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Casidy Silvercloud

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Posts posted by Casidy Silvercloud

  1. Show me your favorite freebies, or places to get them. I'm looking specifically for skins because I'm pretty sure the one I have from 2009 is a lot outdated. I have found a few, they don't look very nice. I'm also looking for other freebies like clothes and hair. I don't need shapes. There is one caveat though. I need them to work with the system av.  I gave up on trying to get the free mesh bodies out there to look nice. They made me mad, I threw them in the ocean. 

    I know about fabfree, great website. A lot of it doesn't work for system avs but it's a good source. Yes I prefer free. The only exception I will make is really low cost like under $50L. Group gifts count if the group has no join fee, I'm allergic to join fees. I can search myself too, but you're smarter and I work smarter not harder. 

  2. Maybe I'll go around wearing that cardboard robot av forever, it is kind of cute. I sure hope that senra is more simple than the other mesh bodies I've tried between last night and today. They were all free ones, had promise but failed to deliver. My hopes were too high, or maybe I wasn't high enough. Either way, I gave up already. I'm a quitter lol. I have faith  in you LL, you can deliver! Save us system people from our own selves, please! 

    • Like 2
  3. This whole discussion has me confused lol. I guess I just never put much effort into learning more than the basics needed to get my system av the way I wanted her back before mesh was a thing. Avs are so confusing, so are bodies and heads and everything else. I'm not even new, just dumb occasionally and probably spent too much time away. I imagine some new users are going to struggle like this. I feel for them, it's rough out here, we need significant amounts of help!

    I'm going to put a little more effort today into trying to make one of the free mesh bodies I have work. I have a lovely head, so that's a start. I have high hopes, but if I don't return someone send snacks and substantial substances I might need to survive. I have little faith in my capabilities. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I thought his reply meant, "It's early days", in the context of "feet".

    Maybe I missed any reply that was relevant to "optimization".

    High feet would be an optimization, a necessary one imo. He said it wasn't made with it or had plans to. That sounds like they don't intend to.

    • Like 2
  5. It seems that from Patch's reply LL isn't all that interested in optimizing these bodies at all. Even if LL chose to keep it barebones and unoptimized, the body should still appeal to most new users directly out of the box.  If female avs still outnumber males significantly as I think they do, new residents will choose female over male more often than not. The female version seems to need more work. It doesn't have to be perfect but it does have to function better and meet bare expectations. I'm still interested in trying it, to see if all my standard clothes even fit it.  Maybe it's better than some of the free options I already have? I tried a couple last night and all they did was make me want to throw on a full alpha and never have a body at all. Back to system av for me. 

    Between this and mentor programs though I think LL is putting a lot of responsibility on users to not only get new people but keep them around. I think both are great ideas but LL might not be going about either the right way. I'm not sure where they're getting their feedback for some things. It might be time to search outside of the lab itself and take some cues from people inworld. There are a lot of smart people around with good ideas that might work better. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, Orwar said:

    .. And they're full-perm ..

    How 'bout you slide that bad boy this way. I'm sure I have some circa 2009-2010 outdated items I could offer as fine compensation. No one will ever know. 

    How do you feel about plain cubes blessed by jesus himself, or at least some guy that once behaved as though he was jesus reincarnated? Blessed might be a strong word, he swore a lot when I dropped them on him, that counts right? 

    • Like 1
  7. I just wanted to try the new avs, I've got the same thing others do. The folders are there, but they are empty and I have the 0/86 elements thing too. I was hoping there would be a thread here. I'll stick with my system av for now unless someone found a solution. Maybe they didn't expect that anyone would notice they were in there yet. Also clearing cache does nothing and I'm using fs if that helps anyone. 

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  8. Sorry, I know they are shared periodically here, and I visit, join, fav, follow, etc... hehe...

    But I would love to find more groups. Yes I have searched flickr for sl groups too, but I did notice that some of the groups I have joined via links on this board and following others, some of the groups do not come up in a flickr search. So, do you have any fav groups?

    I love, immensely, taking pics in sl, and I love looking at others' pics even more. Feel free to share your stream here too. It gives me something to look at, and ideas for pics as well.

    I can share my photostream, but, uh, fair warning, it's not extensive, and I'm not claiming to be a pro...I just like taking pics. It's still a work in progress, I have a LOT more I need to add. 


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