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Sin Ying

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Everything posted by Sin Ying

  1. You mean there´s no kitchen attachments of Doom HUD you can pay for and then choose your Archship? That is unexpected.
  2. Pssst, I has top secret information too: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Role-Play/Beyond-The-Veil-Demons-vs-Angels-Roleplay/m-p/2943621/highlight/true#M15566
  3. I had an accident and was in hospital maybe SL13B , I´m keeping my raptor av
  4. Just in case - You know you have to do that (same ) quiz seperately for Agni and Aditi? If you only did the 'normal one', the Aditi one is there: https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/mesh-landing.php'
  5. Liebe Kunden und Freunde, Mit grossem Bedauern muessen wir mitteilen, dass ab 1. August 2015 KEINE Tauschboersen in Second Life mehr erlaubt sind. Das bedeutet, dass auch ELDEXchange nach 8 Jahren auf dem Markt ab 01. August 2015 den Verkauf von LindenDollar stoppen muss. LindenDollar duerfen dann ausschliesslich bei LindenLab direkt gekauft werden. Hier finden Sie die offizielle Mitteilung von LindenLab hierzu. Selbstverstaendlich sind wir bis 31.07.2015 weiterhin fuer Sie da. WICHTIG: Wenn Sie Ende Juli per Bankueberweisung bei uns bestellen, denken Sie bitte daran, dass Betraege, die nach dem 31.07. bei uns ankommen, nicht mehr ausgezahlt werden duerfen. Das Geld wird dann an die Absender zurueck ueberwiesen. Bitte planen Sie entsprechend. Wir hoffen, dass Sie bis 01. August 2015 weiterhin unseren Service nutzen werden - das wuerde uns sehr freuen! Wenn Ihr ELDEXchange weiterhin in Second Life haben wollt, unterschreibt bitte die Petition https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/continuation-of-the-authorized-reseller-program und schickt sie an alle Eure Bekannten weiter. Dankeschoen! Euer ELDEXchange Team (Original-text der e-mail minimal von mir geaendert, um Umlaute und scharfe 's'e zu forumisieren @.@)
  6. I think there is a very big difference to using stuff you bought and doing a parody on a live person. In the latter case, or if I´d want to use a photo or movie that has people on it, of course it would be the right thing to ask them, beforehand, if that´s ok. But the stuff the OP bought, it´s stuff, and it´s totally correct to use it however they want to, as long as it´s legal, and I find it overkill to ask permission for something like that. If I make something in RL too, and sell it to someone, they can eat it, film it, trash it, whatever, and neither would they have to ask nor would I expect to be asked for permission. Telling them you used their great product, as a friendliness, maybe with a copy of or a link to the machinima, then, so they can feel flattered, would suffice completely IMHO. But that´s just my 2 cents for how to deal with it generally, in this specific case, as you already asked and they said no, I´d find it incorrect to use it, and wouldn´t do it, even if you 'are in the right'.
  7. Great. We'll wait until about two days before the deadline and try for a time when most can meet then. I saw some pics there with you not on them, Joe, I immediately recognized you.
  8. Counting...2. I hope we'll get a couple more before deadline.
  9. Partial view of the location, with one raptor, would be more fun with, say, thirteen.
  10. We could meet at a place called 'Forum Cartel Hangout', it´s on mainland, has a bar, billard table, a fan, danceballs, an astonishingly good looking fake animated barkeep, so...everything a raptor needs to party! We could have fun general discussions on whom to trust with submitting the pic, and about what to do with the L$, if we win, too. ^_^
  11. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/contests/v2/contestpage/blog-id/Second_Life_12th_Anniversary_Snapshot/tab/entries Clic 'New Entry' y upload. Buena suerte.
  12. You did the test specifically for Aditi, or just took the one for Agni? Because you have to take the (same) test for both grids separately. They like to keep us entertained, don´t they. 'The Aditi quiz can be found here: https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/mesh-landing.php'
  13. Só um peer-to-peer forum aqui. Só residentes, gente como tu, va responder aqui. Falta contactar Billing Support.
  14. Con cuenta premium puede iniciar live-chat: Help > Contact Support > Live Chat https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ pero tienen horas...8 am - 12 am (medianoche) PST, Lunes-Viernes; 8am - 8 pm PST Sábado y Domingo
  15. Hola. Es necesario que entras un de tres informaciónes del pago en ti SL cuenta para subscribir por Premium tarjeta de crédito o paypal o skrill.
  16. Bonjour, Tricotinna. Tu peux trouver quelques freebies en Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/de-DE/products/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bmaturity_level%5D=G&search%5Bkeywords%5D=freebie+ao Mais possible que les AO tu aimes en gens sont les plus chers. Il ya beaucoup à acheter, naturellement. Cherche pour 'AO' or 'Animation Override' or 'Motion Capture AO'...
  17. Is Google your 2nd 1st name? The same there is to being in the forums.
  18. Me, I found Joe in search, but only with my 2nd attempt to type his name from the top of my head I was tempted to waste 10 L$ for you to upload a profile pic, Joe, but then remembered one can upload those for free and went to waste money on grass instead. If you don't know how, you can ask over in 'Answers' ^__^
  19. I think that too. I´m not sure if it´s karma though or just a usual marketing plan outcome.
  20. Personally I´m working on the principle that it´s much easier to not friend anyone in the first place
  21. Das hatte ich leider auch schon Bei manchen Leuten ging es scheinbar dann, wenn sie vorher aufs paypal-Konto ueberwiesen, vielleicht versuchst du das mal, vorausgesetzt das Geld wird bei dir von Konto oder Kreditkarte abgebucht und du hast kein Guthaben bei Paypal selbst? Bei mir ging gar nix mit Paypal leider. Irgendwann dann wieder. Vielleicht ist es momentan schwierig, koennte ich mir denken, weil Linden Lab Zahlungsmoeglichkeiten umstellt, sollte nicht, weil direkt von Linden Lab mit Kreditkarte, Paypal und Skrill uebrig bleiben wird, aber wer weiss, Umstellungen generell... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Concluding-the-Authorized-L-Reseller-Pilot-Program/ba-p/2941442
  22. Glad it helped. LOL. Angry looking eyebrows sounds like something fun to have.
  23. I have the feeling calling that section 'Answers' encourages that too, it might sound too...philosophical, metaphysical, intimidating to many people, maybe 'Questions? Click here!" would work better, making that section the default landing page instead of the Blogs section too. On the other hand, if the unbanning doesn´t work, and the friend takes it personally, then this might soon be the right forum.
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