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Posts posted by LoriLexa

  1. Did you by any chance attach it to your nose, neck or chin? In other words, did you choose ATTACH and then pick a certain body part?

    If not, and you originally choose ADD or WEAR so it goes to the default area , then maybe your head is too big or the hair is to small.

    Do all of the hairs that you have do this? Did you maybe shift it around in edit?


  2. XxAmanexX wrote:

    Bare Rose? I figured they might have something similar, But I haven't thought to check back with them lol. Which is odd considering how I get the feathers for my avatar from one of there outfits. I'll give it a look again.

    Their inworld store (not the MP listings) is very extensive and requires a good amount of time to look around. Did you familairize yourself with everything that they have?

  3. shirst wrote:

    Hey ppl! I'm looking for a second life sales man / sales specialist for helping me promote a dancing machine I made. Any help will be grateful!

    When you say "dancing machine" do you mean a HUD someone can wear or something like a dance ball that is stationed at dance clubs. You can do the following yourself:

    1. If it's a HUD to wear, you can contact store owners that sell animations and ask if you can put the HUD in their store as a vendor. You pay for vendor rental space but there will be traffic.

    2. If it's a dance ball, go around to club owners and market your dance machine. You need to supply a dance machine that is better than some of the exisiting dance machines (or atleast the one they have), has new animations that don't exist now and/or has all the trendy updated dance styles.

    If you have something good to offer, marketing it to club owners or users will be easy. 

    What exactly makes your dance machine stand out from the rest? What does it offer?

    3. Contact Bloggers that write about SL dance clubs or animations

    4. Put the machine up on MP at a promo price for a limited time.

    5. Do some research about other creators who make similar products. Are you offering something different? Is the price competitive?

    I'm sure you will get more feedback on the forums if you gave more information about your product. You may want to find out what users are looking for or want in a dance HUD, this way you can make improvments on your existing product to make it more marketable.

  4. The Bare Rose has outfits like this but you need to go inworld becasue they have very little posted on MP. The main store has tons of stuff. They divide the outfits by Cosplay, Fantasy, Anime, Cyber, Goth etc...You will probably find something very similar or you can combine items from different outfits. If the following slurl does not work, just do a search inworld.


    Here is the Marketplace link (below)  to get an idea of some stuff they have, but definitly go inworld becasue I have seen outfits there that look almost exactly like one you are looking for and they have hundreds more choices at the inworld store.


  5. These are some examples of the items that you can find to create that look unless you want a cartoon style avatar that looks exactly like those pics. However, if you just want to create what is seen in the pics with a regular avatar, then check out the following links:






    Hair (comes in the colors you want):














    Arm accessory:



  6. Kelli May wrote:

    1. As long as is necessary. Mine is 35, but taller avs probably need a longer neck. 


    2. I haven't noticed any worse than any other area on the avatar body. Some extreme poses do distort it, but I see worse on shoulders and waist.

    Hi Kelli, thank you for your answer. My neck was set at 55, I searched for a way to measure my height and found that my avatar measures 6'6 (1.98 meters) in height.

    I did'nt seem that tall and my neck did not seem unusually long just by looking at my avatar. But I guess my neck was too long based on the fact that yours is 35. I shorten it and I'm going to try the animations again to see if it makes a difference. I also notice contortion in my shoulders and waist.


  7. If you have a female avatar I was curious to know:

    1.Your neck length


    2. Do you notice an issue with your neck/head moving in a contorted way with certain AOs or dance animations?


    thank you in advance for the info


  8. I saw a very similar hairstyle at Emo-tions, it's called Stacey and it was both near one of the entrances and in the mesh section. I'm pretty sure it's a new release, non-rigged mesh. The other Emo-tions hair mentioned by another poster is called Anna. The Stacey style is also short but has more of a choppy look with longer side swept choppy bangs. It's only offered in-world at this time becasue I did not see it on MP yet.

  9. You need to choose ADD

    If you choose WEAR, it will replace the other layer. If you choose ADD it will allow you to wear multiple layers without replacing them. The same holds true for objects and tattoo layers. For example: If you want to wear a tattoo on your upper arm and another tattoo layer for your eyeshadow, you must wear the first and ADD the rest or just ADD all of them.

    Same with rings, if you have 3 different rings that you want to wear to your right hand, you just choose ADD for all of them.

    Same for hats over hair. If both objects are defaulted to wear on your head, you ADD them both so one does not remove/replace the other. etc...

  10. UncommonTruth wrote:

    The simplest answer to your tatoo layer problem is that you are probably choosing to 'wear' them, instead of 'add' .  Always right click and add the layer, or it will replace any you already have on.

    Yes, this is exactly the issue. I would also like to add that when you wear tattoo layers in the same area, make sure you ADD them in a correct order, so the last layer is over the previous. For example: If you wear a lipstick color layer and you want to wear a glossy enhanced look over that lipstick, you need to wear them in that order. So, you ADD the lipstick color first then ADD the gloss layer second.


    When it comes to alphas, tattoos, or objects such as rings, multiple necklaces, cuffs, shoes, or anything that may attach to the same spot, it's always wise to choose ADD and not choose WEAR. Good advice Uncommon:matte-motes-big-grin:

  11. I would recommend using the option to ADD. Right click and choose ADD.

    If you choose to attach to an area on your avatar that is not the default attachment, it may not attach properly. That is what I see in the pic.

    AND If you choose to WEAR, it may replace other objects on your avatar that are attached to that default location.

    So, the best thing is to choose to ADD. After you do that, you may have to edit the object. Either by moving it up or down, left or right, or changing the size.



  12. Kenbro Utu wrote:

    LoriLexa wrote:

    Before you do everything in the viewer that KarenMichelle mentions, you have to change that info in the actual SL account (log onto the SL website). Then once you do that, you go to the viewer and make all those adjustments. MP will be automatic

    Just exactly where in account settings can you choose your maturity ratings?  

    Good question, I remember doing this over 2 years ago but now when I look there, I don't see that option.

  13. As far as your business name is concerned, Backstage is easier for buyers to remember but I don't think anything is wrong with TKbackstage.

    I love the design of your store sign, I would not change that. However, your vending image style is too basic and the avatar looks a bit dated. Maybe use a more updated looking avatar in a better pose and spice up the background. Why not use the store sign as your background and just add a pic of an updated avatar wearing the item? You can even change the colors of the background in your store sign for each group of items.

    When I say updated, I mean detailed high quality rigged mesh hair with a modern style, detailed high qaulity skin, etc...I know you're not selling skin and hair but having an updated model gives a message that your items are also new and in style.

    Mistah made a good point regarding your profile. You should include links to your store, a description of your business, and your business group. Just incase people want to contact you, it helps if your profile has this information.

    In addition, Mistah mentions some good points about the mesh market in SL. Successful clothing sellers are also creators, so they know how to make original mesh clothes already.

    Have you considered adding textures to your templates and selling them as finished clothing items? Mesh clothes are becoming increasingly popular and I think it would be to your benefit to teach yourself how to add textures to mesh clothes. You can still sell templates but why not expand your business to take advantage of the growing popularity of mesh clothes? Why give up if you already started? Just change your game plan a little bit. you are already on the right track by asking for feedback.

    I wish you luck with your business and I think you're going to do well. Just be open to what people have to say and don't be discouraged.




  14. Here are things I prefer:

    1. If you are selling mesh, include demos (no demos=no purchase, unless it's a template that I'm familar with).

    2. If you have an inworld store, an open, simple and organized  layout

    For example: everything at eye level on one big floor

    dresses in one section, pants and tops in another section, etc...

    3. individual colors at a cheaper price plus have the fatpack option or HUD (either is fine for me)

    4. When running the cursor over the item, the price should be visable without clicking

    5. pricing should be comparable to other merchants and it should suit the quality of the item.

    I'm always shocked to see low quality items priced very high, especially if I see the same item somewhere else for alot less. Pricing is based on supply and demand just like the RL economy, best thing is to look around at other stores that sell similar items to what you are selling.  Low quality prim clothes should not be priced more than high quality mesh clothes, they won't sell.

    6. offer periodic sales and/or group gifts (I prefer inworld groups as opposed to subscritption)

    7. If you are selling mesh, make sure the alpha matches the mesh. Sometimes alphas are so poorly made that even if you modify your shape, it won't work.

    8. If you are going to include a HUD, make sure it attaches to the top part of the screen (most AOs attach to the bottom and it's annoying when a HUD replaces your AO)

    9. An easy to use HUD


  15. Vulpinus wrote:

    I have another question about the shapes... If I modify a shape that is in an outfit, does it just modify the shape
    when used in that outfit
    , or permanently whenever I use that shape? I'm guessing the latter.

    In which case, I should make a copy of the shape (if that's allowed) and modify the copy...

    When you modify your shape, it is not the same as modifying your outfit. The shape is seperate.

    After you modify your shape, you can choose SAVE AS and rename it. The new modified shape will save by itself as a new and different version of the original shape.

    You can then create outfits (any combination of outfits), use any shape that you want with that outfit and save an outfit that includes that specific shape. The combinations are endless.

    To re-cap:

    You can save an outfit with any shape that you choose. You just put the shape that you want with any outfit that you want. You can have different outfits with different versions of the same shape. Saving a shape is seperate from saving an outfit. You can save any modified version of your shape. You can save any combination of outfits which can include any combination of shapes, skins, hair, eyes, etc... that you want.

    In addition: You don't have to buy different shapes. You can get ONE modifiable shape and modify/edit it to your preferences as many times as you need. It just takes a good eye for detail and patience. Also keep in mind that you should modify your shape in accordance with mesh standard sizes, if you want to be able to wear rigged or non-rigged mesh clothes. Even if you modify your shape to these standard sizes, you may still have to tweek certain parts of your avatar shape depending on the outfit. It all depends.



    M – Medium

    • Body Fat: 5
    • Belly Size: 3
    • Torso Muscle: 51
    • Love Handles: 28
    • Leg Muscle: 61
    • Butt Size: 55
    • Saddle Bags: 31
    • Package: 31
    • Pectorals: 27


    L – Large

    • Body Fat: 13
    • Belly Size: 9
    • Torso Muscle: 72
    • Love Handles: 35
    • Leg Muscle: 76
    • Butt Size: 65
    • Saddle Bags: 49
    • Package: 49
    • Pectorals: 10

    XL – Extra Large

    • Body Fat: 22
    • Belly Size: 14
    • Torso Muscle: 88
    • Love Handles: 42
    • Leg Muscle: 85
    • Butt Size: 73
    • Saddle Bags: 56
    • Package: 56
    • Pectorals: 1



  16. This has happened to me when I choose to attach the object to a specific area that is not the default area as opposed to just choosing wear or add.

    For example: It I buy a hat and choose wear, it may replace my hair because the default is skull. If I choose add then it will just go over my hair. BUT if I choose to attach it to my nose or chin and edit the position, it may end up floating in the air when my avatar starts to move around.

    The fact that you can't detach it is odd. Do you go into your current outfit folder and detach from there or are you trying to click on the actual shoe and use the menu?

  17. Oz Linden wrote:

    Nalates Urriah wrote:

    A version like 3.7.2 should have all the changes places into 3.7.1 and prior versions.

    I get a bit fuzzy on what is in which build version... build numbers are like: 286707. I have seen versions like 3.6.1-288080 where the build number is greater than the build number in a 3.7.2 version. The 3.6.1 does not have all the fixes in the 3.7.2. But, because it is a higher build number there is something newer than what is in 3.7.2. But, we will not see whatever it is until that build is upgraded with the changes in 3.7.2.

    Here's a quick tutorial on the viewer version numbers...

    A version number is four integers separated by dots (  Numbers at each level are incremented when something new happens; the more important the something, the further to the left the incremented number (so "Fitted Mesh" changed the second level number from 6 to 7).  Most versions increment the third level (2 in this example).

    If the first three numbers in a version are greater than those numbers in a given default release viewer, then that version (which may be a project viewer or release candidate) has everything in the release viewer.  
    When we decide that a given version is going to be the default viewer, all the changes in it are added to all the projects we're working on, s
    o all the fixes and features in (which was the default release until this past Monday) are in any viewer whose number is 3.7.2.

     If two viewers have the same first three numbers, they probably have distinct sets of changes compared to that common base.

    The fourth level is special - it's the 'build number'. It's a monotonically increasing number generated by our build system, so basically it tells you which viewer was built first. It's useful only within a specific project and doesn't tell you much between projects.


    Thank you Oz , all the info I'm getting regarding my intitial post has been extremely helpful. :matte-motes-big-grin:


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