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Lucifera Morningstar

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  1. People keep talking about this as if all LL ever does is add fees. Again, this has been part of a process they've been talking about for years, to shift revenue away from land tier so land can be more affordable. And there isn't any doubt that they will do it because they've ALREADY done it - they lowered the land tier FIRST (back in 2018), by 15%, and doubled the free tier for premium members at the same time (from 512m to 1024m), so those in-world stores where you get your 75% of sales has been benefiting from that. They added the new fees AFTER, to balance revenue, exactly as they said they would. This is not a fact that can be causally discarded. They've been 100% up front about this from the start, and have restated this intent since then. And they have stated they plan on lowering tier further. But it has to be a paced process, to avoid upending the SL economy by making too drastic of a change all at once.
  2. There's not going to be any fees, because LL is going to continue running CasperTech in the same (profitable) way it's always been run - selling the premium vendor kits and taking a commission of sales on the free version, like it ALWAYS has done. And to make sure that a vendor system doesn't just up and disappear a THIRD time. You talk about how it should be resident-dependent, but since the fall of HippoVend and the departure of E2V, I'm not aware any residents stepping up to fill the void with a new system with similar scalability in either case.
  3. Because Casper had a Hippo data importer and the E2V creator worked with everyone to get set up on independent systems and exported their data, else it would have been a far bigger mess. If they had just decided "Aight, I'm out" and vanished, or if ill health or accident took them out beforehand, things would have been far worse, wouldn't they? Just because people acting to prevent a disaster succeeded doesn't mean they shouldn't act to prevent future misfortunes.
  4. All of the sales are still tied to your account even if LL never bought CasperTech. Every transaction involving L$ has to be on record for LL or you wouldn't be able to spend the L$ once you got it. This idea that Caspervend hid or obfuscated anything from LL somehow is sadly ill-informed. The only time LL takes any "tax" is if you cash out. This isn't a money grab. This is securing a part of the SL economic infrastructure. I don't know how many people remember the fall of HippoVend, but that isn't even the only vendor system that's shut down and left a LOT of people hanging. A mere 4 years ago the E2V system was closed down - a system that was being used by BIG names in SL, like Belleza, Maitreya, Catwa, Slink...a lot of scrambling had to be done to keep things running. More info here: https://strawberrysingh.com/2018/04/11/second-life-vendor-systems/ With two such events - HippoVend's fall and E2V's shutdown - already having happened, the opportunity to prevent it from ever happening a third time was one they couldn't afford to pass up. This is not a money grab. This is just smart future planning via an investment into infrastructure.
  5. I can't believe it isn't obvious - they said it's not changing. That means people will still be buying the premium vendor kit, OR using the free one and paying the commission (I think it's 5%?) per sale. The profit will be from the same vector that CasperTech has always been getting it from. That, and the "staying in business" comment that you replied to wasn't about CasperTech being "saved" (it's been said several times that they're doing pretty good). It's about LL making sure that a viable commerce system doesn't ever just disappear one day. If CasperVend were to fail, for any reason (disaster, illness, etc) a huge part of SL commerce goes up in flames, and LL stops making all the money they were from that (MP-related sales, land tier for the in-world stores, etc.) It's called "insurance."
  6. From the TOS: "You may not sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party (including, for the avoidance of doubt, permitting another individual to access your Account) without the prior written consent of Linden Lab." I don't think LL will have any difficulty getting written consent from itself if it came down to that.
  7. This. Exactly this. Between this, and the epic script performance update in January, and the viewer performance update this summer, they're showing that they feel SL is viable enough to invest time and money and labor hours into.
  8. Casper Warden had on one occasion (that I'm aware of) mentioned that CasperTech in SL had grown far larger than he'd originally planned - or intended. It's on a scale now where dealing with server maintenance, etc, is taking up a lot of time. Now that LL is going to take care of that aspect, it prevents Casper from eventually hitting the wall of burnout, and allow him to go back to enjoying SL and creating stuff. I don't see a downside to this. They also linked a video discussing the whole thing on the SL Youtube channel that would have more of the details you're looking for.
  9. People are forgetting this was something they've been talking about forever...transitioning away from the "supported by land tier" model, making land more affordable. But to do this they have to get their revenue from somewhere else. People also forget that unlike most businesses, who implement their income-diversity plan and (not always) reduce prices in promised areas ("trickle down economics," anyone?) LL implemented the reduction of land tier FIRST, by a full 15%, and only THEN did they add the other fees to balance that. Honestly, the increase in premium didn't even phase me. I was amazed they held off on that for over a decade. Cost of doing business goes up with all other costs, so not being on top of how revenue is handled would mean SL would fail sooner than later.
  10. Not to be annoying or anything, but it's been over two weeks. What happened to "shortly"? >.>
  11. Someone I know was given money that had been illegally acquired. They banned the person who gave it to her but simply took the money away from her and told her why.
  12. Yes, I got on with Live Chat support this morning, and told them what was going on. They moved it to a different server channel during that restart this morning as a fix for whatever was wrong with it, and that fixed the issues. But I have no idea what channel it was on before or is on now, the new numbering convention is confusing to me.
  13. Gormthoog region has the same problem still, after being restarted it still doesn't allow saving of scripts. It hasn't allowed it since an out-of-schedule region restart on Monday, when normal restart day is Wednesday. Despite the claim on the status page, the issue is NOT resolved.
  14. This isn't resolved at all. It's so bad in some areas of the Blake Sea that after crashing fairly badly, trying to log in gave me the error "agent is no longer in the region." And after another sim crossing via vehicle ended in failure, I couldn't TP home till I figured to WALK to the next region (under water) and then could TP home.
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