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Everything posted by paulinetaylor2015

  1. You still teaching german? dispite the diffrences I like the languge, I am a native English specker from scotland uk and I love learning languages and maths well math is a language so I guess I love learning langue, I have been abroad since I was 2 and I have picked up a few words from diffrent contrys along the way, I love a challenge, I never condem or judge till that person does me wrong, I have a slight learning difficulty but that never held me back long story lets just say I lead a normal life if you whant to call it that lol, My fav langue is spanish italian and german I do not know much Italian some french and spanish but I learned german pronouncations in 1 week and mastered the pronouncations, I just have a plb memorizring big words, I have been learning german for a month now and I am picken up a few frases easily, I don`t know how, but I seem to pick up the grammar as I go along so I don`t know why people say it is hard when some native english people says its hard and some don`t so I guess it all depents, I think german is closer to the English langue than we think, if we think what the closeset toe word is to the English language we can do anything, like polish not all of it some of it, iv done some basic polish withought thinking but looking iv done it but not exactly fluent, I am not moving and geting a job there I just do it for fun. Doe anyone know any free sites othere than duolingo iv got that free to learn languages? and Can I learn it in sl? sorry for the tpos.
  2. is the classes still going? my native language is scottish english im from scotland and id love to learn new languages I chose german so maybe I can use sl to practice and learn german? I h=just like the language along with spanish.
  3. 36yr old Scottish female looking to learn German, I rp at St Columba Abbey, as a 12yr old Student, I think I have a Todelldoo mesh body to rp kid and 3yr and up, if not on this profile I might have anothere profile if not ill make one, I could use it to rp a german child at the age of learning to speack and write and read I think would work, I just like the language somehow its strange but nice, don`t worry if you can`t write it in English I can allway use google translator website, if you whant to learn my language Scorrish English maybe at least we can help, put it this way it will help us understand each othere more as well, sorry if thats not the right choice of words.
  4. Oh by thw way It will have to be in the Scotland uk time zone from 1am-4pm slt but I can`t make any promises.
  5. I am a slcs cheerleader In sl, I am looking for a job that doesn't include me using voice, striping adult stuff like sex, I have the experience of looking after kids, and working in an office a shop and retail, I used to work in a bar, I don`t have any gj equipment and I love being social and learning and meeting new people and I do love dressing up, I am interested in SL modeling, my avatar is catwa head, rezology hair, Maitreya mesh body and looking closes to me in RL as possible, all I need to learn is to be a good blogger, script, make build and mesh stuff I hope I can start my own store some day but I have not gone round to it because im busy with my RL exercising studying on Khan academy, studying Spanish and languages so hopefully I will get round to it some day, I love to teach, my fav is Khanacademy.org my fav is maths and science I am trying to use the website to brush up on my skills I was bad at in school, I just got passed the decimal and at pre-algebra stage, tacherso I wish to learn more and become a voluteacheron it some day.
  6. I want to learn Spanish just the way a child who grows up learning to talk Spanish but what age is that? I have plb with my viewer on my laptop so maybe I can rp the age of learning to read and write and understanding Spanish, because I love Spain I have been there more times than I can count and I just feel at home there once I find out a few thing firstly master the language and up maybe I can finally move because I feel comfier there, honestly I'm waiting till my dad or parent dies first, im 36yr old, and studying the complete Spanish grammar and Spanish dictionary So when I remember what age a child can learn to read and write it can help me with m Spanish studies, then I will look for Spanish parents and family to rp with.
  7. I used to do it in rl I got a chance to go to LA but never got that far things didn`t work out \as planned and I don`t mean about the hireing part.
  8. How can you fashion model etc in sl if you blog?
  9. I have a sl kid plus I an playing a sl kid in one of my alt I am playing a 6-8 yr old is there a paying job if so what are they? And no bad or negative or nasty coments please if so I'm loving it and reporting it who ever does negative comments from now on, I will only accept nice decent logical smart answers.
  10. My billing info in it said it wass sucessfull but then I looked on my firestorm viewer Which I used a lot I loged onto see if I could see payment info on profile and nope I cant see that why is that, I go to the account to see if it is there and its there but I still cant seem to creat my store on the marketplace why is that?
  11. I strugle to find one that fits my fittes mesh Anna Erotica Mesh body right now im wearing my zena worrior princess outfit till I find a mesh body that cloths will fit, I see your hireing hostesses? would you hire me even If I came with my xzena worrior princess outfit? even if I passed the try out if that is what you do, because its the only outfit I can get to wear with that mesh body the now till I get a better one unless I go back to the class defaukt avatars, I have furry avatars if you allow them but I don`t have cloth for them eithere just throught I would ask, im from Scotland uk would you be able to do time slots between 1am-5pm slt anytime, sorry I know I should look at the application first I just throught I would ask first.
  12. im just useeing sl for examples and I have the anna erotica mesh body and mesh hair and mesh head so I could use it as a template.
  13. Apart I'm still at amateur stages I'm still learning building my skills up and try to find out examples and hwhat I can do to improve and what people what they like so to make a sl career,
  14. I will do painting, drawing, sketching, design in 3d or 2 in both digital and non digital ((art)), I am going to make Ao, gestures, cloths, scripts, sculpts modelling and all things mesh eve my own mesh body brand like maitreya mesh body etc I may not be perfect at it but I want to make a career in sl of it deal with all things mesh, I may not be good at art both digital and non digitally yet I'm still like an amateur I'm learning thing like gimp, maya, blender, mesh mixer, day 3d. 3s max, sculpture and a load of autodesk download I have so please give me an example of what to to and I'll do it maybe once I get better be paid for it my own sl career and be paid, bit right now I haveing a hard time if finding what to draw, sketch, paint, Deesign creat in sl, maybe I'll make my own 3d game like sl did and may own 3d movie like the way Disney tomorrow land and Avatar the movie useing my own Web Cam. head set and disks, and of course I will be watching out for the copyright law and I won't be parroting it. I just need something to start Me of on the right Road.
  15. I hear them saying the word newbie but what do they mean by newbie?
  16. it worked I didn`t even know blender had a factory setting im takeing sl classe and it is the first time iv been useing the software like blender and maya it movies like Avatar and place like second life that got me intrested I may not have all the software for makeing avatar like the way avatar movie but I would love to try one day with my strrong point abilities.
  17. I had to use blender 2.66 because every time I use blender 2.77 when I used user preference and whent to new to creat a new project the used prefrences window never disapered back to normal and I tryed to close it and I cant, pluse I can`t see the camera and lap icon that should be there and isn`t I work with windows 10 laptop and iv scaned my laptop for any viruses and I didnt find anything can someone help hopefully by tomorrow if I need to refresh my lenovo pc I will but hopefully I don`t have to.
  18. Iv got a full set of water colours alot of acrylic paints 2 pots of artist gresso primer iv had for a long time 2 month and I dont whant them to go hard on me or out of date. can paints go out of date or hard if kept top long? I am good but I neven know what fo creat, useally I see creat on sl and creat on paper but Im not shure what to do.
  19. Im 35 f Scotland uk looking for a sl class that can teach me like drawing, painting, sketching, I have all the materials I need if I need it for digital wise Im sure I can look for free downloads.
  20. What the heck does the market manager a slokemon and customer service do in sl? maybe if I find out what it is iv never done that before but I would be good in a call center I am good with money and semi good at accountancy and I work in St Vincents hospive in rl if that help.
  21. What do you call someone wh enjoys makeing mesh stuff to deal with all things mesh wise and brings it to life and makes it move etc in sl?.
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