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Everything posted by cloudnet

  1. oh my this is such an amazing idea! are the auditions and the show are going to be posted on Youtube? or is it open for audience to come and watch? I would love to see it!
  2. you should try sandboxs, there are a lot of these. There is a one which is actually 4 sims together that I always use- I think you can put the scene for at least an hour, maybe even two hours, not so sure... but when you land there you usually see either a sign or it tells you in the Place Description.
  3. hello, so few months ago (maybe even a year ago) I've been popping around the grid exploring SL, and I popped into a rp sim accidently, and I found one of my favorite places in SL. Sad thing is I can't find it anymore and I remember only very few things. It was a magic\witch based sim, there was a magical office (with book shelves all over it) with a lady then and when you clicked on her she would start telling you the story on the sim. I also remember there were witch 'lessons' there, I remember that I flew on a magic broom and I had to go through all the hoops that were scattered around the place. It really annoys me that I can't remember much more, only bits and pieces that I don't know how to explain them, but if somebody thinks it sounds familiar please let me know! Edit: I just got remembered that the sim and the story had its own website, it had an option to view it in Chinese or English.
  4. cloudnet


    thank you!
  5. cloudnet


    how to create bots?
  6. cloudnet


    on the bottom of my interface in my SL viewer there are numbers, somebody knows how to remove it?
  7. i saw that there are people that sell songs in marketplace and they are full songs, how are they doing it?
  8. hello how can i upload full song to second life? (.wav) i know i can upload the song in parts but how can i upload a full song or what can i do it so the parts of the song will play the full song? i saw that there are people that sell songs in marketplace and its full songs, how are they doing it?
  9. hi, i cant buy L$ ( i dont have US dollars). and i need L$. in Linden Realms and all this places its long time to have a lindens... (and i know there is a fishing and a lot more things...) so i need to know how can i get L$ without buy them in US dollars? and did someone have a job for me? :matte-motes-impatient:
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