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Stupid Elf

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Everything posted by Stupid Elf

  1. oh what, that's impressive Henri, updated it might be cached, so a hard refresh should update that (for anyone that's already visited it today)
  2. https://isfirestormpbryet.com stuck together a PSA
  3. trust me they tried with the third party viewer directory, Oz would wave that around frequently to be honest, this point on the policy could be done, as it's becoming a problem with more and more PBR products releasing at events etc. everyday I am coming across loads of people that aren't even aware this feature exists, even though it's been around for 6 months, and guess what -- they're firestorm viewer users
  4. i predict next full release month
  5. Great work, seeing about 60% more frames on my M2 Ultra too. I imagine Gaxtrope is referring "that part" being updated to MoltenVK or similar, not the driver.
  6. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kaskitayo/20/83/55
  7. Stupid Elf


    It's gone, sorry.
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