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Pastel Cloud

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Everything posted by Pastel Cloud

  1. Barely any sales today from my store [Palette] Listing enhancements are broken and only showcase the same items over and over again that are the same as the items on the best selling pages. No other listing enhancements are spotted, even after refreshing and going trough the scroll menu about 10 times. All listing click troughs and views are on 0 and the weekly ones are extremely low compared to the numbers I usually pull [40+ clicktroughs a week for all items, which is now 4] See attachement picture below. I surely suggest that everyone sends in tickets and talks to them trough livechat if you have the same issues, it's the fastest way it will reach the marketplace team of SecondLife even if you get no answer in the conversation itself. Make sure they create a ticket out of the conversation on livechat.
  2. Nobody ever thinks about doing search prompts that way, I don't ever google "Cat and Angry face" I indeed google for "Angry cat". A LOT is wrong with the current version of the marketplace, customers do not find items - Stores - keywords don't work for them as well as the drop down menu. Listing enhancements are completely broken and have 0 engagement and lowered by 80% engagement over the past few weeks and a lot of creators see extreme drops in markteplace revenue due to all of those bugs. 100% agree with you, I hope LL will revert back to the way marketplace used to be.
  3. I don't post much on the forum but I have followed this topic since the beginning of time.. It made me wonder if I wanted to buy a Legacy Body (I have now bought it and have been using the body for a while), I have however never purchased TMP before.. However I made a 5-page review about it and had a interview with Legacy itself (Different people) to make sure I have all the information needed and maybe clear some rumours that go around town. This review is however my opinion about the body and everyone can have their own.. Please respect that https://leggyfashion.photo.blog/2019/09/14/legacy-body-review/ << In case you do not want to read the whole review - Skip to the Rumours part, which is the interview with Legacy. Topics discussed in it are: Omega, Legacy server (what if it closes), UV's, Scripting, Devkit application, etc.
  4. I have recently put stuff on my MP (3 shapes and 2 Tattoo's) These items has been sold at least 1 time.. I check my "top selling products" every now and then. However I noticed that with all my new items put on the MP, there's 0 times viewed. I think this is just odd because the items has been sold at least once already which should mean the item HAD been viewed? Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about: http://prntscr.com/ov3zc8 Does anyone know why this happens? And how do I make the views appear again? Also in Times Searched under the reports tab, it says 0 at ALL my products even though many of (older) my products have been sold / viewed.. What does this mean, and how can I improve the search? Thank you for reading, I hope someone can help me. - xJoannep (In SL-name)
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