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Everything posted by truthcommission

  1. “Learn to script” is the answer you’re looking for. When it comes to content creation, the scripter is at the top of the totem pole. Builder classes such as 3D modeler, texture artist, sound designer and animator are all subordinate to the scripter. Without code, their creations are nothing; especially on the marketplace. Here are some comparisons between the builder and scripter: - Builders and artists are a dime a dozen. Scripters who can write very sophisticated code are rare by comparison and are in much higher demand and can therefore, charge higher premiums. - Scripting has a high learning curve and requires thinking algorithmically which most builders find difficult to grasp. Learning Photoshop is easy and can be done within a few weeks. Mastering a programming language takes considerably longer as you’re essentially learning a new language. A person who can code well but produces mediocre textures will still come out ahead of the talented artist who can’t code at all. - It is all too easy to have your work stolen in SL whether you’re a 3D modeler or musician due to the need for media to be transferred locally to the viewer and thus, can be accessed in a myriad of ways. Scripters enjoy more security as their code is stored server side. - When working in collaboration of others, builders assume all the risks as they must give their work full perm to the scripter in order for the scripts to be probably installed and tested. If the scripter decides to turn and run with the builder’s work, the builder is screwed. Scripters, on the other hand, never have to give their script openly to the builder as the scripts themselves are always set to no mod. - Scripters can implement backdoors into their code to ensure compliance with the terms of agreement during a collaboration. If a builder, for an example, decides to cut off the scripter from all future proceeds, the scripter can disable the functionality of the product being sold through the utilization of backdoor code. Builders have no equivalent recourse should a business partner go rogue. - Code can be repurposed for other things whereas builders must usually start from scratch when making original artwork. This is advantageous for the scripter on projects that are more conducive to OOP type of programming. Take the collaboration between a scripter and a builder on a motorbike project, for an example. As all motorbikes share the same properties, once a script has been completed, it can be reused for all subsequent motorbike products with a few variable adjustments. The builder, on the other hand, must usually start from scratch for any new motorbike project that goes beyond a simple re-paint. The workload for a builder remains constant whereas the amount of work required by a scripter levels off considerably with each new motorbike while making the same amount of profit. - Whenever LL makes alterations to LSL which can cause errors, the builder must get in touch with the scripter to update the code. If the scripter is nowhere to be found, the builder is screwed unless they have the source code (highly unlikely). The number of major brands that have ceased operations due to their scripter having left SL are legion. - The free resources available to the scripter looking for assets such as 3D models, textures, music, sound fx, etc. are incredibly vast. For the builder who needs something more sophisticated than an open door script, the opposite is true. This makes the scripter truly independent compared to the builder. - Thanks to machine learning architecture found in modern software, scripters can make up for shortcomings in other areas. The scripter may not be as talented as a dedicated artist, but they don’t have to be a Leonardo Da Vinci to produce work that is “good enough”. Third party Photoshop plugins, Substance Alchemist, Adobe Dimension/Fuse, DAZ 3D, and Quixel Suite now make it possible for anyone to create work of acceptable quality with just the presets offered. To code an ambitious project, you DO have to be the equivalent of a Leonardo Da Vinci. For the builder, there’s no software available to SL to help them write code beyond just the wiki; which is written for programmers anyway. - The system requirements to code in LSL are low for scripters. Whereas builders require a beefy system to run multiple Creative Cloud apps plus 3D software, a scripter can get by with just a sub-notebook that can load notepad.exe. Testing of scripts can be done with the lowest graphic settings on the Additi grid unless avatar customization HUDs are involved . While there are always exceptions, a good rule of thumb is if you want to make something that just looks nice, be a builder. If you actually want to make money, be a scripter.
  2. City of Paris: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paris%20Eiffel/26/106/24
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