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Everything posted by pokekamisama

  1. I want to be able to simply go to my god damned profile that I have tended to and I am not representing myself as an "avatar" I am representing myself as a full bore human being, warts and all. I want to be able to simply paste my *****ing profile to other people because I am not ashamed of it's content. I am an adult and I know how to do adult *****ing things likje hiding my fetish groups and so on, you would be neary possible to say youve seen a more un appolofgetically and masterfully executed profile, except I dont talk about trash or role play crap, I ta;lk aboutr serious things, and i want simpoly to be able to have a direct god damned link yet its like evewrything on DDG is about setting up your profile for MORONS. I'm a god level user, I just don't care to parlay with the other god level users, because I have low opinions of most of them with the exclusive exception of the right honorable medhue, the rigature meistro in every sense, but the rest, I would have nothing but piss and gall for most of them, so I want nothing to do with them. All i want is my god damn profile simply easily WHAT HTML DO I USE because thats one thing I dont waste my cognitive faculty on, its something that the lindens should have made abundantly *****ing simple and clear
  2. I've been fighting a war of attrition with the jomo bento fox model and I have a number of observations which you may have over looked (I've made a dozen or so weight parent dummies to test on beta grid slowly improving some then having a major back track). FIRST, as mentioned, the publicly available devkit is prebento. This by itself doesn't matter. The actual body is STILL prebento, if you dissect the body in world youll notice that the hands and head are essentially detached meshes with a layer of faces that share space from the hands to the base of the wrist and the neck to the base of the top of the chest. In fact, the bottom face loop of the bento head is a separate material face mapped to the top face loop of the chest/back UV. SECOND. THE DEV KIT IS WRECKED BY THAT GOD AWFUL WIRE FRAME MODIFIER. theres loose geometry _EVERYWHERE_. You have to clean the thing up, get rid of those stupid inner edges and the loose geometry then fill the faces, there will be some nasty side effects though. The nose turns in to a nasty nGon as well as the belly button area. THIRD. THE IN WORLD MODEL IS NOT FULL FIT MESH. It's mixed. Try adjusting torso muscles. The chest doesnt puff out because the CHEST volume isn't represented, it's been swapped with the mChest weights. same thing with the legs, throw the leg muscle slider up and down. Notice the shins not moving? the knee to ankle is mixed standard and volume. The last part I'm recalling is the wrist area. Half of the lower arm area is volume rigged towards the bicep and fades to standard rigging towards the wrist. The supplied model is rigged entirely to volumes, that's why (in part) if you male-ize the rig in blender it goes from mild mannered fox to a squat barrel chested version of arnold schwartzeneggar from his hay day. FINALLY, and this is the most galling, THE IN WORLD MALE MODEL WAS CLEARLY RIGGED TO A MALE ARMATURE. There's no deep dark secret errors in the male SL armature, it has necessary base volume bone translations to distribute volume deforms differently. The problem is the supplied model isn't rigged to a male-ized armature, so on top of it being entirely volume rigged the volume translations make it go all wrong, the CHEST volume rotates backward and get larger, the BELLY volume does a similar movement, and generally all of the bones are slightly altered. So, long story short, the model as supplied won't work as a weight source with out major clean up and alterations. Your best bet is to do the base clean up of the mesh, duplicate the armature to a second layer, male-ize that rig, then on the unmale-ized one delete all the rig constraints and move/rotate/resize the armature bones to match up with the male rig in pose mode, apply the shape keys and armature to the mesh and unparent, then rig it to the male-ized armature. Then export and upload the weight parent dummy to beta and throw the kitchen sink at it with adjusting body shape sliders and using something like the TMT pose pad to put it in extreme poses to see how poorly it's deforming, but it'll still require clean up and more testing depending on how extensive you want to correct the errors and how much of the body you want to account for. If you're just going to make say, shorts and t-shirt type clothes you probably won't have to do much correction. If you want a full body suit (which is what I'm aiming towards) you'll have to clean it up more significantly because the elbows and knees seam to be the worst off areas of deformation.
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