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Casidy Silvercloud

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Posts posted by Casidy Silvercloud

  1. 4 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

    Do you use voice in Second Life?

    -If so, how and when do you use it? (Use it all the time, or is there conditions to where and when you use it?)

    -Do you think you have a good voice?

    (Apologies if any of these questions have been done before.)

    I do not use voice in sl much at all anymore, and when I do it is only with close friends. Some of those friends I actually know in rl as well, we've been friends for quite a longtime. Those people know me well enough for me to be comfortable on voice with them. 

    I do not use it with most people, because sometimes people tell me I sound like a kid and it's annoying, lmao. I don't get it nearly as often as my age gets mistaken in rl, but sometimes I get students who think I've either barely graduated high school, or still attend. 

    I don't mind hearing other people on voice, except when they decide it's perfectly acceptable to go around being jerks and acting as if no one else around can hear them (or worse, not caring).

    Funny story, I got called a basic female dog (in looks and attitude, among other not so carefully worded attempts at insults) in a store the other day. It was a bit funny, mostly because the store we were in at the time, sells the very outfit I was wearing, and the basic female dog comment came from someone openly offended by my profile. I'm not sure what in it is so offensive, but go off I guess, lmao. 

    People be weird man, people be weird. Them weird ones, is why I don't like to use voice. 


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  2. 19 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

    Would you give some random avatar all the details of your avatar? What body, head, skin, hair, eyes, clothes? Or would you keep it a secret so you don't have a complete clone of yourself running around SL? 

    I'd tell them. I tell people all the time. People assume I have a maitreya body, but it's not, it's Lucybody Atenea. I also tell people where I get my skin, hair, clothes, eyes, whatever they want to know. I especially tell them if they were free, because why the hell wouldn't I?

    My shape I made myself, so no one will really copy it anyway, but if they asked I'd give them numbers there too if they wanted them. It doesn't matter what other avs look like, they're still not me, or run by me. I'm the only me there is.

    That I know of, anyway. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Well, it's kind of a wussy peeve, if you ask me. Still, if it's all you've got, run with it. With any luck, a squirrel will hit the local substation tonight, plunging everything into darkness before breakfast and the start of the work week. Then your tiny warm-up peeve will have prepared you for the real thing.  Waste not, want not, so they say.

    Lmao, that's pretty much how things go. Even if we do lose power overnight, the odds that school gets cancelled is next to nil. They hardly ever lose power when I do. It happens a lot here when the weather goes wild, old utilities being what they are and all of that. 

    I think Derp is more annoyed by it than I am. The star projector and fake aquarium kept turning off. 

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  4. Peeve, I have no peeves for today. All the peeves I thought I had would come across really snarky and probably mean. They'd definitely get a reaction out of people who seem to be having a crisis of conscience about their sl goings on lately and finding offense in places no one put them. So I decided it's better I leave those opinions in my head where they belong. Look at me, being a grown up, how annoying. 

    Now I have no peeves, and that too is annoying.

    Oh, wait, I DO have a peeve,

    It's cold, and very windy, it's messing with my power and internet. There, that counts, right?



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  5. Time for today's pet delight, I'm on a mission to do one a day, hopefully. 

    Meal prepping is today's delight. I try to do at least a little bit a week, when I get the chance (it's usually on a weekend)

    Getting my lunches and dinners mostly ready for the week just makes it easier to grab and go in the morning. Sometimes I freeze stuff, then just take it out the night before so I can just heat it up easily. I'm not a big fan of the whole sandwiches and same old same old lunches, they get boring. I like making stuff that I can just heat up and eat quickly since I'm usually doing fifty things at once during lunch anyway. Dinners are much easier to do when they're already cooked and just need heated up on the stove or in the oven. 

    Since I only have to cook for myself I can get a lot done at once and then have food ready for whenever.  My freezer, and my budget, thanks me greatly. It's super helpful when wrenches are coming in from every direction and I forget which way is up, too.

    Plus, my house smells delicious right now, bonus! 

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  6. Few more gifts from SnH

    First, a weird one, but it is cute, just, doesn't actually look like a ferret, lol. It's a ferret av, forgot to include it's from Teegle


    and with its sweater


    This is from Monomania, it's a really pretty dress, has different colors.


    And this is the jinx franken-goaty, even though someone already shared it lol



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  7. This pumpkin octopus guy, is from the shop and hop, I'll have to log in to get the name. I'm pretty sure it had a c in it, maybe the name Chris, but I honestly can't remember. 

    It's a cool freebie, the flame in the center is animated (and the textures are actually really good, I just didn't wait for them to load). I have it set to max size. Most of the decor I have out for Halloween was free, at SnH, off MP or from different places. The bigger pumpkin in front of it (it's a posing thing) and the skeleton on the ground were also from SnH.  Also the lil inflatable ghosties popping out of pumpkins by my garden (those flowers are just some of my plantpets, not freebies or Hallween decor, lol) in the 2nd pic, one has a mustache. The scarecrow thingy is from mp. 

    Also the jinx ickle franken-goaty which I need to get a pic of. He's free at SnH too. Honestly, most of the stuff I got at SnH is pretty cool. I still have a LOT to open, but I'm impressed so far. Last time I did a SnH, a lot of the gifts were meh (sorry to complain as I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth but I also hate deleting gifts, I feel bad) and some had nothing to do with what people were selling anyway. This time around, I'm impressed.

    Couple of free vehicles there too, haven't opened them yet. 



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  8. 54 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I'm not sure why everyone is complaining about how big and time-consuming the Shop N Hop is.

    I burned through it pretty quickly.

    It took me hours to wander through it, but also, I wasn't shopping. I did stop to look at things and did look at a few stores that had gcs. Which incidentally, you can't use there, annoying af if you ask me. If I was a merchant there I'd make sure you could use the gc there too, so stupid, but, anyway. I also did buy a couple of things which I intended to buy anyway because they were on sale and I saw them in the stores' groups I'm already in. Lots of stuff there that says "on sale" is still ridiculously outside of my price range. I'm not the target demographic though. 

    Even if I was there to shop, there are a lot of places that sell stuff I'd never buy anyway, so I can skip at least half of them for that reason alone. 

    It's a big setup, but it's not nearly as big as people seem to think, or as hard to get through. If I'd wandered slower, I could see it taking me a couple of days, few days max, but certainly not all month. I have way less time than a lot of people I see in sl, including some of my friends who complained at how long it takes to go through. Some of them spend all day in sl most days, or at least all night. There are lots of weeks I don't log into sl at all until the weekend. 

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  9. I have to make up for my peeve, it's my new rule. I consider my peeves part of my jackassery, and no one can solve my jackassery better than me, right? 

    Today's delight is the shop and hop. I am not always fond of shopping, people ruin the experience, lmao. But there are so many awesome gifts. It took me hours, and I stopped to make dinner halfway through for about 20 mins (not sorry for taking up a spot while I did, either) but I did it. I walked the whole layout and got nearly all the gifts. I didn't take ones that would do me no good, less I have to feel bad about deleting later.

    I only opened one so far, the jinx ickle franken-goaty, because I made him walk with me through the whole thing. He's adorable! 

    I think tomorrow, I might open the rest and decorate my little area of the world so it looks more fall-ish and Halloweeny. 


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  10. 14 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Staying alive seems so hard sometimes, but there doesn't seem to be a good alternative. What it really ends up being is keeping up the regular maintenance vs. not keeping up the maintenance - just like with a car or a house. Stop taking care of your car, and you've still got a car, but now it might look crappy & not run very well. Same thing with our bodies and our lives.

    If it were regular maintenance, I'd complain a little less. 

    Although it's work,  don't mind regular maintenance. It's when the pieces and parts decide to throw a wrench in the works that's especially annoying. It's especially difficult in the US, but that's a whole different rant better kept for other places. Oh well.

    I survived the day and that's all I can ask for. I will be grumpy and go find free stuff at hop & shop lmao. 

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  11. I try not to have too many peeves in a month, it's dangerous.

    But, I have peeves, so sad.

    Tonight's peeve is appointments. I'm procrastinating going to bed because I have an appointment tomorrow I don't want to go to, but must, if I want to keep being an alive person. I very much like being an alive person. I just don't very much like doctors. 

    This also means I miss a day of work, which I also very much like and don't want to miss. 

    Why is being alive such a troublesome thing anyway? 

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  12. Tell people to right click where your body should be, as if they are putting you in edit mode, or even alt cam on you and scroll in and out.  That might solve the problem. If it is the same people that keep telling you this, they might also be pulling your leg just to be obnoxious. I know because I used to do that to a friend of mine all the time with her clothes and it took her months to catch on. Good thing she likes me! 

     If you see your body and your inventory shows you as wearing your body, it's probably not on your end. I don't have the greatest computer myself so sometimes things mess up for me even if they look fine to other people.

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, ArtCurator said:

    All I'm advocating for is some kind of transparency whereby LL would email/tell all avatars that are being flagged as bots that that is the case. Not just silently change their status "behind the scenes" where for all outward appearances in the Account Settings, it still says "run by human."

    You make it sound like this happens all the time and is such a nuisance that this supposed transparency is not only desired, but necessary. You're making a bigger issue out of it than it actually is.

    I seriously doubt there are very many accounts mistakenly internally flagged as bots by LL. For the, highly likely less than a handful and a half, that might find themselves there, the fix is quite simple. One contact to LL, problem solved. 


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  14. 4 minutes ago, ArtCurator said:

    But you would have no idea the REASON for being banned is because you are flagged as a bot

    If the land owner has no personal reason to have banned you, but they do have bots banned, there, now you have  your possible answer. You don't know if it's the answer yet, so you do what you're supposed to do when you have a question, and you ask the people that make the rules.

    Ll would know if they flagged you as a bot.

    It's really not that complicated.

  15. 1 minute ago, ArtCurator said:

    So you wouldn't be bothered if your main account was unfairly flagged as a "scripted agent" with no recourse to get it reversed because on your end, the "scripted agent status" in account settings is still set to "run by a human"?

    Why do you assume you have no recource? Ll is still run by humans last I checked, pretty sure they make mistakes and faux pas now and then. I'm sure they'd remedy the issue if you actually went to them. 

  16. 43 minutes ago, ArtCurator said:

    Does that not concern anyone else?

    No because fixing that issue is simple. Contact the landowner if you get banned. If they have no other reason than you've been flagged as a bot, then take it to LL. LL would be responsible for marking you as not one anyway. Besides I doubt very much that LL has flagged that many accounts as being bots all of their own accord without any rhyme or reason. I can't imagine doing this would get them much support and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of reason why they would do it regularly even if they can. 

    People have had suspensions turned around, there's no reason why they couldn't with this too if necessary, with the same amount of ease.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:
    4 hours ago, Stitch Kealoha said:

    I tried this a year ago, Maui's Swingers Resort was the closest thing. Better off with other apps.

    That group has nothing to do with people living in Hawaii.  😂

    I'm more than a bit amused that someone would think that group, and place, was actually about Maui at all. I mean, its purpose is right there in the name, lmao. 

    That's a bit like assuming the Paris sim is actually just for people who live in and near Paris to gather. 

    The London City area, isn't just for people interested in or living around London, either.


    I am telling absolutely no one my location, even generalized to 20-50 miles, are people really that insane? That's how you get kidnapped, and I like not being kidnapped! Didn't your parents warn you about strangers on the internet? If not, let this stranger warn you about strangers on the internet. WE ARE STRANGERS!!!




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