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Posts posted by LoriLexa

  1. dd Temin wrote:

    Hi again...

    Just to be clear what is your FPS typically before you enable chat window.?  and....what  GPU/ video card are you using?

    What is your connection speed? What graphic mode are you using in the sl viewer i.e  high, low. med , ultra etc

    What is your "draw distanced" set to in graphic preferences? Without that info it is difficult to make suggestions  to help.

    Are you using wireless connection?   using Desktop? Laptop?

    Have you tried logging into another region  that  has very few Avatars and very few textures?   Stand  facing the  open sea/ocean and see if your FPS  returns to  normal acceptable rate.

    Lots of smart  residents  here to help you  just need a bit more information  to be helpful



    Edit:  i just saw that   you say problem was solved  with  the new viewer version.......  good for you 


    Hi DD

    yep, those specs are another story. I learned all about that stuff last last year when I had lag and crashing. I ended up lowering my graphics settings. I have a really good desktop but at some point I have to get a better graphics card. I never had a real problem with fps until recent. So far, the release fixes are working. Thanks for helping, Lori

  2. Alwin Alcott wrote:

    LoriLexa wrote:

    I have the latest viewer, I just checked. Now I have an issue with my fps dropping. When you go to the release notes page, there is a Release Viewer Version and at the top you can see an option to download (I have done this before and it fixed my last issue)

    That is what release notes do ....

     you use the terms release notes and release candidate viewer for the same thing, thats what made it confusing.

    My confusion led to your confusion LOL sorry about that :matte-motes-smile:

  3. Nalates Urriah wrote:

    The idea with fixes in the viewer is a problem is fixed in a specific release and that is listed in its notes. Those fixes pass through testing and into a Release Candidate. At some point the release candidate is promoted to the main viewer. 

    All the fixes that were in the RC version are then in the main viewer. All the fixes that were in the RC version are then added to all the other RC versions and they are retested.

    From time to time an update is missed. We call that a regression. It is a mistake and every effort is made to avoid that. But, they happen.

    If you have the newest main viewer, it should have all the fixes except for those in the pending RC's. You can read their release notes and see which ones you are missing. Find the RC Viewer list here:

     You will find the link to the main viewers release notes on the main download page. But, those notes will only list the latest changes to the current version. Previous changes are understood to be included. If they didn't the release notes would be incredibly long.

    You can back track in release notes by using the 'bread-crumb' page links near the top of the page. You will arrive at the main list of viewer releases. Because the numeric sort list is a bit messed up, you have to pay close attention to where you are in the list. Where a viewer is listed on the page is not as important as the version number.

    A version like 3.7.2 should have all the changes places into 3.7.1 and prior versions.

    I get a bit fuzzy on what is in which build version... build numbers are like: 286707. I have seen versions like 3.6.1-288080 where the build number is greater than the build number in a 3.7.2 version. The 3.6.1 does not have all the fixes in the 3.7.2. But, because it is a higher build number there is something newer than what is in 3.7.2. But, we will not see whatever it is until that build is upgraded with the changes in 3.7.2.

    This allows the programs to work on solving a problem in a static version like 3.6.1 until they have found whatever problem they are chansing. Once found they update and see if their fix sticks.

    Hopefully that is not too confusing...

    If you have the latest main release viewer and you have seen a problem come back, file a BUG report and list the BUG or MAINT JIRA number you found in the release notes. If they dropped a fix and regrressed to having a previously fixed problem they should have fixed in the next release. If no one files a BUG report in the JIRA they may not notice.

    Thank you! This information you posted clarified alot for me. This is what I was looking to learn. I have to save this, thank you Nalates

  4. cheeseburgerpickle wrote:

    Mandy you're a champion! That was really educational. I had no idea a copy of your shape was automatically saved in that manner. 

    Hi Cheese, I'm not sure but were you referring to my post? I'm not Mandy (check the profile badge connected to the post). I don't want to comment unless it was not directed to me. Just checking:matte-motes-big-grin:

  5. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

    you only need to download the viewer that shows a fix for your problem.

    if you see more than one candidate with fixes or features you would like, you will have to decide what is more important for now, since you can only log in with one at a time.

    all those release channel viewers are in a contest. the one with the best track record on stability and bug reports wins. when there is a winner, it becomes the main viewer. all the other candidates add the winning features and fixes to their own, and the contest starts again. so sooner or later we get all those fixes in one package.

    (i do tend to try them all but this is not necessary, i'm just weird like that.)


    Oh thank you Obvious, that is what I mainly needed to know. I just realized that I did have the newest update but I still have this fps problem. So I'm going to just download that specific viewer release in those notes. Thank you, you are always good at this tech stuff.

    update: I downloaded those release notes or should I say release viewer version and my problem was fixed:matte-motes-big-grin:

  6. Alwin Alcott wrote:

    ehm.. you don't download release notes.... a bit useless to download explanation what has changed.

    Download latest viewer, official/ beta/ project or third party... thats all

    I have the latest viewer, I just checked. Now I have an issue with my fps dropping. When you go to the release notes page, there is a Release Viewer Version and at the top you can see an option to download (I have done this before and it fixed my last issue)

    That is what release notes do, they include Release viewer versions periodically inbetween updates to fix bugs and glitches. Yes, you can download them, that is what they are there for, see the page and look at the top. 


    In addition: If you go to the main page of the release notes (see below link and scroll down) you will see all the bug fixes. If you click on each one (that's how I found a fix for my problem- see the link above) it will list all the known issues and a download to fix those issues. The regular viewer update is different.




  7. I'm new to Release notes, I was having an issue in the recent past and someone sent me the exact page of the release notes and I downloaded it (problem was fixed). Now I have the same problem again so I went to the Release Notes site but I went to the main page instead. Now I see a ton of different ones. I found the issue after looking through a bunch of them. (My issue is that my fps drops to almost 0 when I open chat)

    My questions are,

    Before I learned about this, I would just update my viewer when there were updates:

    The new update for the viewer is

    The release notes with the fix for my issue is: 3.7.2286708

    So, do I download the update then the release notes? OR Do I just download the Release notes?

    Have any of you downloaded all of these Release notes? There are so many of them.

    Is it ok that I downloaded just the Release note that fixes my problem? 

    Any other basic info you can tell me?

    I'm so confused, thank you for your help





  8. Lewis Luminos wrote:

    Mesh layering generally only works when the undershirt is specifically made to go with that particular jacket so its likely that only Hoorenbeeks shirts will fit.

    I actually have mesh items from different creators that fit together. Sometimes I have to wear a larger size mesh jacket so it does not conflict with my mesh tops.  Also, some mesh jackets and tops are short and rest above mesh pants/skirts so they don't conflict at all. It's a trial and error thing. I would also like to add that you may want to try long mesh hair with mesh tops/jackets, some work well and some don't. You have to shop around or mix and match.


  9. Mandy6767 wrote:

    I got a shape, put a skin on it. and it didn't look like the picture.

    So I started playing with the sliders and now it doesnt even look human.

    I have tried other shapes to get it to look like those, but it seems when you change the sliders the effects persist.  I have tried the reset avatar trick by draging a file from the library, but the face remains scary.

    Do I need to give up and start a new account?  Or is there a way to recover?  If so, how?

    You don't need to start a new account. You can replace your shape as many times as you wish and you can have as many shapes as you want in your inventory.

    In order to recover, I know of several options

    1. If you saved the changes, an automatic copy is made (this is what happens in my inventory). You should still have the original shape in your inventory. The modified shape (the one you changed) will have "new" after the name of the item if you don't rename it. They will all be in the same folder, the one at the bottom is the original shape. Replace it.

    Anytime you modify, choose save as and rename so you can keep track.

    If that is not the case:

    2. Ask the seller if they can re-deliver or send you the numbers on the sliders. Some creators keep track of the shape slider numbers that goes with each skin. Just explain to them what happened. Most likely they will choose to re-deliver. The item is going to be sent you again, so it's not like you are asking them to give a free one to another person.

    3. Did you have to unpack the box? Sometimes the packed box is still in your received items or object folder and it's seperate from the opened unpacked folder. Just open again and copy to inventory again.

    4. Put the sliders that you moved at 50 (only the ones you moved). Work with one at a time. Slowly move the slider back and/or forth until that part of the avatar looks somewhat like the original or somewhat "normal" to you. You may have to go back and forth between different sliders because a change in one will effect the other.  This requires alot of time and patience. Just work slowly (move one-four numbers at a time and look at your avatar from all angles.)

    From now on, before editing anything, make a copy.

    I'm curious to know if a shape can be set back to default but as far as I know, it can't. However, maybe someone else on here knows a way to do that.

     hope this helps:matte-motes-big-grin:



  10. I have been told this before when I first started SL when I went looking for shapes and skins. The person who I spoke to basically said that people who sell shapes, use the same one, modify it all different ways and sell them individually, even though they all start with the same base shape. So, I found a nice cheap shape and modified it to my liking. I have been happy with it for a long while now (except for the twisting limbs).

    I have tried others and always went back to my regular one because of all the modifying I did. If a new type of shape, with tremendous improvements is ever introduced/created, I will check it out. As of now it seems to be what you explained in your post.


  11. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Shape / measurements is basically going to be the same.

    You say your AO is MOCAP, you mean motion capture or a brand name there?

     The theory behind good proportion AND motion capture animation is that once you have both you have two things made for each other. Good porportion means your avatar has a humanly possible shape - so an animation made by having a real life human move around is ideal.

    Once you have that mix, any remaining flaws (and they are there) are the fault of the badly designed avatar.


    My AO is Motion capture (Not the brand name) my AO is from a creator that is well known for making these types of AOs (I'm not sure if I can mention the specific name of the store in this forum). Maybe it is outdated and  I should get a newer one that may have improvements.

    I have also been trying numerous other shapes and the issue is still happening.



  12. Thanks Pussycat, this was very informative. My AO is MOCAP so my shape is probably to blame.

    Is it the shape itself or the measurements that I gave my avatar? I'm sure my avatar is not perfectly porpotioned, and I'm always making adjustments. However, if the shape itself is of bad quality then however I choose to modify it, won't matter.

    So I will check out other shapes to see how they work with my AO.

  13. Lewis Luminos wrote:

    Most of those cases are more to do with the pose than the avatar itself.

    Whilst it's not much use in-world, if you are taking snapshots you can use the Liquify tool (in Photoshop/Gimp) or Warp Brush (in Paintshop Pro) to smooth out those flaws.

    Hi Lewis,

    It's not about snapshots for me, I'm focusing more on inworld existing, but I did make note of your suggetions incase I did want this issue to be fixed in regards to taking pics of my avatar.  Thank you for your feedback:matte-motes-big-grin:I really appreciate it:matte-motes-big-grin:

  14. Marigold Devin wrote:

    Give them the link to the Second Life website, get them to create an avatar, download the Second Life viewer and meet your avatar inworld somewhere. They will need to learn the basics, but I'd leave that chore to another day and just show them the joys of teleporting around the grid to some of your favourite places in world.  I made the error of trying to show too much too soon to a couple of my real life friends which resulted in them logging out and booking into
    Facebook, never to return to SL.

    And yes, I feel very nerdy (but I wear that badge with pride :matte-motes-big-grin:  )

    Yes and the process is fun and daunting at the same time. Both people have to have alot of patience and have to be ready to put in some hours. I have done this for a few people and I developed a process just to keep it from being overwhelming, but that is hard to avoid.

    I find it easy to be on the phone with them and I talk them through the process of creating an account, downloading the viewer, logging in. Once inworld, I go over these basics (while still on the phone):

    1. panning/looking around/zooming in/out

    2. walking

    3.  explaining avatar appearance

    4. changing 1 or 2 things for avatar appearance (teleporting to a store, landmark a place, buying 1 or 2 items, accessing inventory, replace/wear/add, saving outfit)

    5. using chat

    6. using search (find a certain place, teleport again, and explore on your own)

    then that's it for Day 1 (and maybe this goes into Day 2 or 3 LOL)

    At that point, everything else can be learned/done as they go on because I'm pretty exhausted after that and so are they.

  15. this is pretty much what I have told a few people who ask me:

    The enviornment is similar to 3D interactive video games with realistic graphics, except SL is not a game. It's a virtual world where real people interact. While you are there, you can do everything you normaly do in RL. Go to clubs, dance, have relationships, work, have a baby, RP, live in a house, shop, sell items/services etc...You can also create and build things. The world is just like the real world, there are oceans and land. There are thousands of different user created places that exist such as amusement parks, forrests, night clubs etc... There is also an economy based on the Linden...(then at that point, I get strange looks and end the conversation by saying) It's not for everyone and the best thing to do is try it for yourself.

    Edit: I have to add that people familar with games like the Sims and Sims online, have a better understanding when you try to explain mainly because you can compare and contrast those environments. But imagine explaining this to someone who has never played a 3D grapic rich video game, maybe they played tetris and candy crush but never anything beyond that. So, they can't even imagine a virtual world where you are completly on your own with no clear objective or tasks like a game. You just basically "live" there. It's hard to grasp let alone explain. There are some doc films that they can watch that will give them a better idea, one is called Life 2.0



  16. Marigold Devin wrote:

    That does look pretty nasty and painful for your avatar, and yes, I think a lot of that distortion can be put down to over-modification coupled with animations/poses.

    Hi Marigold,

    yes it is painful LOL. I just tried a new non-modifiable shape and it does the same thing, so it must be the animations. However, I don't recall it being this bad over a year ago.

  17. Hi everyone,

    I have been noticing this more now. Certain parts of my avatar shape become distorted either when moving or standing still. I see this in the shoulder, wrist and waist areas.So I have a few questions:

    Is this a common problem for everyone?

    Does this have anything to do with modifying too much?

    At first I thought it was because I got this shape a little over 2 years ago and it may be an old shape but I tried a few shape demos at some quality stores and I see the same thing.

    Can this be fixed to look better? If yes, then how?

    Thank you in advance for your feedback and sorry if this issue has been posted before, I tried to do a search on the forums but could not find a similar post.




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