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Everything posted by zenoerasa

  1. Cant wait to check it out! Thanks for the suggestion !
  2. Heya Eyelessraven--love the name. Yes, the more the merrier! And to the bodyguard-absoutley lol
  3. Hi lauleetah nice to emeet you and ty! I'll add you and if I see you inworld, I promise to reach out.
  4. Hiya! My name is Zeno, (zenoerasa in SL) and I am in need of some friends. I am non-judgy, so please don't be shy. Little about me: 33, Been playing off and on for 10 years, love to explore, dancing. Kind of a loner, but working on it! Would like to try out role playing and combat. On EST. You: Girl, guy or whatever in between, willing to build a friendship. HMU!
  5. Hey Girl, The best way to find stuff is to join groups of high quality stores and get the free gifts. The free items are always older, non-mesh items. I go by zenoerasa in game. I will send you a friend request ❤️
  6. Had the same issue--i had to change from the regular body freya to the bento version. Fixed the issue right away. Edit--wear the Freya V 5.2 bento version
  7. ok, thanks for the information guys! Yes, my name is zenoerasa in world
  8. Hi! I am interested in #1--how do I get started?
  9. Whenever my AO loads, it tells everyone it's loading. Whenever I am about to sit on the ground it tells everyone that it's about to park my tuckus down. I didn't notice it until I was out dancing and someone was like "Oh, a free AO! Gotta get me one of those!". So embarrassing. I am hesitant to purchase an AO from say TuTy's or somebody because I am afraid that it will start speaking aloud once again. I don't want it to say "Sexy butt drop: walking" or something like that..PLEASE HELP!
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