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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. After a tequila-fueled powernap and some further investigation, this only seems to happen on Firestorm. I have one account logged on with LL's viewer... that cannot see this offset happen. It works as it should. Another account logged in at the same time on Firestorm sees the offset every time. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, off to the JIRA I go...
  2. Edit: Seems this is Firestorm specific. See the video a few posts down. I'm trying to make a product that needs to animate two faces on a mesh; one at a time not together (I know you can't do that). However, every time I start the animation on the second face, the previously animated face suddenly gets a texture offset, I guess from where it was up to in the animation when I stopped it on that face. I've tried resetting the face offset, but since it's clearly a viewer side thing that has no effect (editing the face shows no offset of course). This is ruining what could be a neat little product. I've also tried putting the texture back on the stopped face, again it still has the offset. So... anyone know a reliable workaround for this? The following code reproduces the effect, animating faces 1 and 3 alternately on a rezzed cube and stopping them in-between, each time you click the cube. When you click it for the third time, face 1 suddenly jumps to the offset while face 3 animates and vice versa. integer mode=0; animate() { if (mode==0 || mode==2) { //stop animations on both faces llSetTextureAnim(FALSE, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); llSetTextureAnim(FALSE, 3, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_TEXTURE,ALL_SIDES,"d613e970-1ab5-98dc-e16c-318c4136e5f3",<1.0,1.0,0.0>,ZERO_VECTOR,0.0]); } else { // Animate the face given by mode llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | LOOP , mode, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } } default { touch_start(integer total_number) { mode=++mode%4; animate(); } } I guess this could go in the Viewer subforum, since it's clearly a viewer issue. Note also that someone seeing the cube for the first time will not see the offset face, even though the person clicking it does. On subsequent clicks though, both will now see the offset (you have to have seen the animation, to then see the offset).
  3. I make a free snowball thrower that works with SPD-J; that could be counted as a weapon. Three rapid hits and you're down. It's been quite popular this year! On pirate sims I use my own pistol and cutlass, and yes they get used fairly often. However I also frequently dress pirately even when not RPing (and when not being demonic) and the sword and pistol are a necessary part of the outfits. Likewise my Triton (merman with ideas above his station) always carries his trident. That often gets thrown at passing ships that get too close (look where you're going you dumb leggers!) and will damage them if they are so enabled. So, yeah... like you said.
  4. Just curious if anyone has seen or can explain this one: I was debugging someone else's creation that was failing to do a basic rez object/llAttachToAvatarTemp of a prop, and discovered that the problem was caused by a script inside the prop that was set to No Transfer (The prop object itself was next owner Copy/Transfer) . It would work for me (as the "next owner" after the creator) but not for a third party avatar using the product owned now by me. Obvious enough, but... ...the prop itself shows up only as No Modify in the source object, and in my inventory if I take it out of that object. As such it took a while for me to understand why it was failing; it looked transferable until I rezzed it and looked inside, to see the script set with No Transfer. I can give a copy of the object from my inventory (pulled out of the source object) to the third party, so the No Transfer is definitely not effective at that point. If I rez the prop in world and take it back, it now gets the No Transfer permissions, being the least permissive. Clearly the same happens when rezzed by the script in the source object, and so the subsequent attach attempt now fails. Now, I know about objects themselves not getting permissions set on them if done in inventory, until they are rezzed, but I've never encountered this case before. I cannot understand how the script could be put in the object, either with No Transfer on the script to begin with or set that way once inside the prop, without the prop instantly becoming Next Owner No Transfer as well. You can't put a script in the object while it's in inventory, either your own or an objects. So... how can this happen?
  5. Trees, mountains, snow, water, big skies... people not required; the same things that are a magnet to me in RL. I would love to live around the Carpathian mountains. Big rooms, big spaces to move around in because I've always lived in a tiny house in RL. I hate feeling enclosed and cramped. Most places I've had land in SL have had ocean access and hills around. I did rent a beachhut once on a small plot in The North Sea for a brief change in lifestyle (surfing beach bum).This is my home now I'm making enough on the MP to afford it; I'm still building and playing with ideas (so please excuse the very unfinished 'landscaping') because I've only recently moved in. Just wish the ocean was sailable, but I can't have everything. View from 'rear' of house: View from front: View from the lake:
  6. @Profaitchikenz HaikuThank you for coming to take a look; shame the trees behaved. Funny thing is that for the whole time I was there before having to leave you, there was a set of the trees I had forgotten about because they had vanished for me from the moment I logged on. You saw them - the set on the edge of the glasshouse I had just uploaded, between it and the sim edge. They just appeared now at log on, to my surprise cutting into the glasshouse. That explains why I was struggling to select parts of the glasshouse when I started to texture it, lol. I'll try what you suggest about dropping my graphics settings. It's worth a shot. Just to remind everyone... the creator of the trees has seen the issue as well, on their own land. I still think the fact that Firestorm shows the trees (when vanished) as having a tiny object radius is somehow significant. It's not just not drawing them; it reports on them wrongly (yet still draws their shadows). The creator did give me a mod copy of the trees, but unticking Animesh makes its land impact jump to 350-ish. I don't have the free LI to have that out on my land for testing.
  7. I've noticed that with them too. I assumed what you say is exactly what is happening... the viewer doesn't bother animating them until looked at (with an unfortunately long delay so it's noticeable). The crows circling my land do similar, although they are an old build of mine using simple kfm and texture animation and nothing to do with animesh. Unfortunately, the problem with the trees is quite random. For a few days it happened frequently but for whatever reason, it's now much less frequent. I've not been there as much though. It took several hours last time until a set of trees vanished on maximising my viewer. I had left the camera pointing at them and minimised the viewer while I did something else.
  8. @Henri BeauchampIncreasing the RenderMaxNodeSize setting did nothing. I went up to 512000, down to 8192. The tree which finally had disappeared today did not appear, and the ones still visible stayed visible. I have four sets rezzed (previous to testing it was two). One set is still invisible after 15 minutes of camming around, watching its shadow, wailing* around it etc. The other three remain visible. I saved the log from a few minutes after doing the tests. It's 2.8MB; I had been logged on for a while, moved about a bit and uploaded some mesh beforehand. If it's of use to anyone I can send it. Don't know what I would be looking for myself (I note that the name of the tree can't be found in the log). Is there any confidential info in those logs that needs redacting? (I don't care you seeing where I went or anything like that, I just mean passwords or the like). Any other tests or suggestions welcome. *That was meant to say walking, but wailing is just as appropriate.
  9. I don't think it's cache corruption, because I reproduced it easily on a clean install of the Linden viewer. I did check the stats panel during it happening and there was no packet loss or any other indications of network problems (not that there couldn't be something still). I'll save the log as soon as it happens again (been busy today, not had chance to play really).
  10. @Henri BeauchampI tried setting it to 16384 (from 65536). Made no difference; the trees are still persistently not vanishing now we're testing them. I relogged too with the lower setting, in case that was needed. Typical isn't it? The trees have been popping in and out constantly for three days, until I started this. I've rezzed some more... let's push it!
  11. Yes, as stated above it's at 30. Was at 20 before I started troubleshooting this issue. Looking around with Render Metadata:Collision Skeletons shows I'm the only one in the region, with animesh, and a total of six objects with skeletons in the entire region right now, including myself. Four of them are my testing trees and one animesh 'pet'. I don't think it's anything to do with LOD as such, not directly, although the viewer shows very strange figures for the trees when they are invisible as stated above which might be informative to someone. I'm still waiting for the trees to vanish again to try out the RenderMaxNodeSize setting (inbetween working). I'm well aware we're just debugging the issue - if we can figure out exactly what causes it, there might be a 'fix' that doesn't make the viewer explode. Thanks, btw, to everyone for joining the thread
  12. They vanished again. @Profaitchikenz HaikuI can see the trees in wireframe. When I exited wireframe, the trees momentarily became visible, very briefly, then vanished again. @Henri BeauchampRight clicking doesn't bring them back. I get the context menu for clicking them (rather than the land menu if I click a little away), so the viewer knows they are there, but no visibility. @ everyone, I can right click on the invisible trees and access the trees' touch menu. The ones that vanished were the ones I had disabled the animation in previously (in the menu), so that makes no difference. I can see the shadow animate when I turn it back on and change related settings like speed, but still no trees. No other menu options, such as texture changes, make the trees visible. I can also go into edit on them and see the much reduced object radius and LOD points, as mentioned above. I can't help but feel that is key to this somehow; it's the only thing I've seen that seems informative in some way. (don't know how though; I don't know that much about how animesh is handled).
  13. Yes, I noticed script performance is low; hovers around 50% scripts run on the stats panel, and there's a touch of time dilation. Doesn't seem to cause any issues for me (well, assuming the animesh isuue isn't related to that). Max avatars is at 30; there certainly aren't that many skeletal things here. The stupid trees are still behaving! That's the first time in three days (since I rezzed the trees) that they haven't vanished more often than not.
  14. Very quiet. It's a homestead I rent a third of. Hardly ever see anyone and there's not much around (except a gazillion snow rezzers someone on the opposite side rezzed; it's blacklisted/blocked).
  15. I'll try next time. I've removed most of them but will put some back for testing. The animations can be turned off in the menu; I'll see if that helps too. Wish I could untick 'Animesh'. Edit: Who told my trees they're being watched? They are behaving now, lol. It won't last (unfortunately).
  16. Nope. Unusually for trees from this creator, they are no mod.
  17. Hmm... good idea (although it would be a shame to lose the nice animations.) At least I could still use the trees. I'll try shortly...
  18. Some interesting points: I can select the trees even though I cannot see them. Render Metadata shows their collision skeletons. When selected, the Object LOD Behaviour details in FS's edit window are not what the trees should be. It's currently telling me an object radius of 0.966, first LOD switch at 4.1m and similar extrememly low switch points (for a 25m high group of trees) on the rest. By contrast, selecting a group of them which is currently visible gives an object radius of 58.754 and first LOD switch at 275m. It's like the object is just collapsing to some minimum 'thing'.
  19. Yep, definitely. Thinking about it, I might have seen it before with other things too. Not often though. These trees though... are unfortunatley useless to me. They are missing as often as they are there, leaving gaping holes in my landscaping. I'm about to replace them. Shame... they are really good trees, fantastic LOD behaviour, nicely animated, exactly what I needed for long distance (and closer) trees on my land. Would be perfect if not for this issue.
  20. After a chat with the maker (who is very helpful) it seems there is an issue; they've seen it too. I can only think there are issues with the viewer code that cause the trees to not be displayed. There's nothing wrong with the trees themselves. (I've made a little animesh, like an animated mermaid... I can't think of anything you could do wrong with it to cause this effect). They did have one comment I hadn't thought of that might be relevent to others... Maximum Avatars setting. Since Animesh is effectively an avatar, that might cause problems if set too low. LL... you need to look at animesh rendering!
  21. Yep, doing that. (I hate that viewer). The issue seems to reproduce on initial testing. The trees have vanished competely twice; once when I TP'd out and back and once just when I turned around. Both times I was only about 50m away (Ultra settings, 250m draw distance). All other (non-animesh) trees around the same place were there. Both times though the missing animesh trees suddenly appeared after a few seconds. I'll have to just do 'normal stuff' with the viewer and see how they do, since the issue is random. Urghh. Linden viewer. Edit: yes, definitely repeates in a fresh install of the Linden viewer. I'm looking at my land right now after TPing away, waiting a few minutes, and going back. Both rezzed sets of the animesh trees are missing, everything else around them is there. I can even see the animating shadow of one set of the trees on the side of the hill. But not the trees. I'm cammed right up to where one set should be and can clearly see the animating shadow. Still not there after walking and camming around for five minutes, trying to provoke them to appear. I've walked right through where one set should be. I'm stood underneath them now, seeing animating shadows on the ground of phantom trees.
  22. I'm sure it's not LOD switching; it happens stood next to the trees and the first switch point (from high to medium) is 500m at LOD factor 3! Even the lower LOD models on these trees have enough left to see the tree is there. Lowest model has 308 triangles, unlike many other trees around here which drop to one or two for the last two LODs. Yes, I know. I spend hours tweaking low LOD models myself to make sure the object still works as far as it can be seen as more than a point on the screen :) Even if it reduces to a photo on a crossed plane, which is remarkably effective if the thing isn't meant to be retextured.
  23. I've recently bought some large animesh trees. (20m high, group of five animated trees as one animesh item). They are constantly vanishing, and sometimes flicker very rapidly visible/invisable when I look at them. Even cammed right up to them. It's just these trees; nothing else. It's random when it happens but is frequent enough that there must be a problem. My LOD factor is usually 3, draw distance well beyond the trees and I'm well within their first or second LOD switch point. The effect happens even if I'm stood right next to them. They can be visible one moment, I'll turn around and they are gone. Highlight transparent does not show them. Sometimes I'll TP in to my land, and the trees are not there. Sometimes the shadow of them remains, while the trees are invisible. TPing out and back sometimes brings them back, camming far out and back (to try to get the viewer to redraw them) does not. The flickering was the weirdest thing; I thought my viewer had crashed (latest available Firestorm) and relogged. Then it happened again the next day. Graphics settings are Ultra on a decent PC with a GTX 1080, I've not tweaked anything in debug settings and I can see other animesh items without a problem. (I've even been expermenting making some myself - no problems seeing those either). Any advice? I've also contacted the maker of the trees; awaiting a reply.
  24. Ahh... My mistake, there were one or two(!) particle emitters in the region, albeit on the very opposite side and double my 96m view distance. I thought particles outside my view distance wouldn't have effect... clearly that's wrong. By one or two, I mean someone had so many snow rezzers over their house that the text shown by Render Metadata filled the screen when I cammed over. I wonder if they've noticed hardly any of them are emitting... or perhaps they just rez another when there's not enough snow! Anyway, mystery solved. Derender/Blacklist saves the day.
  25. There aren't any. I know about particles. The objects I'm talking about that are failing are mostly my own made; I know the particle rates (well, I don't off hand, but I know it's not much). There's nothing else anywhere near me with particles. I'm in the middle of my third slice of a region.
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