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Gwin LeShelle

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Posts posted by Gwin LeShelle

  1. 3 minutes ago, Chris Corvinus said:

    It shouldnt be in a faq that no one knows where it is since nothing links to it. Or a forum post where new people arent gonna know where to look. It should be front and freaking center on the account page in the upgrade area that lists the available upgrades and what they offer.

    No need to snark at me it's not like I am the one who is to blame XD , if you would have read my answer you would get that I think the same about it, since my remarks about panic mode...

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  2. 54 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Well, his name is based off his RL name so it isn't meant to be cruel.

    When I saw his RL businesses had been snacks and car parts, I thought he sounded perfect for SL. SL is all about snacks and car parts, i.e. little things for consumers.

    When Coca Cola bought his organic snack company and then it became less natural, he was sort of resigned to it.

    He's been friends with Philip for some years and lives 3 blocks away from him and goes to Burning Man with him, so that seems like something.

    The only thing I didn't care for was his admission that he doesn't come inworld. Not because he is busy with other companies; he says he is thinking of SL "24/7". But he should come inworld and he might get some basics better and possibly solve them, like the welcome areas, the lack of effective advertising, etc.

    I don't need the Linden owners to have passion, I need them to have long-term, sustained concern and effectiveness. It has to turn a profit so it sustains his and other investors' interest, and that's fine.

    You had me at snacks XD nah for real you giving me a little more background information about him was nice thank you and makes him a tad bit more loveable 💜

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    The sign up bonus is typical for new premium subscriptions.

    So till we have the details I am not expecting this to apply to people upgrading to PP from any other kind of P account, or if they have had P before.

    Yeah that was my personal expectation too. 🤔 But when they stick to the release plan for once than we shouuuld see today what premium plus really is xD

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  4. 20 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    i'm not saying you háve to do something, it's just a reply to a post you made.
    3000 bonus is a perk that's only worth 12 bucks .. to trick people in a longer subscription while it does hardly cover 2 weeks of the product.
    If people got offered 12 dollars rebate on a pair of jeans of 249 dollars most would walk around it.

    Thanks again but I am not new to planet earth.

    I know how capitalism works XD 

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  5. I don't like Oberwolf, there I said it. I never said that before about a Linden x3 but he seems cold, and his name choice tells me enough about him.

    He's unattached, what can be a good thing for a company but in his case it seems more like ...not caring at all. He don't understands what SL is about and he don't even wants to is my impression. 

    No passion like Philip or Ebbe had. Not a hint of that in him.

    He's not communicating much with the community only on occasions where he really can not avoid it.


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  6. My best RL friend is premium too and we both plan to upgrade to plus, but she asked me about the 3000L that you can get.

    Is it for people that were never premium before ( I don't think those people are even attracted by Premium Plus XD) or for normal premium users that are upgrading too? 🤔 We couldn't find an answer to that.

    I apologize asking in her name but she is only speaking japanese x3

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I've seen some early concept drawings for these, and they look promising.



    Nah. You're right. Given the suburban or quasi-suburban aesthetic and layout that currently dominates Belli, they likely WILL be hideous McMansions, complete with 4 or 6 car garages, and steel gates to keep out the riffraff (like me!)

    I haven't snorted coffee for some time now...thanks for hitting me unexpected ..in this thread..with such a post lmao

    The garages killed me x3 and the cat kills me later in my sleep... but she is busy atm cleaning herself from my spilled coffee and staring all intimidating at me from acrosss the room xD 

    But ugh so true those houses are HUGE especially with the LI allowed on them ...and nower days you can get really nice things already with very low LI but I don't even know  what someone needss 700 rooms for haha but then I think of my mainland neighbours and their garages...they even had one car in their bedroom for some time... x3

    • Like 3
  8. 25 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Not an LL Fangirl, as such, and I'm not going to try to convince people here who are disappointed in this that they shouldn't be. From their perspective, I've no doubt they're right. Certainly, this isn't a thing I'm going to find worthwhile myself.

    But I DO love your positivity and excitement about this. It has actually, literally, made me smile.

    Aww 💓

    No LL fangirl either, still don't know what hit them in the head with pricing of those event regions XD but I think I heard Patch saying they will work on the pricing again...but my japanese is better than my English so not sure 😃

    I really also think in this discussion there is no right or wrong, since both sides have legit reasonings, it's just a personal preference to me. I guess I'm just happy to finally see progress again at LL x3 I also have RL friends who are not SL Premium and would NEVER go premium and I totally understand it, makes no sense for them so why wouldn't they x3 

    I wasn't Premium for a long while also, I lived basically in the infohub I was born in, and later rented, but grew frustrated with landlords leaving and getting homeless again after putting work into decorating so I'm just a lazy person lmao so for me premium and now premium plus is a nice chill way to play my SL the way I want it.

    I am someone who's in SL to decorate their parcel and play dress up doll x3 also 99 percent AFK because RL is so shiny and I love squishing my babies XD (don't tell them that mama is being embarrassing on the internet). But I love love being able to calm down and unwind from my night shifts by taking nice pics of my AV or by pushing virtual furniture x3 so I will totally signup on the 23rd and get myself a nice Sakura home to decorate lol (♡ω♡ ) ~♪but I can also totally understand people not seeing a value for themselves in it.

    • Like 6
  9. 10 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    This is a package for those that can more than afford it.  If you are making $100 USD/hr or more in RL, you pay for a year in 3 hrs after taxes.  Pocket change...

    It's why some drive Porsche's and some drive Fords, and some ride the bus.

    This is not a package for ordinary SLer's.  And it's not really a package for full region owners either, who already have so much more then Premium Plus offers.

    Why anyone needs 140 groups is mind boggling - how do you get anything else done?


    There you can see that everyone plays SL differently and its awesome! Some wonder who needs 140 groups, some wonder why some people need 7 alts to have 7 Linden Homes some love more animesh and so on. So I really embrace LL offering different packages maybe in the future there will be , GOH Premium, super animesh lover premium, groups until you drop premium 🤣 who knows but it's really a personal thing I believe and the diversity is what made me love SL in the first place.


    Edit: and I forgot the people who never were premium at all I bet they wonder why we weirdos even are premium at all x3 so yea everyone can play SL the way they need and love it 💜

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  10. 1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

    You've been able to do that for a long time with 2 x Premium accounts, costing US$50 less that you are about to pay.

    Yeah but I don't want to. I don't want to "stack alts" or play GOH... My RL daughter is premium also we have a nice groupowned (means LI maxed xD) parcel and now I can also have a LH next to it or make our parcel bigger. And I want MY account premium plus not some rando alt, not worth the hustle to save a few bucks (for me), also I don't get all the other perks from it. For me free upload and 140 groups alone are awesome. I think if this is worth it to people is like with basic account and premiums before...for some it was worth it for some it wasn't, simple like that.

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  11. 12 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    That can't be right.

    It's like LL didn't do the math on this at all. Two premium accounts with a group land bonus pretty much shuts this down.

    When premium, for a person is only about tier then yes, but for me it's much more also the other perks and supporting the company who's giving me a nice hobby x3 

    And maybe they will up the price for regular premium later on to even this or they will keep 24.99 🤔 who knows.

    I will be happy on the 23rd when it's released to upgrade and have the opportunity to have a Linden Home AND a mainland parcel 😊 and more animesh, and groups.. I am maxed out for months now X_X

    • Like 4
  12. 4 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    don't forget many people have to compare it to their current premium, ánd, some people currently already have a 400 or 500 l$ stipend, (as as told earlier possibly loose that after a P+ downgrade .. for these people  the raise partly is paid by themself becuase they háve it already)

    Just pointing out after this person tried to correct what others were saying, that this is what Patch said XD I don't care for all the weird comparison spreadsheets. For me it's awesome to upgrade.

    In our household we pay for YT Premium, we have 4 Xbox game passes, switch online family plan, Netflix, Disney+, 2 kids have a Fortnite monthly subscription, Humblebundles...Minecraft servers and much more XD I really don't need to get all my money back worth of stuff in a premium plus I am happy I can have a bigger plot of mainland or a LH the stipend is awesome ...more groups but that is ME. So if others don't see a use it's awesome too x3 was just correcting a false statement.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    What made me angry was Patch opening with how he's all about concurrency in a location and how awesome it is to have SO MANY people in one place.

    There is nothing awesome about sitting in a crowd of 200 people in single digit FPS not moving, barely able to follow chat waiting for something, anything, to happen.

    SL is not a spectator sport.

    It's about personal participation.

    Peek SL is 4 friends together, engaged and active.

    This is the same "event's as a end in themselves" hill that Sansar crash and burnt on.

    To be fair...I am one moping about those new event regions whenever I can ...but this time I had like 50fps without derendering anyone x3 💜

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  14. I am upgrading too 😊 I am not one of those "premium stackers" who is premium just for the purpose to own as many Linden Homes as possible.

    I am happy I can keep our parcel AND have enough Land allowance to own a LH too, and more animesh yay.

    More groups, awesome as a blogger you never can have enough XD more stipend? Yay for sure, for me SL is just pure fun expense I don't expect "value" other than entertaining me. And I am surely entertained x3 

    We have many subscriptions in our household and some months we don't even touch Netflix or another one, but do I care? It's awesome to have it when I need it, so no other value for me personally needed.

    Don't need some Linden knocking my RL door and patting my back for it, some people in here seem to have expected something like this.



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  15. I was so ready to hit the "upgrade to premium plus" button and was sooo looking forward to the opening and ouch was I disappointed when Patch just mentioned the "new membership stuff" on a side note :( all my excitement is gone now and I don't even care anymore, I'm so tired of their "soons" by now because they are never even close to soon. Meh. Probably the perks are just disappointing anyways but maybe my inner 5yo is just a little too frustrated about the waiting time now lol

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