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Posts posted by CheriColette

  1. 1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

    while a lot of the attention is focused on Meghan, I think much of what is happening has to do with Harry

    Harry is now 6th in the line of succession. Anyone in this situation I think would wonder what is their purpose in all this

    when the person can't see any purpose for themselves, other than opening sporting/public events, and having their every action scrutinised and commented on because they are supposed to be a role model setting a good example, then is understandable why the person might want out it

    for sure Harry is also annoyed at the treatment being dished out to Meghan by some of the commentarati, I think tho there is a lot of him himself in this

    i think having a child plays on Harry's mind also. I don't think he wants his child to go thru what he went thru himself as a child. Living with the commentarati who were in some cases quite nasty toward his own mother, and he sees some of that same nastiness now directed toward the mother of his own child

    a thing which makes Harry's situation a whole lot different from any other person's life is that he didn't choose the life he has, he was born into it. He can tho choose to walk away, which he is contemplating  

    i hope Harry and Meghan can find a good space in all this for themselves and can go on and be happy together as a couple and as a family with their child

    Well put Molly. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

    I was thinking of entering then I saw a lot of impossibly good photos from 2010, and some from as late as 2015, so I didn't bother.

    Im sure your photo will be great but if you worried and still have that avi in your inventory, you could take a photo today (it doesnt say the photo has to be from that decade, just your avatar). 

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  3. 6 hours ago, JMB Balogh said:

    I cringe at my 2010 raw photo.  I obviously didn't have a clue how to edit my chin. LOL .   The 2020 is also unedited. 


    Photography has come a long way in ten years. Back when I started photo editing was essential, now days I just go with raw shots. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Rules of Engagement..

    That show just has me in tears laughing all the time..Everyone is funny on that show..

    I about fell off the couch laughing when they went to the fertility doctor..


    LOL...(Rules of Engagement) By myself?.....Yes. The moment you been practising for all these years. 


    I watched this: The Bonfire of Destiny over the weekend on Netflix. 8 episodes= 8 hours

    It is based on the true life event from 1897 but not any of the characters. 126 people did die in the real fire and a further 200 people injured, most of whom were aristocratic women and their children.

    5/5 Stars 



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