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Everything posted by LadyEllenT

  1. Thank you so much for that tutorial. I really appreciate you taking the time to help. I had no idea you meant my classic avatar's body fat. I still think of this Maitreya skin as my body but someone told me it is just a skin. I remember finding that menu when I couldn't get any shoes to fit my classic avatar and someone finally told me that many shoes are designed for small feet and my avatar came with size 20 feet and that I can make them smaller with a simple slide on the bar. Also, the neck shading thing seems to be fixed! I was trying on clothes and accidentally removed the msh skin and when I put it back on again, the shading was gone! Even if I zoom in, you cant even tell its there any more. I've edited my OP to add that information in case anyone else is having the same issue. Thanks again for your time and I just might PM you some day since I only know a couple people inworld who can help me with the mesh and they're not always avaialble and I'm sure more issues will pop up.
  2. Hi guys, A bunch of items are missing from my inventory that were there yesterday. They are mostly demos and objects. Some of the items have been in my inventory for a while now (one as long as 6 weeks) I know for a fact I didn't delete them because the folders they were in are still there but the contents are all gone so in order for me to have deleted them I would have had to select each item individually. There are at least 2 dozen items gone. Any idea what might have happened to them? Edit: a friend showed me how to clear my inventory cache and the items are back. :)
  3. I am pretty new to mesh bodies and Second Life in general. If by 'skin', you mean 'body', then Maitreya does not seem to sell a seperate applier that I have found. I've tried each of the different neck sizes in the hud and the problem persists. Ambient Occlusion is off by default and not even available any way. I'm not sure what you mean by "make sure your body fat is set to match your neck size." This is what it looks like when I click the neck fix tab. Notice the differrence is more obvious than in the first pics I posted?  This is what it looks like in the back no matter whether I use the neck fix or not so I don't even feel like I can wear this ponytail hair I bought 
  4. The transition in the neck from the mesh body to the classic head is very noticable. The neck fix makes it worse and I don't want to change my skin tone. Besides, it matches perfectly with the head already. Is there something else I should be trying?  Edit: the problem seems to be fixed now. I removed the mesh skin and put it back on again and the coloring went away. These pics were taken in the same light and same place as the above pics. 
  5. Based on what you said, it sounds like clearing the chache won't help my issues. I'm pretty sure it is not corrupt files that are causing the long rez time and lag - it's more likely because of the fact that I don't have a computer designed for gaming. It's a basic laptop bought more for standard/office tasks. I do have a very good wireless connection. I have my graphics set pretty low. I noticed early on that when I'm in a place with lots of other people I get very laggy so I try to avoid those places or I keep my distance from the crowd. It sounds like I might just have to be satisfied with what I have for now until it's time to get a new laptop, which is soon any way. Besides, the sl experience is still very enjoyable already. Seems like what I'm wanting is to to make my experience even better than it already is and that I should keep that in mind when I go laptop shopping in a few months. Thanks for your reply.
  6. I've been told that clearing my cache is a secondary solution for long rezzing times and other technical issues regarding glitching graphics and the general sl experience, (after re-logging, re-starting and even re-installing my viewer) while others have told me it's NOT a good idea but I haven't gotten a difinitive answer as to which one is correct. Can someone tell me the upsides and downsides (consering sl specifically) of clearing my cache?
  7. Yesterday I went into a newcomer friendly place and met a woman who walked me thru the process of using the alpha cuts, what to look for when outfitting the mesh body and many other tutorials. I'm so glad too, because now I understand everything you said. When I get home from work today I'm going to do some more tinkering with the appliers. I had a feeling this was easier than it looks but I have no idea how newbs ever get thru it without the help of people like you guys on the forum and that woman in-world.
  8. Hi, Thanks for your reply :matte-motes-grin: 1. When you say simply keep wearing my own shape and don't replace it, do you mean don't use the mesh body? 2. I do demo all my clothes before I buy them and they all fit for my classic avi (the one I chose when I signed up) but they don't fit when I try to put them on my mesh body 3. The comment about the copy was overheard in group chat when someone was talking about something else. I've been told to always make a copy of something before I try to edit it but that conversation I read about copies made me wonder. A friend bought me the mesh body as a gift because she said mesh was preferable to the classic avis. I was there in the store when we got it. 4. I'm not sure what you mean by skins....
  9. Hi guys, A few weeks ago I got a mesh body as a gift (the 'Lara', for what it's worth) and I tried it on but almost none of my clothes fit and it changed the look of my face. I dug around through the settings etc and it was a little overwhelming so I went back to my classic avi and have been avoiding it since. I'd like to start using it but there are a lot of things I don't understand how to do. I suspect my issues are pretty standard for a newb so I'm hoping some of you can help me. A few questions to start 1. did this face come with the mesh body? it looks just like my classic face except very slightly altered - squished or stretched maybe? I would like to keep my original classic face, if possible. 2. why do most of my mesh outfits have so much cutting when I put them on this body? It doesn't seem to accept alphas either. 3. is a copy of the mesh body any less quality than the original or is it exactly the same? Somebody once mentioned something about this ("I could tell it was a copy and not the original") I also don't understand what appliers are or how to use them. I read a couple comprehensive explinations online but they used technical terms I didn't understand. Are they meant to replace alphas? Not only am I new to SL, but I'm also new to all this 3D simulated gaming-level tech stuff. Only having been in SL for a few weeks, I also don't know all the SL terms and abbreviations yet either.
  10. I'm a late arrival - I've only been in SL for a few weeks. A friend introduced me to it. She's been doing it for years so she showed me the basics - Firestorm, how to set my preferences, TPing, LMs, the ins and outs of dressing (alphas, unboxing etc). She took me to a few stores with those free letter chairs and I got a couple gowns and one ridiculously sexy mini skirt outfit (which I couldn't bring myself to wear). I found freebie galaxy where I proceeded to fill my inventory with mostly hopelessly poor quality apparel (my avatar is super cute now and I only wear mesh clothes). On day one, we were in a sandbox unboxing my ridiculously sexy mini skirt outfit when I had this acid-trip-sounding conversation which I promptly posted on my facebook raising all kinds of questions: me: "is that a fire over there?" Her: "lol, yeah some people trolling" Me: "dang those guys are trying to set fire to that church. f*ckin maniacs......I want to go over there but I'm naked and my crotch is invisible and I have no hair" A few days later I started going into newcomer-friendly areas listed on the destination tab thingy and made some friends who took me dancing and I was hooked. So much great music and dancing in SL!
  11. People are also able to log certain intofmaton about you from an email you send them by viewing the "full header". That has info including your IP address and general location in it.
  12. LadyEllenT

    Rez time

    It seems in the last few days, the places I've always visited have been taking more time to rez and sometimes they don't fully rez at all. These are places Which typically would fully rez pretty quickly for me. Items, objects and people remain grey forms (not jelly dolls). I must have messed with my settings. What part of my graphic settings (besides the quality and speed performance bar) would effect this?
  13. I don't see a link in my account/profile to view all the previous reviews I've written. Is there a way to access them? I can't remember which items I've reviewed so I can't do a browser history search.
  14. Oh okay, that makes sense. I just can't get myself to buy something without trying it first.
  15. Thanks, that was very helpful. I found several via people and places searches in-world. However, there was one particular item where I was looking for a link to the in-world store and there was none. I searched the entire MP page of their store but all they had was links to ther facebook. I looked the seller up in the people search and in her profile all it had was a link to her facebook and her MP page. I also looked up the name of the store in a places search and came up empty. How do I find an in-world demo in this case?
  16. This is probably an obvious one but I havent figured it out yet. Often times I see an item I like in the marketplace but it doesn't have a link to buy a demo. Sometimes the seller will leave a comment to try a demo in-world. How do I go about doing that if there is not demo to buy in the marketplace?
  17. Hi guys, you've been so helpful already. I have another question: Why is it that sometimes when I put a mesh product on, it has little jagged holes in it? I bought a dress recently and I demoed it first but I didnt think to dance in the demo and when I went to dance, I noticed little holes appearing as I moved. What causes this and can it be fixed? When I roginally put it on and walked around in it, the fabric was smooth and flawless and moved with me. I tried different sizes and it even came with two differet alphas. With some items I notce the jagged holes near the waist and/or breasts before I even move and a size larger ir smaller makes even more holes.
  18. This seems like it would be a pretty common issue but I googled and searched this forum and found nothing near current which relates to it. My friend screwed with his body and now it's all out of proportion and he can't get it back. Is there a way to reset the avatar back to its default shape? if not, is there a way to start over with a new version of his avatar, the one he chose when he signed up? He has the classic avarar "Derrick".
  19. I resized my feet (they were set to size 20 by default) and it worked! Thanks so much. Now, the issue with my feet is a new one. The tops/ankles look kind of bumpy and deformed. Any idea what to do about that?
  20. I never thought to try and edit the foot size. I haven't poked around in the settings yet because I was afraid to screw the avatar up but I recently figured out that I can save a copy of it so I'll see what I can see in that respect. Thanks!
  21. wherorangi: Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I should have been way more specific. I already know how to get dressed using alpha layers etc. since a friend showed me on day one. I've done all of wht you said, I picked up a posing stand for free that I use to edit jewelry and other items and I've even tried using demos of other feet. Thank you for taking the time to write that up though. I'll add that to my OP.
  22. I'm using the classic avatar 'Kimberly'. I've demoed lots of shoes which are listed as compatible with classic avatars and none of them fit my feet. Editing doesn't seem to help at all. Is there something I'm missing? I'm pretty new to Second Life so if someone can explain this to me I would be really grateful. I already know how to get dressed using alpha layers etc., I picked up a posing stand for free that I use to edit the shoes and I've even tried using demos of other feet.
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