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Faye Mercury

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Everything posted by Faye Mercury

  1. lol but anyways, bump since i still havent found it x(
  2. I took a screenshot of it at a weekend sale forever ago but I never saved the landmark and forgot the store name! Thank you for any help ❤️
  3. ooh this the one!! thank you all for your help ❤️
  4. could swear i have a friend who uses that same style of hair, i think its one of these from ayashi. ayashi's hair is a bit more choppy/anime style if youre going for that look as opposed to the realistic wispiness of other brands, but i think they look great personally! raven bell and barberyumyum also have good anime/kpop style hairs that might suit you. i could swear theres another brand that does this style of hair, i cant remember off the top of my head and i cant find it right now but im asking a friend who does know so ill come back and edit this post/update ya if i can find it again. edit: i think it may have been dura, which was already mentioned so nevermind that!
  5. hello, this is worth a shot- but im looking for a really specific style of corset. i need something as high quality similar to muse (please dont recommend BOM, i prefer high quality mesh only), although it doesnt have to be a perfect match. ive searched their whole store and nothings quite what im looking for but ill use the 'all eyes on me' corset as an example. this corset is almost 100% perfect however it has the tails in the back- which look great with the set i got it with just not the effect im going for this time! im looking for something that comes up just to or under the breast, need tiddies to be exposed so that it will work with pasties. however also need it to be short enough and come up high enough that it can show off the whole tattoo on my lower torso. ive got a lot of garter belts that achieve this effect but i just want a corset that does the same thing. i would ideally like something with a nice edge/shape to it, not super rounded- but this isnt a requirement. does however have to be solid, not sheer/lacey (theres a lot of similar things at muse i already own but they all include some manner of lace or sheer fabric). any point in the right direction would be much appreciated! 💝
  6. thank you! i forgot miwas made hair. i found the second one also, it was "yuka" by doux. 😃 thank you all for your help!
  7. hi frens! i didnt think it was worth it to make a new thread, but i got a few other hairs im seeking if any of you could kindly help me out. thanks! 😚 really thought these ones were monso or possibly bonbon but couldnt find em. first one might be photoshopped/cropped? but the other two ive seen floating around several times.
  8. i have heard of some security systems that let you suppress rezzing over a certain prim limit, while creating a whitelist of users/admins who can bypass it. is this actually a thing? i went looking but couldnt find anything, so i got caspersafe thinking surely if it was a possible feature it would be included on there but ive seen no such features so far (no complaints though caspersafe is great for everything else i needed haha). ive got a little homestead currently where i want to let group members rez items, but this would be a nice precaution in case someone rezzes something huge on accident. any info on this matter is appreciated, thanks~
  9. this worked, thank you! now if i can go back to figure out why it works, i have to admit trying to read and follow these step-by-step isnt unlike solving a puzzle for me haha. thank you everyone for your responses they were all very helpful 😃
  10. thanks for the response. but can you elaborate on this? i did put it under the 'touch_start" bracket per instruction from some previous threads about owner only menus and quick wiki searches. i did something like this: touch_start(integer total_number) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) integer i = 0; MENU1 = []; MENU2 = []; // count the textures in the prim to see if we need pages integer c = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if (c <= 12) { for (; i < c; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); }
  11. hello, ive bumped into a little issue while trying to modify a free script, im just trying to add a menu that lets you change the texture when touched. the script is perfect, except i want it to be owner only. when i added the following line under the "touch_start" line, i received an error saying that it wasnt defined. if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) i believe it had something to do with the integers although i have no clue how this works. that or i did something stupid! here is the current script (which does work as-is): list MENU1 = []; list MENU2 = []; integer listener; integer MENU_CHANNEL = 1000; // opens menu channel and displays dialog Dialog(key id, list menu) { llListenRemove(listener); listener = llListen(MENU_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llDialog(id, "Select one object below: ", menu, MENU_CHANNEL); } default { on_rez(integer num) { // reset scripts on rez llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer i = 0; MENU1 = []; MENU2 = []; // count the textures in the prim to see if we need pages integer c = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if (c <= 12) { for (; i < c; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); } else { for (; i < 11; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); if(c > 22) c = 22; for (; i < c; ++i) MENU2 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); MENU1 += ">>"; MENU2 += "<<"; } // display the dialog Dialog(llDetectedKey(0), MENU1); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == MENU_CHANNEL) { llListenRemove(listener); if (message == ">>") { Dialog(id, MENU2); } else if (message == "<<") { Dialog(id, MENU1); } else { // display the texture from menu selection llSetTexture(message, ALL_SIDES); } } } } i have very limited coding knowledge and no practice with LSL, so any help is appreciated! thanks!
  12. thank you both!! this is super helpful. already i can tell olive's hair is what i was missing in my life, omg! but ah no i cant shopping spree until after work is finished~ i did look through ayashi's whole catalogue when i was seeking the nekomata hair (that was almost a year ago i believe... yea i really put off making this thread huh?), even tried asking around group chats, but i couldnt find anything quite like it so i gave up. lots of similarities but missing the bangs and sheer length, so maybe it is photoshopped. im still holding out that maybe its out there though hehe.
  13. heya 👋 theres a few items ive been looking for in SL with no luck, any nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated! first of all is the hair in this picture for the aii - nekomata set. been looking for this one for EVERRRR. i considered the possibility that maybe its photoshopped and doesnt really exist ;_; the second one is this collar on the foxcity made-up poses. like its so cute where did you get that ma'am.. maybe the original is forward facing and she flipped it but im having trouble finding a similar styled one. and finally, wondering where i can find the hair from this product as well- its a gift by +star light+ for the asr anime heads if you dont know any of these items maybe you can help me in another way, im looking for more split-colour hairs, particularly in black and pink similar to this one below (VCO - song gacha rare). i made a character based on this hair but she currently has no other hairstyles so i am looking for more lol/ thank you
  14. hiya, im working on a project in secondlife and i've searched up and down and sideways for a script like this but just cant seem to find anything that quite hits the mark. im not a scripter, nor do i have any idea what a name for a script like this would be called so even using search terms has been frustrating for me. im in need of a script that can sell multiple items from a single vendor (i am creating my own vending machine in blender with the help of my girlfriend) so that when the user selects the appropriate item theyre prompted to pay the respective price. i would like something you would be able to set prices and item names as necessary. this is the closest i was able to find: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Box-Thoranua-Script-Multi-Vendor/3634206 but it's 2,000L with no reviews and the creator profile seems to be gone so im not sure how to get in touch to check the product out. im willing to drop that price on a good script but id like to know what my options are before risking it since the product page isnt extremely clear. similar threads ive browsed on this subject suggest making each button a separate face so that when you click on the actual button on the vending machine it gives you the correct item, and mine is set up to do that at the moment if i cant find anything, but its not what i want for several reasons (LI space and script count just to name a few). any help or pointers in the right direction is appreciated!
  15. thank you, i will try the wanted forum. if nothing comes up i will probably bite the bullet and buy the sketchy one to be honest. i wouldnt expect anyone to do a custom job for that low but if anyone wants to make one available on the marketplace or whatever you'd almost definitely have a customer in me unless i found another one that does what i need it to first lol edit: oop i forgot to say, i did look into caspervend but i wasnt sure it was able to do this? if so i'll probably go with that actually
  16. hiya, im working on a project in secondlife and i've searched up and down and sideways for a script like this but just cant seem to find anything that quite hits the mark. im not a scripter, nor do i have any idea what a name for a script like this would be called so even using search terms has been frustrating for me. im in need of a script that can sell multiple items from a single vendor (i am creating my own vending machine in blender with the help of my girlfriend) so that when the user selects the appropriate item theyre prompted to pay the respective price. i would like something you would be able to set prices and item names as necessary. this is the closest i was able to find: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Box-Thoranua-Script-Multi-Vendor/3634206 but it's 2,000L with no reviews and the creator profile seems to be gone so im not sure how to get in touch to check the product out. im willing to drop that price on a good script but id like to know what my options are before risking it since the product page isnt extremely clear. similar threads ive browsed on this subject suggest making each button a separate face so that when you click on the actual button on the vending machine it gives you the correct item, and mine is set up to do that at the moment if i cant find anything, but its not what i want for several reasons (LI space and script count just to name a few). any help or pointers in the right direction is appreciated!
  17. gender transition is not as clean cut as some of you have made it out to be, the trans people i know actually used female avatars before they transitioned as they were experimenting with ideas so itd just be matching the name to the persona which had already emerged. also many items (in my inventory at least) are unisex, so i still consider this money lost. but yes, it was an emotional response moreso than a logical one at the time. regardless, thank you all for your responses! im not very immersed in secondlife culture so im coming very much from a place of trying to get new modern features and accessibility, potentially for interest from a new generation. as well, i know a few different people personally distressed by inability to change their username regardless of gender dysphoria so very glad to learn it is intended to be implemented. i still need to learn how to use the JIRA/bug report system and look at whats been stated before i make my suggestion directly. personally i like my username being a single word, i would love to see the 'Resident' suffix dropped for those who received one word usernames though. it takes me out of it to see 'rajahni Resident' inworld, even moreso with the variation of caps. it also might be nice to get an option for people to freely fix the capitalization in their usernames for no charge (personally i like all lowercase but i think some people regret it haha), ive seen multiple games and social medias offer this as well. as for the shared inventory, that is something i would personally love. i am the type of person who doesnt multi-account because i like keeping everything i paid for. surprise, i am poor! but seriously i am just not used to treating purchases this way, i like to hold onto everything so that when the time arises i can use it. it would give me more incentive to toy with different characters if i didnt have to repeatedly buy the same items. and just because something is in your inventory to call upon at your whims, doesnt mean you really have to afterall. :]
  18. thank you very much! i wasnt aware of this. ill be reading more into it and keeping up to date on it it now. ill alert my friends as well. ill try to submit my ideas through this if it doesnt seem like theyve been suggested there before.
  19. thanks for letting me know they dont check here regularly, but this doesn't help me unfortunately. the difference is the amount id be paying for a name change vs. the amount i'd be losing in items that i already paid for (not to mention the hassle of repurchasing everything). i've spent quite a bit on this account and i'd like to keep my inventory. do you know a better way to get in contact with them? i'm willing to forward this to them as i feel it's important and would really like to get in touch. regardless i think a forum post is useful because it allows me to get in touch with others who are having similar issues so that we can have an open discussion about it.
  20. hello, i am new to the community forums so forgive me if this has been stated before (i searched beforehand to no avail but i may be missing something) and also if this is incorrect placement please feel free to move this thread! i've been a member of secondlife for over 10 years and had a few different accounts, with the changes and whatnot happening i decided now would be a good time to come back. one of the main issues i've had for awhile now with secondlife is the fact that you cannot change your username. i know im not the only one who thinks this, i was recently talking to my girlfriend about it too. it forces people to commit to old usernames because most of the items which have real money spent on them are non transferable. this is especially a problem for people who realize theyd now rather be anonymous, or (if you'll bear with my social justice-ness) for people who transitioned gender and no longer want a name associated with their old one. or just for people who no longer feel connected to it for whatever reason. so im not looking for an answer to a question as much as im looking for a response/action taken from the linden team. my recommendation is that you put a time limit on it, deviantart recently did this so that you can only change your username once every 6 months. this would prevent people changing their identity too rapidly, you could also have old usernames push through to new ones to prevent confusion in those looking for old members (and prevent impersonation in some cases), again something which deviantart did. username changes are considered a basic feature offered by most modern game and social media interfaces and would be in linden labs best interest business-wise. please let us change our usernames! i know it would be a lot of work but some of us would gladly pay money for it. thank you!
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