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Fay Starlight

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Everything posted by Fay Starlight

  1. Ummm i got it from my remote locale, it will be returned to the Governor this afternoon!
  2. Dang you are an expert on this stuff! Lolz
  3. Is there a boat rezz on the Lighthouse across from it?
  4. Ty, I actually grabbed something—anything from a remote location. Lol Have a feeling if I was in Antarctica I would be stumbling around in the snow looking for a signal! so most likely I will probably have one to dump in Edgemere later when I get home! Lol
  5. Yes! Yay! I loved it has a perfect sunset. I used the Adams, and built an open air porch on the front with beachy shutters! I am surprised it got passed around to be honest! I am not big on sand either, but I think I am gonna hold onto it and redo it. The sun is perfect and if the water was any closer you would fall in. There is no road on it either, its got a big park—or area buffering it from the road, and plenty of space around it. I can use sea grass, sea oats, pampass grass and other grassy but beach ground covers. I gave it up trying to help someone get a water lot, but they must have gotten something they loved better!
  6. Anything going on releases today? *refreshes phone at car dealership* lolz
  7. I staked out that cliff house for weeks and caught it at the release, glad someone will make something of it now, I had it and just never moved in. Had too many properties!
  8. I have had one right next to that one in the past, on the corner, no stairs by it, but elaborate sidewalks to get to it, it was different for sure!
  9. I got it, ty, i really loved it, perfect sunset and so close to ocean. I had built an adorable porch on the front last time! Maybe try to hold it until the new houses get added!?
  10. I gave up West Ivory a couple days ago making the rounds yay got it back! i regretted dumping it!
  11. I just dumped a place on Mallory and "Elvis" got it, he will probably dump it right away, he is picky!! LOL
  12. Hey, anyone know any places that sell good curtains----low prim---for Victorians?
  13. https://gyazo.com/c95b93123b8bfda4ba144e0395fad8a9 There is a pic I just took with the graphics on SL browser turned to extra bad! lol But its going in 30 sec!
  14. So anyone that wants this one it's going in about 1 minute! I hope I don't get it back for a third, it'snot a bad spot at all, will have western sunset, water/bridge/ and corner!
  15. I saw the sim go, i had an alt there and it got logged off, even knowing that, I still got iced out because I got send to OTHER houses not on that sim, I am too fast for my own good sometimes, lolz.
  16. I got that one on the release, dropped it and just got it, I have another there dropping in a sec too. I thought I was quoting but I mean the one Elena Core just posted, at the base of the bridge.
  17. I am throwing back Whitmarsh right at the base of the bridge, south side, in a couple minutes in anyone wants to try!
  18. I used to have it, it's on medicine Hat, right? A lot of people wanted that lot! This was meant for Emerald Storm
  19. I stalked it too, and some on Wood, but they forgot about Wood I guess?!?
  20. Wow you did let out a very nice one, I just went to Saltmarsh--I guess its a boat you have there? There is a boat right there on the fringe of Dahmn Straight - stuck in maintenance by the way! I used to have that camper there on the corner edge when that region released!
  21. Anyone notice they named a bunch more Vickie regions!? More Vickies to come very soon for home seekers!
  22. Granny please take all this great advice and give it a day or two and see if LL does anything or the griefer gets bored and leaves you alone! That is awesome about the blocked TP thing, LOL! I had no idea. You could always set the TP in at 4000M and that would be a hoot for that person to be falling falling...lol. I have TP'd into places like that, and there is nothing you can do but fall!
  23. I haven't dumped it yet if you have more alts! But signing in now, and I can wait a few minutes. I am standing at Belle Event trying to win free prizes and stuff and just flipping these alts for fun. EDIT TO ADD: Got Carrollton Bay Back, LOLZ!
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