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  1. Apologies for the delayed response yesterday with my IM's, I forgot to log off. I was wondering if you guys offered training.
  2. Wow! I didn't realize people actually covered this topic! Thank you very much for the informative response, I appreciate it and will definitely attend next week. And as for the naked thing, I have no issue with that lmao. Thanks again both of you
  3. What skills are required in order to do this job? I do need employment, but am not exactly sure if this is the job for me. Feel free to contact me inworld through IM if that would be easier.
  4. Despite being rather new to Second Life, I believe I posess the real life skills as well as the ingame knowledge required to successfully do this job. If you are interested in inquiring further in regards, feel free to contact me on these forums, or send me an IM. I would love to work for you and believe the job is cut out for me. That being said, I do not posess boobs. I apologize for that :matte-motes-stress: I am also more than glad to work unpaid for a set period of time if you would like to see me work without committing first.
  5. Hello there everyone! I was just wondering if there are any known real estate classes or instructions inworld. I understand it is a very specific and obscure request but I have been wanting to sharpen my skills in that area, specifically for use in Second Life to hopefully learn a few new skills. If anybody has any information on where I could learn any of this, please go ahead and post it. I am highly interested in learning real estate and will take it seriously. Thanks in advance.
  6. I am a rather new player to Second Life, but have indeed figured it out already. If you are interested in workers still, feel free to send me an IM later today. I will happily fill any of those positions above. I am a pretty good worker. If you are interested, feel free to contact me.
  7. Hey there man! Before you even bother reading, I'd like to let you know that I don't hold what anyone does against them, and I believe you are right to express yourself as you see fit, and shouldn't have to deal with critiscism for that. I would love to be your roomate, I actually just headed over here to ask about a rommate. I have no problems happily paying rent, becoming friends and adhering to whatever rules you set in place. You will find that I am a very nice and accepting guy. Feel free to add me in world or reply to me here in regards to this. Thanks in advance! I have since contacted you inworld.
  8. I will send you a notecard tomorrow asking for an application. I would love a job.
  9. You cannot call a game and everyone who play it "bad" just because there are some suggestive things in the game that you can do. Not everyone (or anywhere close) who plays Second Life just runs around and has virtual sex. Sure there are those who do that (no hate at all), but it is rather ignorant to call a game bad because of the choices that only some users make. There is so much more potential to Second Life than just the sex, relationships and money. I'd say it has affected me positively because I just come on here and have a good time, and leave it at that.
  10. I believe I could do this. Despite being fairly new to SL, I have quickly figured it out and believe I posses the writing ability to do this. If you are interested in meeting up and discussing further, contact me, Coal Felpz.
  11. Hello there Alexi, I am more than interested in a job as a host. I have started Second Life a few days ago and since figured out how everything works. I've obtained enough Lindens to purchase some nice clothing, a residence and am ready to begin working. I would be more than happy to work with you and believe I am well suited for the job. I will send you a friend request soon and we can meet and discuss this if you are interested in employing me. Thanks in advance, Coal Felpz
  12. Hello everyone! Before I speak further, I am indeed very new to Second LIfe but have certainly been figuring it out, atleast to the point where I know what I am doing now. Feeling good, I bought some Lindens online and now have a bit of cash to my name. I was wondering if anybody knew any nice stores inworld that I could visit to buy nice clothing, I was thinking suits, etc. I have tried online but regardless of my search, I get the same few suits and while very very nice looking, they are far too expensive for me. I understand this is a place for sharing your favorite destinations and do indeed apologize if I posted in the wrong spot, however if it is fine, I would love some personal advice from many of you on where to shop as I am rather new around here. Thanks in advance! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. Hello there everyone! After hearing about Second Life for ages I have finally decided to sign up. I have already been a few places, gotten myself some freebie clothes, etc. but apparantly SL is far more fun with friends and I wouldn't doubt that. I also wondering if anybody who has been playing for a while would be kind enough to offer me some advice that could help me maximixe my enjoyment. I am a pretty friendly guy living in the small state of Delaware. I enjoy skiing, cycling, coding (learning) and many other things. Thanks in advance to everyone.
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