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Everything posted by MizzKittenzz

  1. I'm somewhat new, so yes I was curious is going premium worth it for a linden home and the weekly stipend ? I heard that they can ban you if you decide you no longer want to be a premium member, is that true? Also if I do go premium and get the home can I rent it out to a roommate? Oh also is the prims it allows enough to furnish it decently?? Thanks.
  2. Maybe you should just go huh? Yea that would be best, Mr. Negativity. Well I'm out as I have better things to do then hang around people that are trash or enjoy to trash talk others because they know theyre wrong.
  3. Thanks so much for the positive reply, I'm so used to see the negative replies lately that it was a breathe of fresh air to see something positive. I agree I probably shouldn't say things even out of frustration or anger, as there is a lot of people that have issues in rl that they turn to sl for good reasons. I think sometimes we say things we don't really mean. I've just been having a rough time here lately and getting fingers pointed at me eventually made me explode, plus being pregnant it makes all the little things appear bigger than they really are. I've found quite a few nice people in sl here lately, I will openly admit it in a sense has helped me feel less lonely, as we are all going through things in life. My attitude that I honestly never meant to have probably erupted for many reasons; I just got married last year and now we are expecting are first child, and for the first time in my life I live far away from my family, and in 2011 I lost my mother and best friend to suicide... I guess sometimes I blow up and I don't mean to, I'm not trying to fully excuse my actions, but I have been through so much in these last few years, maybe I just push people away because I'm afraid. Don't get me wrong I am so happy that I'm married and with child, that has really helped me so much with things in the past like losing my mom, and being so far away from my family... I'd say a lot of the issues are hormones... Believe it or not, I'm a really kind and forgiving person, I guess the weight of the world and how people do me has made me hard this last couple of years, but anyone who knows me or takes the time to know me, knows that I am a very loving and caring person.
  4. Hello I too am going to be a new mom, I'm currently 6 months pregnant and married so I'm just looking for friends. Perhaps we could talk sometime. Good luck in life, its always fascinating to bring a new one into the world!
  5. Hello, I wish you the best of luck on finding friends. If you ever need someone to talk to just feel free to message me as I too am on eastern time. Don't be shy just go out and have fun and meet people, I've met some really nice folks. I know it can be somewhat intimidating at first but not everyone is snooty like I said there are some really nice folks.
  6. Have you ever been pregnant? Other then in SL? So yea it does give me an excuse, maybe instead of posting here to continue trouble you should go lookup "pregnancy hormones"... But yea I actually have a life, that you'll probably never have because 1. Your life is SL and 2. You're spending precious time on me, you must have a crush... Then again most of SL has a crush on "Avi's" LOL I have an attitude? Yet you guys are the ones who continue this thing on... Leave me be, like I stated earlier it was my right to post here to ask for friends and you came in to run your dinky sucker so yea... The whole issue arose because you all claimed that it was 99% on my end (the whole issue of SL not working for me) and I said no it was in fact not an issue to do with my wireless, my pc, or my firewall, in which case I was right... Trust me I appreciate the help but I was being honest by saying it was not on my end, instead of understanding what I said the majority just got angry and continued to debate me on how it must be the "Wireless" trust me it was neither of those things... As you all said yourself, you are not professionals, so how could you all claim to know it was 99% on my end? Well that 1% chance proved true, it was actually on SL's end as I sent in 2 tickets and I did absolutely nothing and the next day BAM im in! As I've tried your little fixes and NONE of them worked, then again I knew going in it was not any of those issues, I know it was on SL's end but I had faith it wasn't something major... So keep believing in whatever you will, I cannot change your views, we can agree to disagree, my attitude arose because I'm human, I'm not a character, and I was constantly being told it was on my end when I first calmly stated that it was not. Get over it PS. To keep posting on how I have an attitude when I'm just defending myself proves you have no life... Why because you're too busy debating me when you know I'm right when instead you can either go back to the REAL WORLD or go back to Second Life - A GAME. *Sarcasm* Oh please don't best me over the interwebz as it may affect me somehow in this real world... Le`GASP Anybody who comes on to bombard someones topic is just trash, it's trashy... it's uncalled for... revert back to the OP and you'll see I was trying to be nice but like I said you guys came in and tried to belittle me so I spoke up.
  7. I don't believe in "Karma" it's called you reap what you sow... I treat people in what they deserve, treat me farily I do the same. All I've had is trouble, I was agravated as I am pregnant so it's hormones I already expressed that but instead of moving on and letting me go... people just keep it up, so I have the right to defend myself. Furthermore I posted this topic to make friends but of course trouble came in and ran their mouth bringing up my "other" topic, and like I said I have the right to speak up and defend myself. I know the issue was not me, it was SL, of course it was probably just something minor nothing major I admit... but it's over ya know, as the game let me in so no worries...
  8. Oh so you own 3 clubs? So tell me how does it feel owning 3 clubs in a virtual world? Does it make you feel as if you accomplished something? Have you ever considered clicking the red x yourself, backing away from the pc and going out to do something more worthwhile? Am I supposed to applaud at the fact that you go clubbing in a virtual world? How is owning 3 clubs make you better then me just curious? Can sl characters get aids? The fact that you go clubbing doesn't surprise me, I mean isn't that what like 98% of people who play sl do, I'm like in the 2% I guess... Also you owning 3 clubs and playing for 6 years does amaze me but not in the way you'd like to believe, what amazes me is that you wasted 6 years on a game and all you accomplished in those 6 years was buying or renting 3 clubs... Don't you think you should branch out honey? Look around you, sl is all clubs and hardly anything else! So yea... then again why would you need 3 clubs? Perhaps to keep up with the competition? Like I said 98% of sl is clubs LOL fail.
  9. Computer God? hmm that's one thing I do not claim to be, and actually my graphics card truly isn't outdated, I agree there are better out there, I mean when you buy a PC it's normal for it to become obsolete in like a month... but come on I ran SL 7 years ago on WAY less ram and like half the size I have now for the hard drive, so outdated you say? For SL, nah not really. I mean one could run the game on a DELL I suppose and probably even on dial up... So yea my PC is actually the opposite, it's too good. Also SL is a game... to me anyway, I will never consider it anything else but a game... then again I'm biased as I enjoy my life quite well, I don't want another life I just wanted a game a "virtual world" to meet and greet people. PS. When I played SL like 7 years ago it was literally the same, the graphics hasn't changed that I have noticed, but what has changed is the traffic... Not many people play it now as they once did, and the people are well... shall I say rude and perverse. It's the same now as it has always been, - hookers and strippers is all there is to it... I only signed up really to see if anything has been changed for the better and sadly not so much...
  10. Okay Mr. DELL, Whatever man lol, believe what ya will... but how is it that I did absolutely nothing at ALL and pow I'm in? Yea, running the game on 8+gigs of ram and 1 whole terabyte on a PC built specifically for gaming which is made by this company >>> http://www.ibuypower.com/ ... This game is like over ten years old, I think my not even two year old PC can run it... Like I said you can believe whatever you will, sounds to me like you have nothing better to do then ridicule me on my own thread.. why don't I follow you around and spam your thread with hate as well? Don't you have a first life to deal with? Is it time for your pee break yet?
  11. Ya know I find their farts to be quite intriguing... I enjoy how it singes the tips of my nose hairs right off.
  12. I'm actually not new, I played at least 7 years ago and even then it was the same ole stuff, escorting, stripping, pole dancing, ya know stuff like that... Reflection of myself? Well actually my char reflects me quite well, she doesn't strip or run around naked. And as for being funny, why yes that title has been given to me numerous times, and I enjoy trolls, fat little buggers aren't they?
  13. then an escort. :P *Sarcasm* Man, I really enjoy the jobs that are available! We have stripping, escorting, pimping, dancing, DJing, you name it! So realistic! because we ALL know that stripping is the ONLY job out there!
  14. lol the issue, was actually on their end... if it were on my end then the game wouldn't have just magically started working. I tried everything suggested and none of them worked so I gave up and then the next day I thought hey I'll give it a try and it let me in.
  15. I'm new to sl, that being said I'd like to make some friends who are somewhat active as me. I also have a Facebook so we can also communicate on there. My Facebook is the same, mizzkittenzz
  16. It's A ok, SL eventually started to work... Must have been an issue that just was going on and then fixed... As for my problem, it's called "pregnancy hormones"...
  17. Well I tried everything and nothing worked... so I went to go use the facilities, came back and it let me in... I did nothing and it actually let me in... Thanks for trying to help everyone, it apears it was on their end possibly?... It's working now and I didn't really do anything as nothing I did do worked prior.
  18. its like its trying, but then it goes to "login failed"
  19. this is what shows up before I type in my info to login, even this don't appear right, maybe this holds the clue?
  20. Nope my husband said it has no built in firewall
  21. Hmm I turned off my firewall again, and I'm not using/running any anti-virus... it's just utterly strange, I keep trying all the work arounds but to no avail...
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