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Everything posted by LadyEllenT

  1. A friend told me about the system default settings when I first signed up for sl so I've been tweaking and experimenting with them on this new computer. I have seen some slight improvements but not much. It's good advice nonetheless because newbs don't have a way of finding that out on their own.
  2. I was fine with the message. I actually believed it at first until I talked to others who have both been in SL for years and use integrated graphics cards (not to mention knowing and trusting them) and was told that it's incorrect and snarky to boot. I am not typically a messenger-shooter but every so often when I ask for help with something and I get a response like that, I feel compelled to say something. Usually though I just ignore it.
  3. Thanks for the tip. I uninstalled the version of Firestorm I had and installed an older version (you were right, it was 4.7.7) and the problem continues. I am beginning to think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm running Windows 10 on this new laptop. My old one has Windows 8 and I've never used 10. Any idea if that could be the prblem?
  4. According to my tech-savy friends, you're misusing the title of "helper"....not kidding at all.
  5. You're kidding me. I consulted so many people (including those who sell computers and those who work on them) and was told that the fact this one didn't have a dedicated graphics card wouldn't cause any issues with sl because of the amount of RAM.
  6. I recently bought a new laptop and the specs go far beyond the system requirements to run SL. I use Firestorm and it's behaving strangely/poorly since I downloaded it on this new system. I'm having difficulty walking, rezzing and clicking. Also, my inventory is all mixed up. I cleared the inventory cache and it didn't help. I don't remember having this much trouble the first time I downloaded it on my much older laptop with the low number specs. I've relogged and restarted the computer several times now so I know it's not that. This is the computer I was using before: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/NP365E5C-S01US This is the computer I'm using now: http://www.frys.com/product/8862052?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG
  7. Unfortunately, much of what you just said didn't make sense to me. I haven't learned about scripting yet. I only just now discovered that it is the thing which animates furniture. I did however understand the part about gtting an accomplice, which I just did and they're having the same problem too so we determined the issue is with the vendor and we sent her a notecard alterting her to the glitch.
  8. Actually, the fact that they're not visible would be fine with me. I think maybe the issue is that sometimes when I activate tags, I'm still unable to get group gifts in world. Could this be because of them not being visible? Any idea if this is a known issue? I've Googled it but found nothing.
  9. I recently attempted to pick up a group gift and it kept telling me I needed to activate the group even though the group is already activated. Also, I'm not sure if this has anything to with it but I've never actually seen group tags above my name even though they've worked in the past for picking up group gifts, receiving in wold discounts etc. Is there something I'm missing? I am using the Firestorm viewer by the way.
  10. Um...root attachment point? :smileyembarrassed: Edit: Never mind, I attached it to my right leg and OMG that is brilliant haha.
  11. Okay now how do I measure the piece of furniture I'm looking at? I opened the edit menu but the dimensions aren't in there and they don't appear anywhere online.
  12. How do I determine the exact size of objects and spaces? I am trying to find a piece of furniture that will fit a specific space in my home and I want to measure the space and the object for comparison. I know this is probably an easy task but I haven't figured it out yet.
  13. Thanks for the great idea. I'm going to do that with the boxes for repositioning my house. It took so long to get it to just the right position which was why I didn't want to go that route.
  14. FYI, I would never steal another's intellectual property. I would also never ask for advice on how to steal. I am very new here (have only owned a house for three days) and obviously the use of the word "grabbing" was not intended in any way to mean I wanted advice on how to steal something. It never occured to me that taking the texture would be stealing because this is my first experience with anything even remotely resembling Second Life. Thanks to those who offered a possible solution to my issue.
  15. No one else can see them. They're spikey sometimes too. The graphics card sound like the right answer since I am using a 5 year old laptop designed for home/office use only. I'm surprised it's held up this long as it is. I've also noticed that places take longer to rez and that some places make me freeze up so bad that I have to force close the viewwer. Good thing I'm computer shopping right now.
  16. Did the fix I suggested to you a few weeks ago not work? In case you didn't get a chance to see the reply, here it is. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Inventory-items-missing-solved/m-p/3074002
  17. In the last couple of weeks I've been experiencing a weird glitchy thing. It looks like huge panels of dark colors shooting out from my avi and they fill the screen so I can't see anything. They change shape and color as I move and only disappear if I TP somewhere else. Someone told me it had something to do with the Maitreya mesh body I'm wearing so I removed and re-added it a couple of times but it keeps happening. It's not constant though - someitmes it will happen only once or twice in a 10 minute period and other times I will go a day or two without seeing it. Does anyone else have this problem and if so, any idea what's causing it? 
  18. I'm looking for some nice mesh outfits for fall but I don't see an easy way to search for those. If you know of a blog or a particulr designer who spcializes in fall outfits, I am looking for suggestions. Thanks
  19. Thanks for the advice. I don't know how anyone figures out how to even be in sl without lots of help! Luckily, a friend brought me here who has been in sl for several years and she spent the first few days teaching me the basics - dressing, unboxing, alphas, inventory, TPing, LMs, where to get free lindens, free stuff etc (I quickly figured out I prefered mesh to prim clothes) searches, how to set my preferences and graphics for minimal lag, etc and giving me all the warnings. I also have a couple of very patient guides who have made sure I don't experience the same newb headaches they did. I would have given up a long time ago if it weren't for them and other helpful folks on this forum.
  20. Zoxin wrote: CTRL ALT + T, probably invisible/alpha. This worked. Thanks! It's weird but when I was trying to right click on the "object", I also tried right clicking all around it but I must have just missed the item because it was a couple inches BELOW the name tag.
  21. Alwin Alcott wrote: select show phantom objects? area search? ... in this window you can select the name, right click and take back I'm not sure where you mean to select show phantom objects or area search.
  22. Edit: solved! It was an invisible alpha which was a couple inches below the nametag and I was able to find it by CTRL + T. I was rezzing random items from a freebie box of pictures/posters in my apartment and I can't delete one of the items. It appeared as just text and looks like a name tag. Like other nametags, it doesn't show up in a snapshot. I cant seem to right click on it in order to pull up the menu. I've re-logged, TPed out etc and it still just floats there. Any ideas on how to get rid of it? 
  23. Go to: Preferences>Network & Files>Directories>Clear Inventory Cache These are the instructions as I know them for the Firestorm viewer. Let me know if it doesn't work.
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