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Posts posted by ClariceRose

  1. 3 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

    That looks like the hair doesn't fit your head, and it's protruding through the "baby-hairs" section.  Try adjusting the forehead angle slider and/or brow size slider.  But if you have a Genus head you might just be out of luck; a LOT of hair does not fit Genus heads at all, under any conditions.

    Thanks for the reply, Maitimo. I am using Catwa Catya. The hair fit fine until a few days later after I bought it. I tried a fix that helped Marianne in another thread but doesn't seem to help me. It happens regardless if I use an extra hairbase or just the hair itself. Marianne said that BOM fixes this issue but I can't be BOM yet, L'etre did not convert to BOM yet for my skin.

    I will try the suggestion of altering the shape/size of my head.

  2. Ok, I have a few questions.. I use Firestorm, do not use Advanced Lighting. I have been having issues with 3 hairs lately, 2 by Besom and one by Stealthic. Is it the eyebrow shaper that the problem is with or the hairs?

    I did the edit with the hair style and eyebrows that you said but it is not fixing the issue. If I used a different eyebrow shaper, will that fix it or is it the hair? Is there another way to handle this issue, does anyone know?

    I am wearing Izzie's babyhair hairbase and Besome Evira hair, but even with the Izzie hairbase off, it does this: 5341f2c9915bdf87b4f1dd615df0f8aa.png

  3. 1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

    I am using Firestorm, so I maybe you won't find things the same if you use the official SL viewer. I clicked myself and "edit outfit". Then I selected "bodyparts" and the symbol that looks like a brown swim cap. I click the wrench symbol behind it. If it is no wrench symbol, it is no modify.

    If you can edit it, no problem. Find "Hair style" and set volume, length and others sliders to 0.

    If the eyebrow shaper is no modify, you must find another one (Brown swim cap) in your inventory and start to edit it. You do the same, set "style" all to zero, then select "eyebrows" and the last three ones, height, arc and point, control them. Hopefully you should be able to copy the eyebrow shaper you had. Since it is no modify, you can not even see the numbers.

    You can make a new eyebrow shaper, but I have many that are modify, so I don't care.

    Thank you so much!!!! I use Firestorm as well.

  4. Pet peeve: People who think that everyone should view things as they do. No. 

    Everyone is not on the same part of the path as you, some not even the same path. Some are more wise and some need to still learn. 

    I'll admit that I expect most people to rise above, because that's what I try to do. Oh, but a decade ago etc, I was entering too many battles that weren't even mine. 

    Being wrong, falling in the gutter, making mistakes...they mold us for wisdom. Most people learn. Those who don't, well, treat them like you just walked in on two ugly people having sex...cringe and walk away slowly. Try to figure out how to bleach your brain of them and return to bliss.

    • Like 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, kenkenc said:

    Boomers killed SL. Drove off all the innovative, talented, imaginative younger scripters 10-15 years ago and turned it into Planet Bore.

    Ruined SL with tacky clubs, tacky clothes, tacky sims, tacky art, tacky hair. SL Marketplace could be a catalogue from 1974. 

    Fishing, line dancing and ballgowns, FFS. Michael Landon-meets-Conan The Barbarian avatars. Pathetic. 

    Your post just got a permanent apartment in Planet Bore.


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  6. I'll admit that I like being a "Boomer" even though I'm not yet in the literal baby boomer age group. Sometimes it's fun watching know it all people fall on their butts after not taking advice. 

    I fell on my butt when I was younger and thought that I knew it all too. Through multiple butt falls is when one finally learns that those old codgers were right lol. 

    I have become my parents but have enjoyed getting older, well, besides more pain. Being more wise is freeing. Being less worried about trends and what's popular in society saves one a lot of time and sanity. 


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    No, it came from Bye Felipe, which itself came from online messages in which men become abusive after women turn them down. There was a particularly famous one from some plank called Felipe, if memory serves.

    And they say millennials don't know anything useful.

    Bye Felicia came from the movie, "Friday". It's a pretty funny movie. 

    • Like 1
  8. When you're in a deep sleep and are woken up by some spam phone call. You think it's your alarm and are trying to turn it off. Your heart is beating fast from waking up so quickly and realize it's a stupid phone call. 

    You can't get back to sleep because now your adrenaline is pumping. 

    Oh, and you look out the window and see snow. 


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  9. 4 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

    What if throat punching someone helps me relieve some of my aggression? would that still be okay??? Asking for a friend 😂

    Visualize a scenario in your mind. Or find an animation for it and search them down.lol

    Don't try that in RL, I heard that jail food sucks


    • Haha 1
  10. People who think that they have to attend every battle. I used to be like that until I valued my health and emotional health more.

    Life is too short. Not everyone is our cup of tea and vice versa. It's ok. Devote your precious time to your people, your tribe. 

    Sometimes I want to throat punch someone but it's not worth it. Sometimes people will never get your beliefs or views. It's ok. 


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  11. 14 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

    Ok, I thought I was pretty fluent in 'Americanese' but this "finna" word is proving me wrong!  I admit that I'm over the age of 18 and may not be allowed to understand it but can someone help a fella out here?


    Those are Sassy's parents ffs!...."sock puppets"! 🙄


    Nope! It just stops you seeing the idio.....person's posts.

    Finna has been around for years. My friends and I used to say it back in 5th grade. It may be a location thing, not sure, but I'm on East Coast US. 

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  12. 13 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

    Sorry you are going through this Skell.  As for the freebie, i was able to get in with minimal effort using the tp hammer.  Its lovely.  But I am always overwhelmed by all the possibilities to customize it.  I will prolly wait a month or so then beg for help from the help group.  I'm sure that group is overwhelmed right now too.

    Amara Beauty is giving out 3 free skins. It's on the front of the building. One is for Catwa, one for Genus and one for Lelutka/BOM

  13. 14 hours ago, InventedSuicide said:

    My biggest gripe with SL is that some men think just because I reply to their IM’s they’re entitled to start being sexual towards me & then get mad when I reject their advances..

     Consent is a thing in SL too people!! 

    Exactly!!!! And if we don't reply then we're called names. We can't win!!

    This frustrates me so much. 

    • Like 3
  14. I have demoed probably over 500 skins in the last few years. I'm a skin junkie lol. Ok, so, from my past experience with skins, 75% of them look nothing like the ad. They were a big disappointment. 

    So, I would never buy a skin that didn't have a demo unless it was less than 200L...and I'd only do that once or twice. 

    Yes, she can run her business how she wants but doesn't mean we have to like it and buy.

    • Like 1
  15. On 4/24/2020 at 11:28 AM, Bear Priestman said:

    Funny how (probably a decade ago) I was first in SL, and then fell away from it when I started doing software development and web development for an IT security firm.  I paid my annual dues, but didn't even log in.  Recently I thought "I should check this out" and started seeing such good work that people were doing, that I started thinking "I should get back into this"

    What do we then do first? Look at our avatar and go "gee THIS needs work".  I found that I had a lot of $L built up and so, started THAT work, as well as getting furniture etc for my house.

    In real life, as a fun side-thing I run a small local underground music venue/cafe.  I've been thinking that maybe I should re-create it in SL.  Yet ANOTHER big idea, but one that I think would be fun.

    In general, music venues are "dropping like flies" around the world, so if a person is keeping one alive, it's not because they want to make a million dollars, but instead about love of grass roots music.  But that's a discussion for somewhere else I imagine.

    - because of all your help with my avatar, I'm on the way to working it out!


    Contact me inworld, I'd be happy to help you out. All free and a random act of kindness. 

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  16. 5 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    But, you’re not? You actively make passive aggressive comments and start drama. You’re no better than me. And, that’s saying something. 😂

    She's right, just saying. I don't have a bone in this but I've seen it in the past. People harass Ashlyn and think that's ok, but she's not allowed to defend herself.

    That's my pet peeve for the day. People who can dish out but can't take. 

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