing. I just light a candle for my Dad on the fourteenth now to remember him. 


    • Like 4
  12. 22 hours ago, Zpo4 said:

    I've created a tip jar script which will provide the following messages:

    TIP OF 500L or more > Thank you for your patronage! Your tip is highly appreciated.

    TIP OF 100L-500L > Guess you must be having a lean month...thanks anyway, but maybe  lay off the Gacha sales!

    TIP OF 100L or less > Think someone needs to log off and reconsider their life choices.

    I would hope this was a joke...

    Having manners and being humble are worth far more than any amount of money. At least to me.


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  13. Yes. I've experienced this a few times in the eleven years I've been in sl. When I first joined back in 2009, I could still hear relatively well so was a hostess for a club that has long since closed. I remained a hostess for three years. One of the DJs I would hostess for during the week got quite passive aggressive with patrons if they felt they weren't getting enough monetary attention. It got to a point I flat out refused to hostess for them since that attitude takes all the fun out of it. At least for me.

    I have been slowly going deaf my entire life. Music has always been a passion of mine. I've been singing and studying music since the age of four. I've always had to read lips. Two years ago, my hearing reached a point where I'm no longer just hard of hearing, but deaf. Sooo, now I listen and enjoy music differently. I'm lucky I can still hear some aspects. Vibrations enhance the enjoyment of music.

    About a year ago, I had a former friend invite me to their show. They knew I was deaf. They were speaking on voice so of course I couldn't hear when they verbally greeted me. That meant I couldn't respond to what I couldn't hear. I was waiting for things to rez so I could find an out of the way spot since I'm also anxious around others. After things rezzed in I found a spot, got settled, found her tip jar and sent 100L. All I can afford since I'm on a tight budget. Anyway, this got met with people snickering in group chat and other typed out things that were rude. Snarky. I got a message from a guy asking what my problem was. I was confused and asked what they meant. The guy went onto ask me if I had my sound off. I explained I was deaf and couldn't hear the set. That I was there trying to show moral support since the DJ was a friend. The guy went silent and he apologized. He explained. 

    Apparently, the DJ had been talking about me on voice rather rudely because I didn't respond to her verbal greeting and my tip made her even more upset. There was even name calling from what was explained to me. I was mortified and took my leave quickly.

    The DJ got blocked since that hurt rather badly. I'm glad I was never a club goer. Not my scene.

    I now only go to events to show support for my few friends who perform or DJ. The ones I know who know I'm deaf and won't abuse that fact. I make a point to tip them even when I cannot hear the music they're playing. I always like to think it's the thought that counts.

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