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Posts posted by Dresden

  1. JPG0809 wrote:

    What about that 8GB of VRAM? That seems good for future proofing, no?

    It does, but you do realise that the nVidia card you linked to is 4GB, right?

    I second Sy's suggestion to go with the nVidia card.  AMD cards have been notoriously problematic with OpenGL programs like SL.  Their drivers simply don't support it as consistently well as does nVidia's.  Now, you might have some people chime in to say that they have an AMD card and also be able to honestly say that they've had no issues with theirs, but why take that chance when who knows what might happen upon their next driver release?

    This thread is a perfect example of the ongoing issues with AMD... link.  Why spend so much on a card, then have SL look worse than it probably did with your old card, because you end up having to turn off bump mapping in order to use it?



  2. Janita39 wrote:

    Hi, I was just wondering if you can change the Sun Position to midday, so where ever you go it will be midday, and not night or something else?

    In order to maintain your own chosen windlight setting, rather than having your viewer change it according to region, you must do the following:

    Enable the Advanced menu (Ctrl+Alt+D), pull up the Debug Menu (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S), type in "UseEnvironmentFromRegionAlways" and mark it False.  Then set it to what you want and it'll stay that way.


  3. Christhiana wrote:

    The only drawback to saving the body with the outfit is that when the body gets an update, you'll have to update all the copies you have stored with your outfits as well.

    Don't I know it.  I have an update that's been sitting in my inventory for weeks now, waiting for me to get around to doing that.  Talk about a pita.


  4. Sue Windstorm wrote:

    Hi Ebbe,

    Allot of people i talk to in sl about Project Sansar always tell me this:

    ''I dont want to loose my Inventory!''

    Some even tell me that if the inventory will not go to the new world (when supposedly sl will stop and Sansar will go on only) that they will feel robbed of their spended money on items some even go as far as telling me

    that they will start a lawsuite over it.

    So what is your responce to those people?

    Thankyou Ebbe

    Please inform your friends that, should they consult a lawyer about suing LL, that lawyer would take one look at the ToS to which they agreed and laugh them right out of the office.


  5. I don't have a Slink body, but it sounds as if your issue is pretty standard no matter which mesh body you might use.  The trick is to make a copy of your mesh body for each outfit you put together.  That way, when you go to wear an outfit, which you'll have saved, you'll automatically wear the version of that body with the appropriate clothing already applied to it.  Then you won't have to mess with appliers each and every time you change.


  6. lucagrabacr wrote:

    It still redirects me to the blogs section.

    The question is... what page were you on when you hit the Sign In button?

    When I sign in, I'm now directed back to the page I was on (link), which is always the page I start from when I sign in.  But, when I sign in directly from the sign in page, I'm automatically directed to the blog section, which seems appropriate since that's where you end up when you click on ( https://community.secondlife.com ).  In other words, I believe you have to have been on a certain page in order to be redirected back to one, otherwise you get the default.


  7. Vera Mint wrote:

    I am collecting opinions: What, to you, says "this person is or isn't a n00b?" Is it something in the face? The hair? The body? Speak up.

    What you asked in the title and body of your post are two different questions.  Luckily, they can both be answered the same - their rez date.

    If they look and act as if they've no idea what they're doing and have a recent rez date, they're a newbie.

    If they look and act as if they've no idea what they're doing and don't have a recent rez date, they're a n00b.

    If they're black and have the head a dog, they're Anubis.

    And, if they look well put together, act like a actual person and have a recent rez date, they're an alt.

    ...Dres  (Those last two were lagniappe.)

  8. Darrius Gothly wrote:

    The friend that got banned? Yup, I think you're right. Since LL has probably used the source IP address to determine who did what and when, it would seem the friend somehow also had access to the victim's login credentials and gained access illegally.  Whether anything was taken? By then it was no longer important. A crime had been committed, and anyone returning to the scene of the crime was subject to immediate removal from the grid.

    I can imagine it something like this:

    OP: OMFG!! I can't believe he did this to me! You should see this love nest!

    FRIEND: Let me see! Let me SEE!!

    OP: Okay, I'll log out. His password is "...."

    And from there .. it was a done deal.

    It needn't have even been as complicated as all that.  It could be as simple as either the OP or her friend having accessed the other's account recently, thereby connecting them, as far as LL was concerned.  I want through something quite similar quite a while back.

    At the time, I had an SL boyfriend who lived on the other side of the world from me (in RL, of course).  One night, he badgered me relentlessly to sign on to his account and adjust this stupid top hat for him, because he as too incompetent to do it himself.  *eye roll*  Against my better judgement, I ended up relenting and spent less than five minutes on his account.  Afterward, I thought little of it until a few days later, when I couldn't sign on... receiving a notice telling me to call LL's fraud department.

    Of course, I was shaken... not even thinking about that fateful five minutes.  But, before I called them, I texted my boyfriend to tell him I wouldn't be signing on any time soon, at which point, he informed me that his account was also blocked.  Apparently, he owed LL some money and wouldn't be able to sign back on until his account was in the black.  I was like, "You have to be effing kidding me?"  (I have my suspicions it had something to do with credit card fraud or something like that.)

    Anyway, I ended up having to send LL a picture of my picture ID so they could verify I was who I said I was.  Lucky for me, I signed up with my real credentials... not everyone does.

    Here's the interesting part... the week before any of this happened, my sister signed one of her alts on with my computer for a short time.  So afterward, when she tried to sign that alt on again, it was blocked as well.  So, yeah... I know very well that LL can connect accounts by simply noting what computer with which they're being signed on.

    Consequently, I proved who I was, was able to sign on once again, at which point, my sister was able to sign her alt on again.  Plus, after finding out that he was planning a wedding to someone else on an alt account, I dumped my lying, loser of a boyfriend and everyone lived happily ever after.

    And the moral of this story is:  Never sign on to an account that doesn't belong to you and be very careful signing your account on with a computer that belongs to some else who uses SL.

    ...Dres  (Btw, the moral of the OP's story is:  Don't be a thief and expect any sort of sympathy [or customer service] when you get caught.)

  9. Sassy Romano wrote:

    Some TPV's used to have end to end encryption but LL banned it as the LL viewer didn't have it and thus it didn't meet the shared experience.

    This is not so.  I don't believe it was ever banned, but if it was, it wouldn't have been because of shared experience.  Shared experience is about users seeing things the same way in the "world", not in the viewer.


  10. Prokofy Neva wrote:

    Phoenix was not allowed to be a third-party browser precisely because they advocated encryption that LL couldn't access which they would need to do to run this platform.

    There's so much wrong with this sentence that it's laughable.

    1.  Phoenix isn't a browser... it's a viewer.

    2.  It was never "not allowed to be a third-party" viewer... by definition, any viewer not created by LL is a third-party viewer.  And, if you meant that it wasn't allowed on LL's list of approved viewers, you'd be wrong about that as well.

    3.  The Phoenix Team never "advocated encryption that LL couldn't access".  OTR (Off The Record) was simply carried over with Emerald code.

    While working on the first version of Firestorm, they took a survey about which potential problematic (meaning, drama-inducing) pieces of code users wished to carry over from Phoenix and OTR was one of the features they asked about.  Users did indeed vote for it to be included, so they said they would... eventually.  Ultimately, it proved rather time consuming and they ended up putting it on the back burner, apparently indefinitely.

    In the last comment made to the Firestorm OTR Jira (link), Tolya wrote...

    OTR is not trivial to get right. In particular, enabling secure key exchange without requiring either an external server, doing the exchange where LL (or Dante Tucker's unethical sim owner on OpenSim) can get to the keys, or exposing a user's IP address to the other user, is a nontrivial problem. Phoenix
    got it wrong
    . I've been given to understand that OTR on SL was cracked within hours of its first appearance.

    Doing secure communication wrong is worse than no secure communication at all: it instills a false sense of security while exposing your communications to those from who you wish to keep them secret.

    I know Cinder's been working on this for quite a long time. I'm confident she understands the issues involved and how to handle things properly. I'm not going to comment on why she's no longer on the team; that's not relevant to this JIRA - or, indeed, any JIRA.

    Once a working,
    OTR implementation exists, then you can rest assured that it will be added to Firestorm. We're not proud at all. We'll happily incorporate others' code (with their permission, of course), if it's good code and works as intended.

    But with that said...if you don't trust your communications channel, maybe you shouldn't' be using it?

    And this was posted over a year ago, so you can rest assured that no one will be conducting any unseen, "criminal" activity over IM in SL any time soon.



  11. ChinRey wrote:

    Dresden wrote
    It's a wonder Prok isn't banned from everywhere.

    I have this crazy idea: how about trying to keep this forum free from personal attacks?

    Oh btw, since somebody is bound to ask: "but he/she started it" is not a valid argument here.

    Chin sweety, I like you very much, but my comment was not a "personal attack", it was simply an observation.

    And btw, I always refer to Prok with a male pronoun because that's how he chooses to represent himself in SL and I respect that.  I suggest you do the same before accusing anyone of personally attacking people.


  12. CheriColette wrote:

    Well no...I remember it quiet clearly.  I was sailing and my computer crashed so restarted FS and arrived at home and messaged my partner. He said I was still with him on the boat but anchored and tp (the 2nd)  me over. 

    Being ghosted doesn't count.


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