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Everything posted by Jerry00Devou

  1. nice,lol tonight i will be at the world's ending party it will be explosive :smileyhappy:
  2. Hello,:smileyvery-happy: i'm here to have fun,i will be happy to contact you
  3. BleedingLotus wrote: Hi feel free to add me bleedinglotus : P Hi,thank you,you will be added
  4. valerie Inshan wrote: Welcome back to SL! If you want to meet good friends and lovely people, you can start by joigning this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/Where-are-all-my-friends-Come-on-in-and-lets-get-comfy-by-the/td-p/710077 Lol, you dont have to go through the 626 pages, but be sure you will be warmly welcome here. Plus, most people posting to this thread are also friends inworld. Alors, encore une fois, bienvenue à la maison ! :smileyhappy: Thank you,it's look like a nice thread,i will try to join you :smileyhappy:
  5. Hello,and good morning everybody,hi Val,hipp,lia and all your friends... This is a nice thread,i hope you will accept me here,because i want to join.... And by the way,Happy world's ending ...
  6. Hello,i didn't play sl for a moment,then i'm back and there is no logged friends in my list,so if you need a friend or you want a new friend just contact me or send an add .
  7. I just want to try a third party viewer,what do you advice me ?
  8. Nuhai Ling wrote: Welcome back to SL! A few of us are still here but as you have perceived a lot has changed... I know that goes against the previous replies above but from my chair / couch / dance pole (in SL anyway), I completely understand your questions about traffic, old places, etc. Change occurs in SL all the time. People come and go, inovative places rise and fall, new viewer(s) and features create discord, etc. but I think most would agree a deeper shift than normal has occurred during the last year. The numbers tell a third of the story; visitation is down significantly, private regions have declined more than 10% with two months left to go, and marketplace sales have replaced in-world business transactions. Another third of the story is Linden Lab's abandonment of Second Life in pursuit of other start-up projects. For example, this year they pulled all support from the Second Life Conference (canceled) and Second Life Birthday (sponsored instead by generous residents), discontinued providing grid metrix (now performed by third parties), and discussed only their new app projects in the news media. Finally there is the last third which you noticed right away; the loss of great long-time places and uber-experienced residents. Remaining in SL is a personal decision for every resident and RL factors play an important part, but people do wonder why places that have been around for years and are widely popular suddenly closed now. This is not the first time SL has seen massive drops in visitors, an exodus of businesses, and hatred / confusion of viewers, etc. (those who survived the first 6 months of Viewer 2 know what I am talking about), but there seems to be a deeper and more fundamental loss going on this year than previous times. Talking about all of this, I might sound like a doom and gloom girl spouting off that Second Life is about to end but that is not the case. In fact, I think Linden Lab has to keep the grid power on to pay for all their new tablet products. Basically I am betting they will squeeze SL for all its worth (and then some because I don't think they know blood does not come from rocks) before they shut it down. How long that will take is anyone's guess but I have a feeling I will be spouting off absurd statements here for at least another two years... Hmm, maybe that does make me a gloom and doom girl, but in a happy kind of way, right?! Anyway, back to the question at hand. Yes, SL has changed but being physically different (virtually speaking) with an altered in-world economy, set of core values and company goals is not really good or bad, its just.... different. Coming back after such a long absence will make you feel like a noob in some ways but your previous experiences will make re-learning faster and less awkward. Enjoy SL for what it is today and remember the golden rule; always have fun first! So this is another side,i have thought about this in my first hypothesis,it's a bit sad but i'm not hopeless.Thanks for the info.
  9. Mylie Foxclaw wrote: You can add me if you wish. I don't have many friends either. Thank you,add sent
  10. Thank you. Very important information here ,i think this made me enlighten some of my ideas of S.L. now and answer my interrogation about.
  11. After just two years of absence,i'm back in sl,and saw that there is a huge change in many sims,sadly it's in the negative way because there is less people than before and less action and a decreasing of fun,it's just what i think after 5 days of playing,it's different,i don't know what you think but it's just what i see.
  12. Je crois que j'ai eux le mème problème avec un avatar en mesh,je pensais que le probleme vienait de l'avatar lui mème,apres des recherches,j'ai fini par contacter son concepteur qui ma confirmé le cas et je l'ai changé par un autre.
  13. I'm not korean,but i speak very well korean,maybe i can help you.
  14. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Jerry00Devou wrote: ...now i'm a sim and i'm taking in local alone they :smileyfrustrated:ignore whyy, ... Maybe they can't see what you're saying because your font isn't large enough. edited..
  15. Just send a friend add to me and welcome to my friend list
  16. The same case for me,you can send me a friend add or a im if you want
  17. Sonja Smedley wrote: Hey there !!!! Welcome back t o SL !!!!!! I hope you have fun :0) Thank you :smileyvery-happy:
  18. Greetings I'm just back in sl after a long time of absence,and i think i need friends here because it's a bit silent and not active,so if you search a friend or you want to render service to someone who is a bit only and lost all of his old friends in sl,so please send me a friend add or just im me, thank you
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